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Everything posted by Xianyu
I've actually just come up with an elegant solution to server hopping! :D to the suggestion forum!
The problem is...what possible mechanics could they put in place? In that other game I believe that they made Z's spawn on top of you if you server-hopped. then they tried forcing you outside into the spawns, which led to spawn camping on every single server. Each possible way to stop server hopping has exploits, except tying your loot to that server - private hives. Even if they made it so that you can't server hop...that fucks over people like me with inconsistent internet. I get kicked for ping on at LEAST 80% of servers I play on. And then I move to a different one and cross my fingers, hoping for the best. Simply put, there's no 'magic bullet' to stop this kind of bullshit metagaming, and there never will be. Except private hives. And the most stringent of anti-hopping systems... they'll just find a way around them.
Nobody plays vanilla because it's too hard. Why fuck around with darkness when you can get a 24/7 daylight? Why creep past zombies when you can start with a pistol? Why search endlessly for vehicles when you can have them spawn, fully repaired, in every single town? Welcome to the watered-down slurry that is new DayZ, where private servers and private loadouts are king, and the A.D.D. as fuck wannabe DayZ players rule. Can't learn to find a pistol in loot because they're brought up on this shit like CoD where your lifetime is measured in seconds and the best weapons are handed to you the moment you start playing. So they take the easy route. And goddamn, the standalone is gonna be such a culture shock. It's going to be hilarious.
There have been suggestions for the ability to drag dead bodies already. Mainly to get them out of line of sight. Pull them behind a tree before you do your looting, etc. I'm suggesting doing away with the hiding of bodies entirely, and completely replacing it with the ability to DRAG a body. This way, you don't have a magical way of removing a body from the world. In real life, bodies don't just disappear. You need to hide them. Maybe we can have a context menu for hiding bodies in the trunks of cars, or stuffing them in those outdoor toilets, or secreting them under bushes or etc. But having the ability to remove loot from the server by way of magically making someone's body disappear into the ether is just not a very good mechanic. It's akin to destroying an AS50 with your backpack. It makes no sense. With the standalone, duping won't be such a problem hopefully, and items will have degradation. So if possible, we could deny other survivors items by setting the body on fire, or blowing it up, or something like that. Or by hiding the body somewhere out of the way and hoping no one comes across it. But just making a body magically disappear into the ether is pretty 'immersion breaking'.
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I never asked about them changing the ping limit. I can find a few aussie servers that I can play on. Just when my friend wants to play with me, HE gets kicked for ping. I already made a suggestion for adding the ping limit to the server info screen or multi-national parties. But you can't see it because of this god-awful system of only the most contested of ideas being pushed to the front page all the time. I've got a suggestion for that, too. I've already pointed in a 'wtf is wrong with the people who don't like new cans?' thread that repairing cars in ten seconds, stuffing tires, rotor assemblies, engines, and windshield glass into your backpack is FAR more immersion breaking than a can of Herpy Dooves Canned Muffins. And to the crux of the issue, AGAIN, you insinuate that this inconveniences me. Why don't you listen to yourself? Oh, you're just saying this because you were inconvenienced'. You know how many times I've looted my previous body? NEVER. FUCKING NEVER. CAPS FOR EMPHASIS. Never. Not ONCE have I returned to where I died. Why? Because I really don't die that often. And when I do, I'm an hour inland! What's the point of going after my previous body when I can just as easily find shit on the way there that is equal in effectiveness? When I die, it's always to zombies. And no matter what loot I lose, I'm good enough at DayZ that I can find a new primary weapon and a pistol WHEREVER. Sniper rifle lost? So what. Plenty of crash sites to loot. Bandits to hunt. I don't need a sniper rifle to be deadly. Because I'm smarter than my prey. But you can't seem to understand that even though I don't need it, I can still make suggestions for betterment of the game. Are my words registering yet? Can you get past this mental stumbling block you have where you can't even understand the basic premise of an argument? I can understand why, here of all places, you would think that the majority of people are QQing crybabies who want the game easier for them. But seriously. Listen. What is your argument against it? Oh, I like being able to hide loot, and why scale down something and not something else. First, the loot. As I said many times previously, the standalone will have degradating items. You could DESTROY them. Not just hide them away magically, but physically destroy them so they can't be used. But you wouldn't be able to destroy the body, which is much heavier evidence of bandit activity nearby. It's a cue to players who find that body, that something happened there. Even if all the gear is GONE and DESTROYED. And the other argument. The 'omg why scale down this and not everything