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Nobodyuknow (DayZ)

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About Nobodyuknow (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Nobodyuknow (DayZ)

    How long does it take to get dry after exposure to rain?

    It's not raining or a coldfront approaching or any other weather condition I can imagine coming in. I've ran from the top of the mountain to the coastline and it degrades exponentially. It happened yesterday while I was playing, which eventually resulted in my character losing consciousness. The only status effect logged was 'soaked' regardless of what I did to remedy it (changing clothes, setting inside a building, etc) Maybe it's just a glitch idk at this point. I don't think it's a frame drop as my rig can run any game launched in the last 6 months on high resolution. Thanks for responding though. Still researching.
  2. Nobodyuknow (DayZ)

    How long does it take to get dry after exposure to rain?

    I've noticed my character getting dull-screened while being 'soaked'. Maybe that's a new added status effect/exposure as there is nothing else wrong. I'm not thrirsty, hungry, bleeding, hurt, etc. Taking the clothes off and finding new ones doesn't seem to improve the situation either. Is there something I'm missing? I know we're alpha still so....advice?
  3. Nobodyuknow (DayZ)

    Lost In The Wilderness

    I'd like to see an in-game map ('m' key) for areas you have been. As in most other games like Age of Empires, etc. Checking the suns position depending on time of day or using constellations at night is useful and probably more true-to-life as it would be in that situation, but to get rid of the grrrr factor a evolving map would be nice. I know we're in alpha, maybe this will make it to dev at some point. I had a compass at one point, it seemed useless in 'prestine' condition. Maybe I was using it wrong or it was glitched. Move to proper topic if necessary. Thanks.