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Everything posted by Demaster13

  1. Hey guys, So I´ve got this error when my character is loading: no entry 'bin config.bin/cfgweapons.' I noticed that after this error, I cant see any weapon loot. I had this error before too, but I just had it 30% of all times I was launching dayz. Now its happening 100% of all times :l I've already tried uninstalling Arma 2, Arma 2 OA, Six launcher/updater, but still no results. Also tried to let steam replace missing files, but in the first try it made me have a invalid CD key error, and then I tried it again, but I still had the error. Can someone pleeeeaase help me out?D:
  2. Demaster13

    DayZ Character Cleaned Up. What now?

    Im afraid taht you're doomed dude D: This also happened to me, but instead of spawning at kamenka, I spawned in the wilderness. Had to suicide.
  3. Demaster13

    Need tents! Willing to trade!

    Be careful as bandits might just see this as a perfect opportunity to get your weps&Ammo D:
  4. Demaster13

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Dr.Mew is really really awesome :D He saved me from death; transfused, gave me morphine and bandages! A really great guy.
  5. Hello guys, This midday, I got launched into the air when switching servers and I ended up in a tree. Then I fell out>went unconscious and had a broken rib and leg, lost 7k blood. It would be great if someone could come and be my hero.. I only need morphine. (a bandage would be useful too, since I ran out) If you're a bandit and want to kill me, please go back IG and shoot newbies at Elektro. I wont tell my exact location here, but I'm near guglovo. After my hero saved me, we're gonna have lots of fun at a place I know :D (if you want)
  6. What is your steam account? Mine is demaster702 Sephka and Dr mew did a great job of helping me :)
  7. Demaster13

    Where did Dallas 29 go?

    Soooo? Anyone?
  8. Demaster13

    Looking for Buddies...

    Id like to meet up too! Steam ID is demaster702
  9. Date/Time: 26/6/2012. 22:40 What happened: I logged out with a full backpack, then logged back in on another server; and my backpack was empty. (Tried relogging, other servers; didnt solve it) Where you were: Deer stand near guglovo What you were doing: Changing server *Current installed version: v1.7.1.5 *Server(s) you were on: Went from NY13 to Dallas 29 *Your system specs: MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1 Processor AMD Athlon II X3 460 Rana 45nm Technologie 8,00 GB Dual-Kanaal DDR3 @ 669MHz (9-9-9-24) ASRock 870 Extreme3 R2.0 (CPUSocket) SMT22A300 (1920x1080@60Hz) AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series (Sapphire/PCPartner) 488GB Western Digital WDC WD50 00AAKX-001CA0 SATA Disk Devic *Timeline of events before/after error: Looted some ammo and a water canteen directly into my backpack. Character: [RRP]Wrathfulkiller
  10. Demaster13

    no entry 'bin config.bin/cfgweapons.' error

    I tried doing that, but somehow it didnt show me any results D:
  11. Demaster13

    no entry 'bin config.bin/cfgweapons.' error

    Thank you for your help TheProphecy. I will try this. Although now I logged in again, and got the error again, but I found an AKM with 2 mags in the deer stand :o Maybe I was just really unlucky
  12. Demaster13

    no entry 'bin config.bin/cfgweapons.' error

    Yes I am, well not night servers, just servers with low population
  13. Demaster13

    no entry 'bin config.bin/cfgweapons.' error

    Im at a deer stand near guglovo, and now Im trying to log out 50m away from the deer stand, then log back in on another server(On that way, the zombies do appear at the deer stand), and check if I can loot any on that way
  14. Demaster13

    no entry 'bin config.bin/cfgweapons.' error

    No they werent, and I think that's because if you spawn, all zombies in 50m(or 30m) range will be despawned.
  15. Demaster13

    Weird lighting

    I have it too, its very annoying. I believe that everyone has it. It occurs especially when you walk in the forest, in between the shadows of the trees
  16. Hello everyone, My friend wants to play Dayz too, but he doesn't wanna pay for Arma 2: Co. So I had this idea.. I've let him install Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation, and install Dayz o; When he logs in, he actually logs in on MY character. And we can on the same times, when we're in different servers. Otherwise one of us is getting kicked. By the way, we are playing on the same IP, since he always brings his laptop to my house to game together. (Could this be the problem? Do dayz-characters get saved based on IP?) Thanks in advance!
  17. Alright thank you. I play with Arma 2 free also, but it was very easy to get it run. I just installed Arma 2, bought OA and installed it, then installed Dayzmod Sixlauncher and it worked :D
  18. Thanks for the quick replies guys. He downloaded Arma2 free though, so I suppose that the character is tied to Arma 2: Operation?