else?' That is the stupidest argument ever. So, we're not increasing the realism of EVERYTHING at once, so we shouldn't increase the realism AT ALL in ANY area? Probably the only reason why I don't have anything to say about vehicles and helicopters is because I don't use them. I run everywhere because it's quieter and I can't get my shit stolen by someone who just happens upon my vehicle. Because I left the keys in the car, apparently. Should I make a thread where I suggest fixing every unrealistic POS thing this mod has in it, that could be being addressed already? So that people can pick and choose what to whine about? Okay, fine. Engine blocks should have be placed on a series of pullies, or pulled on a sled dragged by no less than four people. They should be separated into the different piston sizes, fuel tank sizes, etc etc. Differentiate them based on CC amounts, fuel used. Allow modding kits for manual or automatic transmissions. When placing the engine into a car, we will need a full workshop, with a crane for holding the engine block in place while it's lowered into the car. And if you get the wrong engine size, too bad. Fuel tank parts should require at least two people to carry them. They shouldn't be cross-compatable unless you take a course in mechanics beforehand. Fuel stations should always be empty to simulate the fact that no fuel production facilities work any more. Leaking fuel tanks should always leave a trail of gasoline behind the vehicle in question that can be set on fire with matches. Weapons should explode in your hands the moment you fire them to simulate being left out in the weather for years on end without any servicing. Military areas should be completely picked clean. Ammunition should have a high base rate of failure. Weapons that DO fire should jam all the time to simulate lack of servicing. Stepping out of deer stands should result in jarring your legs rather than breaking them. Breaking your legs should result in being unable to walk for six to eight weeks to allow your legs to heal. Firing the AS50 or M107 while standing should make your character either fall over or take a step backwards. Flying a helicopter should only be available after your character has had a 'crash course' in flying by a legitimate instructor who knows how to fly one. Otherwise, your character should ditch it into the ground no matter what you do with your keyboard. Your survivor should get lonely at times. Masturbate. Urinate. Defecate. Go slowly insane without company. Be scared of the dark. Wet himself when zombies are approaching. Get the shakes at random times due to malnutrition. He should run HALF the speed he currently runs to simulate the fact that he's not a long-distance athlete and that normal people don't move that fast in the first place. Running on a full stomach should lead to cramps. Drinking soda should lead to dehydration. Swimming should be impossible based on the weight of your weapons and gear. Backpack space should be based on mass and not weight or slots. You should have to take a bath every week or the infected start to smell you. You should lose stamina rapidly when wearing a ghillie suit. Grass should be rendered at every distance so that player characters don't stand out so much. Doors should have to be kicked in or broken open if you want any chance of finding loot inside. Snipers should have to take courses in ballistics before being able to use a sniper rifle properly. Suppressors should only work effectively with matching subsonic ammunition. Standing pools of water should be stagnant and undrinkable. Clothing should get bloody if you get injured and stay bloody. Wounds should have to be cauterized or tended to by a legitimate doctor or someone trained in first aid to stop bleeding. Your character should have a 0.00001 chance of just falling over dead from an aneurism, cancer, vitamin deficiency, or random ailment at any time. Oh, and don't let me forget that you shouldn't be able to make a body disappear into the ether in five seconds in the middle of a runway. Are you happy yet?
I live in a shithole of a town in the middle of outback Australia. One of the very few places in the world that has worse internet than the middle east. In DayZ commander, I can find maybe five servers with less than 300 ping. The best server I could find for playing on was a russian one with 800MS ping limit. The internet out here is liquid shit. I've been through two separate ISP's (telstra and now TPG) and about four different modems. It's a physical issue with the fact that the signal is trying to push through hundred year old telecom cables comprised of 10% copper and 90% manure. But that all being said, sure loot needs to be removed... but 'rare loot' isn't removed from a server when you hide a body. Not even 'good' loot is hidden. It's the shitty loot like cans of beans, binoculars, enfields, pistols, etc etc that are left on the body. When was the last time you hid a body that had an AS50 and a pair of NVG's on it? Not never. Not if you could carry it. If it's left in the body when the server restarts, then sure, it should go byebye. But magically disappearing possibly essential survival loot along with a body in five seconds in the middle of a city on the centre of asphalt... yeah, that needs to go away. That's not how bodies work. If you really want to deprive passerby's of the loot of a body, you should have to work for that. Not just click a button and have it magically done for you. Shoot the body. Set it on fire. Blow it up. Anything other than resorting to what amounts to wizardry to accomplish it.
