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(Hero) Bravo

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About (Hero) Bravo

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  1. (Hero) Bravo

    A Few DayZ SA Ideas

    I had a few DayZ Ideas, and wanted to see other people’s opinion of them. Realism Fatigue – Now, anyone who’s played Arma III will know that this can be a bit tedious. Basically, it puts a cap on sprinting and other stamina related actions. But it’s realistic. I can’t say I know anyone who can sprint for 30 minutes straight. If this added, I would prefer to see it after vehicles are all set up. Gradual Healing of Broken Limbs – Now, don’t just take it from me, Chenarussian Scientists could have made substantial advances in Morphine and Splint Medical Technology, but I’m pretty sure a jab of Morphine doesn’t instantly heal anyone with a broken leg. Anyway, what I think should occur that once Morphine is applied, the player should be able to walk, but their full running speed is gradually returned to normal over time, perhaps 15 minutes? Fall Damage – Now I’m sure the Developers are aware of this, but falling from five feet should not break your legs. This should be tweaked, but yes, I know it’s an Alpha. Miscellaneous Items Battery-powered Radios – I can hear you now, “Excuuuse me, Author, but of what use would those be? Let me lay it out for you: It’s a dark and stormy night in Cherno. You are a Sniper sitting in an apartment, waiting for someone to cross your sight-line. After a while of seeing no one, you ask the question: “Anyone in Cherno?” Right as you’re about to switch servers, you hear music. It sounds like 50s music, coming from upstairs, you decide to investigate. In a room at the end of the hall, you discover the source of the music: a Battery-powered Radio, sitting on the floor. You decide to leave. You start to walk back down the hallway when those famous words appear: You are Unconscious. EDIT: Because someone hit you with something, it was a trap. Pretty good, eh? And no, you couldn’t do the exact thing with voice chat because radio could remain stationary while you go somewhere else. Night-vision Goggles – Yes, reader, you CAN see in the dark by turning gamma all the way up and disabling clouds, and if you didn’t know that, you’re welcome. But, assuming the Developers fix that, a pair of goggles granting you the ability to see in the dark would be very useful. The would be mounted on the head. EDIT: I've been notified that Night Vision Goggles are actually already in DayZ SA. I guess they're really rare. Night-vision Binoculars – The same thing as the Night-vision Goggles, but are able to see at considerably longer ranges, and are not mounted on the head. FLIR/Thermal Binoculars – I would hope these to be extremely, and I mean extemely rare. I want these to make Solar Alignments look as common as iPhones. Basically, these would grant the ability to see in the dark and through smoke (I’ll get to that in a bit). They would also assist in giving to user the ability to more easily discern targets at longer ranges. Range Finders - Would be used to accurately access the range from you and a reference-point. Weapons Flare Guns - Yes, I know there are flares in-game, but these would allow you to shoot flares in the air, perhaps with flair. Oh, look, that rhymed. High-caliber Handguns - Desert Eagles, Revolvers, something like that. These would have a limited magazine size but would make up for it with stopping-power. They also might take up more space. Compact Handguns - Somewhat the opposite of the High-caliber Handguns, these would also have a smaller magazine size, and would have a lower caliber. These would take up less space as a benefit. Remote Detonated Explosives - Explosives with the ability to be detonated from a distance with a Wireless or Wired Detonator. The explosives could be lethal or non-lethal. Laser Pointers - Because running around Elektro shining lasers on people would just be hilarious. Could also be useful for painting targets when assisting a friendly Sniper. Thowables Sleeping Gas - Okay, say some guy is holed up in a room and is expecting you. You don't want to charge in, so you throw a Gas Grenade in. If he doesn't vacate the area, his screen will rapidly blur until he falls unconscious. Non-lethal. Smoke Grenades - Got a Sniper, or anyone really, pinning you down from a distance? Pop some Smoke for a quick escape. Decoy Grenades - Basically, when activated, these grenades would make various noises to get attention. Could be used to scare away or attract. I would also like to see these rare, as I would not like to walk in Berezino and wonder if the automatic fire I just heard was actually automatic fire. Counter-measures Radio-frequency Jammer - When activated, this device would render nearby Wireless Detonators, Walkie-talkies, or any RF device useless. Useful if walking through what could be an ambush. Perhaps as a method of usage control, the wearer could suffer from nausea and related symptoms after a bit from the RF waves. EDIT: To those saying that these would likely not be found in Chenarus, you must recall that, in the US at least, they are issued to some law-enforcement agencies. Due to the abundance of Military Bases in Chenarus, it's not out of the question to think at least one is laying around. Weapons Attachments Night-vision Scopes - Same principle as the Night-vision Binoculars, just attachable to various weapons. Would come in different varieties with appropriate zoom levels. FLIR/Thermal Scopes - Same thing as before, but I want them even rarer. Grenade Launchers - I believe I've already seen a GP-25 on the Developer wishlist on the DayZ Wiki. These would essentially allow you to send ordinance at a longer range. Heartbeat Sensors - That was a joke! Just a joke, don't worry. Actions and Abilities Weapon Disarming - If someone's holding you at gunpoint, you have your hands out, and they're close enough, you should be able to disarm them and take their weapon. Blind Fire - You should be able to blind fire around corners to reduce exposure at a cost of accuracy. Well, that's about it for now. Leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments, if you are so inclined.