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Everything posted by MG9207

  1. MG9207

    Your fetish item

    DPM boonie hat with a cammo rag covering my face and black shades
  2. MG9207

    Been gone awhile, what's new?

    Been gone for 2 months....Zombies still run through doors and walls, switching weapons still doesn't work with hotkeys, still get FPS chokes. And oh yeah, zombies are more reactive now but chase your ass all through town....it seems like they perfectly know after the 5th turn your taking a left and going into a house.
  3. MG9207

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    3 hours ago ? http://steamdb.info/app/221100/history/
  4. MG9207

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    18,3 mb update ? looool
  5. MG9207

    "I'm not going to shoot you"

    Lesson i learned; Nobody's friendly at a military base; KOS !!!
  6. MG9207

    The Wipe is upon us

    Just logged it, played for a bit and encountered a heli crash with a M4 :O so nope ^^
  7. MG9207

    Just stop..

  8. MG9207

    Just stop..

    That's why i run now with a group of 5-6 people. We all got 1 thing in common, tired of getting killed on sight or for no reason. Now we are the one's at large with atleast 2 snipers 2 ak's and me with a AK and mosin to hunt people down. Bambi's go free eventually they get food and drinks and a band aid or rags. Other's who are pretty geared go under fire. unless they surrender they get stripped from their ammo & maybe other valueables but we let them live.
  9. MG9207

    Character wipes ?

    So when are they happening ?, i have heard before the new update release. But so far there has nothing been revealed about the release date of 0;49. Heads up ?
  10. MG9207

    DayZ is a game about theft.

    Me & my crew kill other players simply for fun & loot. Becuz otherwise. Ther isn't nothing else to do. But don't worry i try to go headshot stricktly to get your most nicest stuff with me :3.
  11. If the throwing mechanism would be fixed to be able to throw agrandedecently. Yess. Now. You're never sure where it'll go or where it hits.
  12. I already jhad fckn 4 character wipes in 2 days. It's nothing new dude. No need to post a new thread to mention it.
  13. MG9207

    Server question.

    Becuz there isn't a pinned thread saying that there is a maintenance on the servers ''every damn wednesday''. ;)
  14. MG9207

    Server question.

    (y) Didn't know -_-
  15. MG9207

    Server question.

    Wel yeah, but that still doesn't anwser WHY i only get Experimentals at Stable. And nothing else, also my fav's are gone.
  16. MG9207

    Server question.

    Yeah whas sup with the servers doe ?. I only get Experimental @Stable version.
  17. MG9207

    Character wipe on disconnect/server restart!

    Good luck withit it m8...I see tons of osts like these spread over a time distance over a year but it seems it' whas never taken under the loop. And from my search i realised it's nothing we can do about it. it's the save/cloud system that fails to save/load. Becuz the servers i always played on worked as it should. Until yesterday. None of 'em does anymore.
  18. MG9207

    Character wipe on disconnect/server restart!

    I logg back in and what do i see ?. Character reset
  19. MG9207

    Character wipe on disconnect/server restart!

    Got the same issue, but my thread i just posted got deleted. So yours will also be probably deleted for mentioning this. 2 days 3 character wipes for me.
  20. Just a minute ago i got taken under fire at Vvybor military base. As i knew there whas someone up the hill behind the jailhouse i whas eagl eye'ing to see if i could spot someone. By no chance did i spot anyone, so i decided to continue my way to Novo this time, but it didn't last long. 5m,s away from the jailhouse i heard a sound of getting meeled ?, then 3 4 shots ?!. In panic i ran to a barrack as i turned and fire just a couple of shots to scare the other player. As i got into the barrack i bandaged up, wated 5 seconds and logged off. I logged back on and my character whas reset ? :/. Are you f*cking serious ?....wel if it's this way it works i hope the s*cker didn't get the chance to loot me. Vybor military base seems to have campers at all times. There hasn't been one time i came out of there NOT getting shot at and dying. And i usually get out of open places becuz i feel vunreable as hell. Wel Day z have been a trip so far, Kos'ers, campers, and shady people who are friendly the 1st 10 minutes then hunt you down the next 30 minutes still getting their ass done like beef Anyhow i know there are people playing this game way longer then i do but when going to Vybor military base. Make sure you have the perimeter around it checked and cleared before going to the barracks ;)
  21. MG9207

    Sniping is a cowards technique?

    It seems someone can't handle the paranoia in game xD
  22. MG9207

    Mental Health

    This is Day z, not Amnesia (the dark descent). If this will be inmplented in no time everybody be shooting around at nothing.
  23. MG9207

    Typicall Day Z Encounter

    Typicall behaviour of players From 3:00 minutes to 3:30. Note; He already said he whas going to risk all of his gear doing what you'll see in the video so no need for the unecessary trol comments. This video shows 80% of my encounters basically. And i'm sure there are plenty in this community who will recognize this s(h)ituation http://youtu.be/XGk7p1CJAEY?t=3m
  24. MG9207

    Typicall Day Z Encounter

    Cheers m8 :D, have some off mine !