Actually, no. I'm waiting for the DayZ SA before I keep playing. The ping limits on servers have rendered finding a good game impossible given my geographical position. I want this for other reasons. Like the fact that it won't REMOVE loot from the world, and it's more realistic. You can murder a hundred survivors, hide the bodies, and the only clue that they, and all their gear, was even there, is the sound of thousands of flies. When you kill someone, burying the body should take at LEAST a minute. Not just walking up to them with no tools and magically making their body disappear into the concrete of an airport runway. Then that body, and all its loot, is just gone. Disappeared into the ether. That's not how it works in real life. That's not in the least realistic. At the very LEAST the body should have to be dragged into the woods and buried in a shallow grave using an entrenching tool. That would be acceptable. But a WHOLE lot more work than making it so that you can't hide bodies at all. I also want the .50 cal superweapons removed from the game. You'd assume that I'm someone who dies to sniper rifles a lot, right? Well I don't. I've died to them exactly once. I had a ghillie suit and my own AS50 at the time. So I prolly deserved it. I also want the huey taken out of the mod because it is WAY overpowered. I've only been killed by one once. Stop assuming, mate. It's a stupid, arrogant argument. 'oh lol u just die to this so you come here to QQ' Sorry for wanting for the standalone to be better and more realistic than it currently is. Sorry for assuming that a game that is slated to include TAKING A SHIT for 'realism' would want to get rid of other unrealistic things. I'll stop doing that now. *edit* This is also from someone who hunts BANDITS. You know what the first thing I do after killing a bandit is? I take his shit, and then I hide his body, so he can't get it back. And then in the same breath, I pointed out that the standalone will feature item degradation meaning that you don't NEED to hide bodies to deny people their loot. A few bullets or an explosion will handle that.
Okay? So let us dig up said body and take the loot.
I really doubt that the standalone will have weapon damage to different PARTS of the weapon. I think it would be more uniform. X gun has y health and loses z health when shot. The question is whether or not this damage would allow something as crazy as literally disarming someone by shooting their gun. I'm a pretty scary shot with a sniper rifle. And I'd love to be able to do this.
I was under the impression that the forum mods already had access to the alpha version of the standalone? I think I recall that Rocket said somewhere that item damage was already implemented... or maybe I'm misremembering.
Wow man, you really have a learning disability. The revolver is MUCH more accurate beyond 50 metres, towards 100 metres. The M1911 sucks at the 50-100 metre range. It can't shit. But within 50 metres, it fires more smoothly and has an extra round in the magazine. There are tangible differences between the two. when it comes down to it, I use the revolver, because I like to pick off my zombies from decent range, rather than aggro them and wait for them to come to me. Why don't you sit down in the editor, put targets at 100 metres, and fire on them with headshots with both the revolver and the M1911. Don't worry, I'll wait.
Didn't see a suggestion for this. A 'balance' for the ghillie suit. We've all seen one. Hell, a lot of us have HAD one. Ghillie suits are awesome. They're camouflaged. You're pretty much invisible at close range. Come the standalone, with new ideas for grass obfuscation at distances, and ghillie suits will reign supreme. They're gonna be scary. So what I'm suggesting is that, in keeping with the profile of the ghillie suit, you can't use a backpack while wearing it. You're limited to only the chest-and-back piece that lies flush your character's form. I forget what it's called. That way, if you want to remain unseen by everyone around you, you have to sacrifice the ability to carry huge loads. You get one primary weapon (most likely an AS50. Don't even pretend like that isn't standing attire for a ghillie suit) and your sidearm. No more keeping a M4SD sitting in your backpack for dealing with the zombies. If you're wearing a ghillie suit, you're generally not hunting zombies. This would push the ghillie suit into a more team-oriented tool. Have a guy with a ghillie suit sniping for you, from the hillside. Rather than four guys in ghillie suits looting everything in sight. And if people want to argue 'realism', and 'waaaah, just because I'm wearing a ghillie suit doesn't mean I can't use a czech backpack!' I present thee with evidence. Do you see a backpack? Yeah, I didn't think so. *edit* seeing as people are already QQing about the idea, a caveat is that you can equip a backpack, but the chest-and-back backpack is the only one that goes UNDER the ghillie suit. So you can wear a czech, but it'll be this big giant lumpy thing on the wookies back.
I dunno? Maaaaaaybe because of the fact that it's obviously a pre-made ghillie suit and wouldn't fit a czech backpack underneath it? Or have you failed to notice your backpack disappearing into the ether somehow when you equip a suit?
