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CyberDemon (DayZ)

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About CyberDemon (DayZ)

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  1. CyberDemon (DayZ)

    Whats the best/fastest way to get an M107/AS50?

    Find server which restarts every N hours (low N - best N :) ). In most cases at least one of heli crashes will be around NWAF (check E,W,S directions from airfield about one-two kilometers).
  2. CyberDemon (DayZ)

    Is having hacked weaponry bannable?

    I kick & warn player about restricted weapon. One time player didn't understand me and replied that he found AS50 with thermal scope on my server. After a few kicks, his GUID was added to ban list. Amen.
  3. CyberDemon (DayZ)

    Vehicles do not respawn after reassigning

    As I know, vehicels and tents were linked & saved on the server, not as players (on hive). Are you 100% sure? ;) I did this operation about month ago and vehicles were "teleported" back to their spawn positions.
  4. CyberDemon (DayZ)

    Vehicles do not respawn after reassigning

    Reassigned. Of course I have not changed instance ID. I just reassigned mission while being logged in as admin on the server. I didn't do any changes in server configuration. Hoster - Vilayer. They told me that only dayz support can help with this.
  5. CyberDemon (DayZ)

    Vehicles do not respawn after reassigning

    SOS! DayZ team, please help! :)
  6. CyberDemon (DayZ)

    Making videos

    I should say "playclaw takes less" (guess why :D) but I say "try it" :) Every tool has trial version.
  7. CyberDemon (DayZ)

    Making videos

    PlayClaw rules :) Trust me, I know the truth ;)
  8. CyberDemon (DayZ)

    Vehicles do not respawn after reassigning

    Reassigned 2 times & restarted 5 times or more :D
  9. I've reassigned the map, all tents were deleted (as expected), vehicles were deleted (as expected) but now they're not respawning (as completely not expected). Checked about 5 respawn points where vehicles MUST BE on fresh map :) Any advices? :) Or may be support will help with this? I've created ticket on support.dayzmod.com 24+ hours ago but no still answer... (support ticket #995742).
  10. CyberDemon (DayZ)

    Possible cheat?

    One day I tried to look at real time log file of my server and found one interesting thing (under spoiler). Right after player login (i've replaced his nickname with ######) I saw suspicious keyword M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo As I know, DayZ has not this weapon (m4 + GL + SD) and this weapon can be spawned only by cheat script. Am I right? Is this log is a cheat log? Do I need to publish his nickname and ban on next login? :) This player logged in twice in 30 minutes and I saw m4a1_gl_sd keyword twice.
  11. is ready. Just updated my server
  12. CyberDemon (DayZ)

    LU7 admin abuse?

    [bM] are not admins of this server.
  13. Just got installed version. Fast skype response & problem fix.
  14. I have only just one question - how to change timezone? Currently it looks like server time ~11pm and my time ~8am and this is no good :)
  15. Cool, just got 30slot for the same price :)