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Everything posted by Samm_B

  1. Samm_B

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Hi, thanks for the help firstly! I wasn't intending to buy an SSD as this would be primarily for gaming online. The CPU/PSU option you were talking about. Would it be wiser to downgrade on the CPU to get a better PSU? If so would you be able to recommend a good i5 CPU and a better PSU? If not, don't worry, I'll stick with this build and eventually upgrade. But thanks for the help! Assuring that the build actually would run :P
  2. Samm_B

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    http://gyazo.com/c1a2706f2ed696ea747b913679a289f7 Try this one :)
  3. Samm_B

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Hi, I'm buying my first custom PC, and I've built it with the help of a website, that lets you know if all the components are compatible. This is my build: http://gyazo.com/c1a2706f2ed696ea747b913679a289f7 I was wondering if this would be powerful enough to run DayZ, and any other modern games such as BF4 ( but DayZ Standalone especially ) On high settings with smooth 60+ FPS? The build will cost around £950 and wouldn't like to go over this price mark. I would like to know if I need to upgrade any of the parts or if this is good enough to run it on mid/high settings. This website only has a few parts to choose from, but I wanted a GTX 770 and some sort of i7 processor. I'm new to all the PC building stuff so wanted to know if it's better to stick with Nvidia GTX 770, or maybe go for an AMD? I am NOT looking to overclock any of the parts either! Sorry for the long read, but I'd appreciate help greatly, as I don't want to be wasting my money! As I say, I only have a budget of really £900, so £950 is pushing it! Thanks for any replies, and any advice will be helpful!