So, nobody locks doors in Chernarus. Or well, I guess, a lot of people do (lol unenterable buildings). But the thing to remember... a lot of things are kept in safes. Not particularly useful things, like cash and documents. But some people keep guns in lockboxes. Especially the military. What I'm thinking is this: Certain areas spawn certain zombies, yes? In a realistic sense, people would lock up their shit when the infection hit. To save it from looters. Weapons would be distributed, but some would remain locked in their cages and their storage rooms forever, the keys lost. Theoretically. Now who would carry the keys to these lockboxes? Why, the zombies themselves. Think about it. There's a cop zombie in Cherno. So, shoot that bitch in the face. Search his body. You get a M1911 mag, woohoo! But you also get a key that fits the Cherno police station lockbox. You can take this key to the police station, and loot the everloving f- out of that lockbox. This has many, many advantages. For one: it keeps loot out of the hands of passerby's, and allows higher-tier loot to spawn in that area. If the key only drops while the lockbox remains unopened, and has a low chance of dropping in the first place, then you know if you get the key, you can get a primary weapon, or ammunition, or some other rare drop. Zombies become relevant. You no longer look at a zombie as a ZOMBIE. You look at it like a person. You think 'Where did this zombie come from? Could he have a key on him that will give me loot? And if so, where would I have to go get this loot?' Loot is spread. Even after a dozen people go through an area, a person with one of these keys could still find loot in a barren wasteland of tin cans, razor blades, and toilet paper. Banditry becomes sneakier. Kill a person for their key. Follow them to the lockbox, wait for them to open the case, and then ambush them. Set a trap near the box to catch unwary loot-happy people with a key, and take their stuff. It adds flavour. DayZ is pretty lacking in flavor in terms of looting. Helicopters are the only break in the monotony of looting, and even then, it's just a random windfall. Searching for a key would be a methodical practise. And, I figure, the key you get is tied to a certain lockbox on that server. No farming keys and then server-hopping at the lockbox for tons of loot. For extra fun: The keys only work in certain geographic areas. Basically, in the towns. But the lockboxes are spread throughout the town in dynamic placement. You have to hunt them down instead of staticly finding them in the police station or military area. Thoughts?
They're smarter so they... walk to a completely different town? Or run, along a road, in a straight line, as though they're chasing something? Have you WATCHED the zombies' movements at all? Or do you just sprint past them and never pay attention to how godawfully slow they walk? Clues can come in many forms. Military keys, for instance, would likely not be a simple affair. They'd be heavy-duty, and probably tagged with a locker number. Police lockbox keys likewise. And then there are different keys for padlocks, etc. even the brand name printed on them could mean something.
You can if you're methodical and you search. And really, if it takes ten minutes for players to get from Kamenka to Cherno, then bitch please, it'll take zombies HOURS with their meandering, random paths. And the key could be inscribed with a clue as to where it's supposed to be used.
I couldn't find anything in the search... but then again, it's hard to know what terms to search for.
Okay, so if it's 'unrealistic', then fine. Have a backpack. On the outside of the suit.
Either for the mod or the standalone. Reasoning being, some servers have ping limits of 100MS. That's ridiculous. I can get a ping of 60~ to google, to a server that sits in Brisbane, I believe. Because I live in the middle of nowhere. My ping times to servers in America can be anywhere from 300-400 baseline. Durinb lag spikes, that can hit 600 or 800. Recently, for some reason, it's maxed out to beyond 1400 and 1800 before equalizing. But that is immaterial. This aint about me and my super shitty ISP/geographic region. I'm suggesting that ping limits be shown in the server browser because: I try to play with my friend from the UK, and it's impossible. We get on a server, and one of us gets kicked for ping. I find an aussie server with a 300 MS ping kick, and it'll sometimes kick ME when I get a lag spike. My UK friend gets kicked repeatedly. Find a good UK server? It kicks me for ping. Find one halfway between? Kicks us both because the ping limit is set to 150. In the end, we had to resort to playing on a russian server with a ping limit of 800, stated in the server title itself. It'd be nice if we could see a ping limit on servers, so we know straight up if we can play there, instead of running into the middle of a city and getting kicked instantly for high ping. Especially on servers with 100MS ping limits and whatnot. And preemptively, for those people who will undoubtedly say 'get better internet'? I say either come over and install fiber wire for my entire country or kindly shut the fuck up. I have 8MB/s internet. But my ping sucks balls. A signal is gonna take 300MS to get from one part of the world to the other. It's physics.
