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About hibskids

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. hibskids

    Paradox Gaming

    Appoved come on teamspeak @ts3.paradox-gaming.org for a quick interview
  2. hibskids

    Paradox Gaming

    Appoved come on teamspeak @ts3.paradox-gaming.org for a quick interview
  3. hibskids

    Paradox Gaming

    ★★ Information ★★ We are a chilled out clan looking for players that have same goals as us. We mainly look for mature players with good behavior, but we can accept a good laugh sometimes. Our goals are to kill bandits in-game and search for other survivors. We are scattered all over the Northern regions, all the way down to the South coast. Occasionally we group up and clear out from small towns to big towns. We will happily accept anyone who wishes to become a part of our clan. ★★★ ★ Ranks ★ Recuit: To see if you are active and loyal (1 Week Period) Member: you are loyal and active and officially apart of Paradox Gaming Veteran: you are loyal and active and the community like you and a good help to Paradox Gaming ★★ How To Apply ★★ 1] Nickname: 2] Region(Country): 3] Are you willing to be active: 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: 5] Steam name: 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: 7] How many Clans have you been In: 8] Previous experience: 9] How many bandits have you killed: 10] Are you willing to help other players: ★★★ ★ Copy this and post below ★ ★★★ ★★★ Requirements ★★★ 1] You Be Mature.2] You need to be an active member.3] If you're going inactive you need to tell us, too much inactivity will get you removed from our group.4] You are expected to follow our rules, you are required to read them before joining.5] Be mature and respect other members within our community.6] Don't act hostile in-game unless your opponent gets hostile first.7] Help people in-game, as that's one of our main objectives.8] You're expected to play with 'Paradox' in your name (PG).9] Don't ask for promotions.10] Once you get accepted, you will be required to join teamspeak and get sorted out. ★★★ Contact: Contact Info Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Paradox_Gaming_Community Teamspeak: ts3.paradox-gaming.org Website: http://www.paradox-gaming.org (Website is working in Progress)