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Everything posted by xalbers15

  1. Ever since a couple days ago I have been unable to connect to any server. I have tried logging onto many different servers but continue to get stuck at the black loading screen of death. The game loads everything fine prior to the black loading screen, such as "receiving" or "waiting for character to create" but when it hits the second "loading.." the game does not continue loading me into the server, any ideas on what may be causing this problem? Everything is up to date as far as I know, I'm just confused on why I'm all of the sudden getting this problem.. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
  2. xalbers15

    Infinitely long loading screen..

    I ran the game through the six launcher which removed my issue, so for all those also having this problem try that and see if it works.! (:
  3. This morning I checked to see if arma 2 OA had a beta patch, and there was (95310) so I downloaded and installed this new patch and started the game. I tried as many servers as I could before getting annoyed after being kicked by battleye for having an unknown game version.. Is there anyway to fix this? I did notice how quite a lot of the servers still required the last patch, 95248. Could be updating to the newest patch be the issue? All help is appreciated. Thanks!
  4. xalbers15

    Kicked by Battleye: Unknown game version

    Hmm Ill try that, who knows, maybe I have some luck as well.
  5. xalbers15

    Kicked by Battleye: Unknown game version

    Alright I was thinking that was the problem. I was not quite sure how quickly Battleye updated and whatnot. Thanks!
  6. xalbers15

    admin abuse

    Seattle 129, the admin kicks all players but him and a friend therefor no one can play or get any loot. He also did not put any note or warn any players that the server was going to be under maintenance.
  7. xalbers15

    admin abuse

    I highly doubt it, only due to the fact that my brother and friend were also on the server at the same time to get kicked as well, and when we all relogged onto the server, we were kicked again. After the third kick i decided to give up and come here and rant, but im over it now so all is well.
  8. Everytime i go to start my Arma II OA game to play dayz, the errror pops up saying 'Error Creating Direct3D 9 Graphical Engine' I have no idea what to do.. can someone help? I know i may have to alter my path for the shortcut, currently my target line says : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe"