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Everything posted by Xianyu

  1. Read carefully before you flame. Server only characters. Meaning that your character is saved to the server, and not on ALL servers. First off, this instantly stops server hopping. No more server hopping looking for weapons. That's the immediately upside. Secondary effects would be that you could play with different groups of people on different servers. Change servers, you have a new character to mess around with, and don't have to risk losing your awesome character to some server-hopping noob spawning behind you. Another effect is that banditry would (theoretically) decrease. If you go shooting everyone you see on a server, then you can't just change server. Word would get around that you're on that server, in that basic area. And people would hunt you. You wouldn't be able to swap servers to avoid night time. You wouldn't be able to swap servers to avoid PvP confrontation. The obvious downsides are servers that are constantly full. If they have your character in it, you're boned until the population decreases. Another problem will be the endless 'Don't do this!' replies in this thread made mainly by server-hoppers who are afraid of losing their server-hopping loot gain. Basically, forcing characters to be bound to a specific server will encourage teamwork and discourage banditry. And would instantly remove server hopping. INSTANTLY.
  2. You know what sucks? Being shot before you can even move when you spawn. You know what sucks more? Creeping along in a town and having someone spawn literally behind you, and kill you. I propose spawn invulnerability and impotence. As in; when you spawn, from the moment you first move, IE, move your mouse, you have five seconds in which you cannot be killed. But you also cannot fire your weapon. This would prevent a hella amount of unfair kills/deaths by giving you time to look around before you become bullet-bait, and giving you time to be noticed by someone you spawned behind. Especially in well-traveled area's like the Airfields. You already despawn zombies when you spawn in. And for people who say 'log off in a better hiding spot' that isn't always possible. The servers are unpredictable at best.
  3. Xianyu

    Murder and NVG's

    My two suggestions. One; if you are are given the shock status by another player, you should be able to kill that player without it being 'murder'. Two; add VERY low chance NVG to military loot supplies. Whose bright idea was it to have the NVG only spawn in two places in the same damn geographic area? Way to make a server-hopping hotspot and a shooting gallery. It isn't survival any more. It's come down to 'Hey, let's go server hop at the barracks, find NVG's, and CAMP NOOBS! :D' Average time a server spends in pitch black CAN'T-SEE-SH*T-CAPTAIN mode: EIGHT HOURS. A DAY. Now tell me how many people have NVG's, and tell me that it's fair that they're so rare. Servers at night are impossible. I get that night time is meant to be scary. Wooooo. You know what's scarier than night time? The fact that the only people who bother with night time servers are either server hopping, or already have NVG's.
  4. Xianyu

    Murder and NVG's

    Make them a lot more common even, but have them require batteries. Batteries could be a medium-rare drop in supermarkets and urban environments. That way, even if you have NVG's, you're not a god. NVG's at night right now are completely overpowered. If that's even the right word. Unfair springs to mind.