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Everything posted by Pan_Andrzej

  1. Pan_Andrzej

    Secret Hidden Loot

    And it's perfectly fine, we all want the game to be harder
  2. Pan_Andrzej

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Ye found that green today in...Greenhouse :D , looks nice
  3. Pan_Andrzej

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Today my game started to crash everytime i play, i can play like for 15-20 min and then CTD: Anybody seen something like this ?
  4. Pan_Andrzej

    Body Despawn

    What is the time for a body to disappear ? I was like 15 min at the place where i died and i found nothing besides my weapon i dropped off before i die. Kinda fast...
  5. Pan_Andrzej

    Body Despawn

    Grimey Rick idea is nice but only when we talk about final game, atm IMO there is still too many stupid deaths that we encounter, so we shoud be able to reach our bodies within longer time.
  6. Pan_Andrzej

    Body Despawn

    It was despawn for sure, i died alone on low pop server from a sickness.
  7. Pan_Andrzej

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    It isn't 100% accurate, because yesterday just after the wipe, i found untouched truck in Kpasnoe which isn't included in the map.
  8. Pan_Andrzej

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Yeah i wanna know this too, and also if dayzdb.com is showing proper truck spawn points.
  9. Pan_Andrzej

    Scavenging wire from vehicles

    I wouldn't say wire is scarce in 0.58, it's quite common, just look into greenhouses in the next village u visit and i assure u will find one.
  10. I think there should be some indicator when someone is logging in the area/building, that would force people to log out in more safety places. This would obviously not eliminate server hopping but would help in ghosting.
  11. Pan_Andrzej

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    If someone is wondering about animals, they're stuck:
  12. Nope he was killed by a guy with Magnum, then his friend got mad and started to shoot.
  13. Pan_Andrzej

    Arnold - please forgive me!

    Great video :thumbsup: Beanz for Chopin
  14. I would love to see some polish vehicles in game but not sure about this one, Ursus would fit perfectly in terms of design/look into Chernarus but unfortuneatly it's slow, very loud and poorly covered so i think there are many other vehicles that belongs better to the game.
  15. Pan_Andrzej

    Military Clothing Tips

  16. I've got an actuall footage of that situation:
  17. Pan_Andrzej

    OMG I Have Another SVD!

    People are rude and kill me all the time but i would still leave it for somebody else
  18. Pan_Andrzej

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Zombies migrating to debug island :D
  19. Pan_Andrzej

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    From what i know Eugen is in Czech Rep, according to your profile you're from USA...it doesn't sound too good for all you NA guys, ping is a bit*h
  20. Pan_Andrzej

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Guard houses aren't op anymore, actually they dont spawn anything at all
  21. Pan_Andrzej

    smersh backpack

    saw one today on top of crashed hummer in Cherno
  22. Pan_Andrzej

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Good boots ? I had default sneakers :D I was a new spawn and managed to find my first landmine ever, so i was like "whatever, nothing to lose let's test!" I set it up in one of those long barns in Solnichny.
  23. Pan_Andrzej

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I stepped on an activated mine and all I've seen was single text notification "You've been hurt from a land mine", no explosions, no sounds, no broken legs or bleading.
  24. Pan_Andrzej

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I thought random deaths doesn't occur anymore, but they does. Just had one, was healthy and hydrated, wasn't hit by zombie or by any player, i was sitting on top floor of the barn and eating and then suddenly black screen, not a single sound, and "You are Dead". :(
  25. Pan_Andrzej

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    That's something i was thinking about, imagine you can broadcast your own channel trough all Chernarus/server. There has to be electricity for everything to work fine, so first you would have to get some gasoline to power generators at the Green Mountain. Groups fighting against each other to rule over this area...that's some nice vision isn't it ? :)