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Posts posted by mdog6934

  1. No, Limited steam accounts still have the right to play other online games, no where in the steam restriction policy does it say that we cannot play online games, I can still play Company of heroes online. I have the same problem as he does, I charge-backed the amount of another game and that was that. Limiting my account was understandable but should not be affecting online gameplay. I have never been vac or be banned look me up account: mdog6934. This is a problem that needs to be fixed for people who payed for the game and cannot play it. They have no right to restrict access to the game cause my account is limited that doesn't make any sense. 

  2. I have found the problem, this has been happening to people with restricted steam accounts. I really need the devs to be informed about this so we can play the game we love and payed for. A chargeback for another game should not affect the online gameplay of DayZ and nowhere in the restriction policy does it say anything about restrictions of online games. Proof of that is found when I can play other games with my friends on steam. This is clearly a DayZ SA issue and the devs need to see it so people who payed for the game can play it. 

  3. Yup, I have the Session Lost problem as well, IT occurs to people with restricted accounts. Steam restriction is not allowed to stop the access of games that the chargeback was not directed towards. I also payed for this game and a chargeback for another game should not affect the ability to play Dayz. The steam restriction clearly states the specifics and it says nothing about the restriction of online gameplay. Devs, this problem has been consistent since January, I believe you have the power to fix it and let me play the game I payed for. Thank you.

  4. Hello, I would just like to start out by saying that I have never been VAC or BE banned. I started getting this problem a day ago when I tried joining a server. It repeatedly says session lost and I cannot join a server. I have re-installed Day z, verified game cache, restarted router and computer, and re-installed BattlEye. My username is mdog6934 so you can check whether I have banned by VAC or BE. I appreciate all the help I can get cause I love the game. Thanks.
