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Everything posted by EricaBunny

  1. EricaBunny

    Friendly or Bandit?

    You really have to evaluate the situation you're in. If they're well armed, be careful. Play it safe. There's a lot of KoS players who KoS because they don't want to lose their gear to a bambi with one bullet and some luck. However, if you feel they're not moving in a hostile way? Gun lowered and stuff? I'd say take the risk. But always do what you can to keep the odds in your favor. Have a way out. I generally do not shoot on sight, and am not a very cautious player so I die a lot, that's okay. The way I see it, is now that I have all the military gear? It's time to go meet people. If someone kills me and takes it? Well, horray! Loot pinata! It's why I usually keep my hunter pack full of goodies. Being friendly pays off in DayZ..but, more often than not, it won't. As they say, at ones own risk.