Really, it does. When I'm playing DayZ, or Mechwarrior online, or ANY game that shows pings, I'm hands-down the worst ping there. Every time. I used to play CoD, Before it went to shit. I have like... two thousand games on the original black ops, and I got host exactly twice in that game. And even then, only for half a game before the matchmaking system realised 'holy shit this guy's internet SUCKS' and it swapped host. I think it's because I live in the middle of outback Australia. I think that ping above 1000 is way too high. But even then... it barely makes a f-ing difference. The combat system in Arma 2 is so CUMBERSOME. Like the time I got a guy as he was logging into the barracks, trying to ghost in behind me and my friend. I shot him in the face with an M14. And then shot him again. And again. And again. I put 13 rounds into him before the server realised that he suffered fatal damage and he died. I see that kind of thing a LOT in let's plays, too. Firefights don't END right. The target doesn't go down until well after the killing shot lands. So pings of up to 500, I think, are completely reasonable. But the inability to SEE the pings is a real problem if you're trying to play with someone from another country.
This is a suggestion for a dynamically placed aircraft carrier (ghost ship) off the coast of Chernarus. There are no living persons remaining on board, but plenty of infected. Some unique navy-specific weaponry could be found on board to encourage looting it. Add a cluttered deck to make sure that helicopters can't really land on it, and you'd have an interesting dynamic setpiece. One day, it could spawn within swimming distance of Cherno. Another day/server restart, and it could be miles off the coast. Claustrophobic interior, large numbers of zombies, and etc would make the entire ship a rather unique feature that mixes up the gameplay of Chernarus, which is either forested or urban combat. No tight spaces. No constant chance of being cut off by the infected unless you're stupid enough to run into a building with no exit. That being said, an aircraft carrier doesn't have a whole lot of exits... unless you leap off into the ocean miles from land. Bring an extra mag. And probably a friend.
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Actually, I was thinking a Russian aircraft carrier. And what? It's meant to just spawn AK's, AKSU's and AKM's? Sure, let's go spend three hours searching for, and then looting the AIRCRAFT CARRIER! It has the same fucking loot as everywhere else on the map! IT'LL BE GREAT. Even with unique weapons, it'll be tight-quarters weapons. SMG's, shotguns and the like. You don't take a sniper rifle for ship-to-ship action. Ever wondered by the barracks are so searched? UNIQUE LOOT. Ever wonder why helicopter crashes are an awesome find? UNIQUE LOOT. Noticing a common theme here?
The other ones all suggest placing it in a static area, either just off the shore, or run aground. That's boring. Dynamically placed on the ocean means you SEARCH for it, and PLAN an assault on the boat.
This is for the standalone, basically. It's not released yet, so we haven't seen the EULA. But I feel strongly that there should be a clause for 'server wipes' in 'extenuating circumstances'. That is to say, with new content being added to the standalone AFTER the 'foundation release', the propensity for a bug appearing that allows duping is VERY likely. Thing is, there's a lot of code to go over. And I think the MOD has shown that wipes need to be made periodically after certain events. with the way the mod was set up, I think that wipes just won't work on the hive, because of the way tents are saved server-side. Dupers would still have all their shit and the people who suffer would be the legitimate players. The issue with duping is that it's a 'trickle down' effect. These people dupe hundreds of NVG's, sniper rifles, ghillie suits, etc. These are then spread around by the dupers dying, passing out their ill-gotten gains, or someone coming across their tents. Whereas NVG's should be rare. One in a hundred players should have them. Now it's 1 in ten on the hive. Back in its hey-day, the public hive was shite. Absolute shite. Every second person I saw had a ghillie suit and NVGs. People would be killed, run up the coast to a duped tent and get fully geared in ten minutes before running back to cherno to deathmatch. When this kind of thing happens, a server wipe is the only thing that will help. Or perhaps even a rollback, but rollbacks would require frequent backups and that is pretty costly, and could cause discrepancies between the player characters and the server items. Basically, in summary, I think that we should have server wipes every single time a duping bug is fixed. Sure, it's a pain in the ass to lose all your shit, but this is an alpha. Really, there should have been wipes all the time. And even in a beta standalone, wipes are not uncommon. Especially with rampant duping that completely unbalances the game. There needs to be quality control: The mod hive proved that. I'm willing to bet that the public hive is STILL broken by the sheer amount of duped loot. Even though there's only like, ten servers left that use it.
SA Hive wipes - Extenuating circumstances (duping)
Xianyu replied to Xianyu's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I'm sorry, but, what? You're explaining to a certain SPASTIC, IE me, that there WILL BE DUPING ISSUES? I was under the impression that that was the entire point of my original post. For measures to be taken in the event of duping. But hey, I don't understand that there will be duping issues, somehow. Seems legit. Thanks for explaining that to me, buddy. Maybe tomorrow you can tell me that the game will be a standalone and not a mod, I think I'm having trouble with that concept too. /sarcasm