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Everything posted by xerpa

  1. According to the DayZ Standalone Rules, bellow: In order to keep this document succinct and easily understood at a glance, we will break down the simple Doand Don’tlist for game server providers hosting DayZ.It is not acceptable under–any-circumstance at this timeto exploit game mechanics to sell in game items for real money.Any questions regarding this can be directed tosupport@bistudio.com, or the respective game server provider.Acceptable Usage of DayZ Servers (Also known as the “Do” list)You may change the following variables on your serveroPlayer count (between 30 and 40)oServer name (Within certain limitations, which are called out below)oCameramode (between1PP and 1PP/3PP)oServer time at restartoServer MOTD (Message of the Day)You may perform the following actions on your serveroRestart serveroKickabusive players (harassment, cheating, exploiting bugs)Be aware that this can tread a fine line, and if you are found to be violating this rule yourserver may be disableduntil the issue can be addressed.oTurn the server offUnacceptable usage of DayZ Servers (Also known as the “Don’t” list)You may not change the following variables on your serveroPasswordoPlayer count beyond 40, and below 30.oMessage of the day to include slander, racism, sexism, or any general hate speak.oSignature Verification (Must always be enabled)oServer name must not contain any terms or phrases of the themes belowPlayer VersusEnvironmentonlyPlayer will be kickedServer somehow has modifiedloot spawns, or other game dataServer is privateServer is “not operating properly”Impersonating official DayZ servers (Stable or Experimental)Hatespeak /Defamationof any person, place, or companyYou may not perform the following actions on your serveroRestart server to farm lootoRestart server to protect yourcharacter integrity after dyingoKick/Banplayers without just causeoLock / Password the server "The Server Admin cannot Kick players without just cause" In the server: a lot of players were kicked many times by the owner, only these three players weren't kicked "=CR= tote", "=CR= Iceman" and "=CR= Zero" Profiles: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198017791140 http://steamcommunity.com/id/theicederp http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198077365385 If you check the Zero profile, he was banned by VALVE 686 days ago. I don't know if they are the server owners, but this is a very strange coincidence. Best regards
  2. xerpa

    The state of M4A1's

    I made a tour by the whole 74 helicrash sites .... (in the same server and same server restart) anything was encountered ... so there´s no choice, just sit and wait for the fix .... the most powerfull to do is vote in the ticket (http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=13927) to improve his visibility for the Devs ..
  3. I made a tour by these 74 sites .... (in the same server and same server restart) anything was encountered ... so there´s no choice, just sit and wait for the fix .... the most powerfull to do is vote in the ticket (http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=13927) to improve his visibility for the Devs ..
  4. xerpa

    Heli crash sites fixed after maintenance?

    Let´s improve the feedback ticket visibility, just vote in this link: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=13927
  5. Hmm it should spawn in other places too ... not only in the helicrash (Ammo and Attachments, but the weapon don´t)
  6. It was in the 0.46 version ?? It should belongs another player ... and he dropped this itens ... because this itens don´t spawns in police station
  7. Hey people, let's make the ticket visibility increase !!! PLEASE VOTE IN THE TICKET !!!! IT´S THE ONLY WAY TO ACCELERATE THE FIX !! http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=13927
  8. Absolutely correct !! the helicrashes are a part of the game. Who have the M4 (like me) are making miracle to keep this weapon !!
  9. xerpa

    Make server restart warning compulsory

    yesterday a server owner was playing and he restarted the server a couple times in 15 minutes, in some of these restarts another player killed one of our group and we went discover some time after. This function would be limited
  10. Here is the ticket link, just sign in and "vote up" to increase the visibility of this bug http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=13927
  11. xerpa

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    This is the ticket to solve this, who want to fix it, just vote up in this link: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=13927
  12. they don´t have an official date to solve this ... i think the best to do is pick some 5.56mm ammo in PvP or change to another rifle
  13. xerpa

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    Hahahahah ... i just don´t understand why they stopped spawn ... if the helicrashes already work in past versions .. it´s the same that if they allowed cars or helis, and in a future version they "cut" the combustible
  14. YEP .... Yesterday i did a tour by the whole 74 helicrash sites looking for 5.56mm rounds, and i didn´t find any Helicrash
  15. xerpa

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    Is there any date to solve the Helicrash spawning ?? It will be solved in 0.47 ??? Yesterday i did a tour by the whole 74 helicrash sites looking for 5.56mm rounds, and i didn´t find any Helicrash, but i need 5.56mm ammo .... it´s disgusting to play with these limitations. Can anyone of the DEV TEAM say an official information about this ?
  16. Ty for the reply, and it still not spawning in 0.47 version ??
  17. xerpa

    Is the AKM or M4A1 Better?

    I need 5.56mm ammo but i spent a lot of hours and i can´t find any Helicrash Site, is there spawning ??
  18. Can anyone of the Devs Team confirm that in 0.46 version the Helicrash sites aren't spawning ??
  19. Can anyone of the Devs Team confirm that in 0.46 version the Helicrash sites aren't spawning ??