vaelorth you also have to make sure you have overwatch enabled and possibly loaded up before epoch. and the semicolon being there is just to let you know that the number is the port so ip address then below in the port box the 4-digit number
These servers live up to their names. Napf and Chernarus no pvp maps are absolutely devastating. you never know when that next bandit is going to come out at. and you are always on guard. some may think no pvp means less things to do and you are absolutely incorrect if anything it takes no pvp for you to tackle the obstacle that is the bandit menace. you fight for survival every step of the way between roaming AI and jets and helicoptors ready to kill and destroy your existence. you can team up with players across the map and take on Bandit Island or North Airfield on Napf, or take on Pesha and North East Airfield in Chernarus but either way you reap the rewards or that devastating long hike back to recover gear,body and pride. you dont live long but you learn to make the most of it, each map is its own story.. Beware You thought zeds where the worst of your worries. Get out there and stop the Bandits and zombies at all costs for they know no boundaries they will shoot you in the face for the clothes on your back and they are fighting just like you are, but for the wrong reasons. take the fight to them give them no quarter and always double tap because THAT is the difference between living and dieing at the hand of an enemy.