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Mjones (DayZ)

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About Mjones (DayZ)

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  1. Mjones (DayZ)

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    I wouldn't bother with this guy. Shit, i tried, but he just wants to argue with me. Hes like a broken record, on some sort of god savior complex. Spouting about enlightenment, saving us from impure thoughts ( anything other than agreeing with him) and wanting to be congratulated and worshipped.
  2. Mjones (DayZ)

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    Jesus christ dude. You must love hearing yourself talk. You have replied to everyone with the same spiel. Calm down, alright?
  3. Mjones (DayZ)

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    I understand you want movement to change, but you coming in here going off topic, shouting down and dereailing every time someone mentions anything other than what you want is not helping any - actually quite insufferable. You want an overhaul of the whole game. Eseentially a new game, at this point. I do however, think changing the values of the guns, is something the devs can and more willing to do. I dont agree that the old movement is better. Were you around for the unlimited stamina, unlimited sprint going 35m/h?and overall clunky movement? Go bump your old thread
  4. Mjones (DayZ)

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    Pump the brakes, and slow your roll, guy. I was answering the other dude. Also, you have your thread talking about that issue. There is more than one aspect of this game that needs changing or i dont agree with. However, you blanket stating that your issue is core, and should be top priority is not helping. Stop trying to silence or suffocate other opinions because you think your take is more important. How about asking to devs to take a look at all of these, instead of just trying to argue with me.
  5. Mjones (DayZ)

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    Right, those are real ballistic numbers. correct. good job Did you check out the in game stats as of right now? The FAL muzzle velocity is at 693 m/s. doing 122 in game damage. While M14 is 941 m/s. and does 150 points of damage. Try some reading comprehension, guy. Are you understanding this logic? get what's unrealistic now?
  6. Mjones (DayZ)

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    here's @-Gews- post, if anyone cares to look at some numbers "It's bizarre, because in many ways the game is very hardcore. The permadeath was always "hardcore" but it's also the mechanics. For one example, loading ammunition round by round into your magazines, having to take the magazine into your hand to do it? Even Tarkov doesn't have this. Then you look at the weapon ballistics and it's just complete nonsense, hardly based on real life at all. Same or worse as in games like PUBG and Battlefield 1. Both those titles have correct muzzle velocities, by the way. Why do they make some stuff so "hardcore" and other stuff you would expect to be "authentic", like ballistics, it has no relation to real life? And by the way, it used to be realistic values. The development direction is extremely inconsistent! From data on WOBO's tools, left some out... Pioneer 977.5m/s this weapon has a shorter barrel than "AUR A1", but it's shooting 255 m/s faster. Over 800 feet per second. In real life this would result in 83% more kinetic energy. LOL! CR 550 Savanna should be about 860-865 m/s. M 70 885.5m/s should be about 870-875 m/s. SSG 82 880m/s should be about 980 m/s. It's right there on Wikipedia. AUR AX 850m/s too slow, should be about 940 m/s. LE MAS 850m/s should be about 940 m/s. M16 850m/s why are they all so slow? Should be about 940 m/s. Mosin 9130 824.25m/s should be about 860 m/s. Blaze 808.5m/s slow, should be about 860-865 m/s. VSD 785m/s too slow, should be about 835 m/s. CR 527 768m/s too fast,18.5" barrel, should be about 730 m/s. KA 101 765m/s again so slow. should be about 900 m/s. Extra couple inches barrel vs the M4. M4A1 765m/s sloooow. Should be about 880 m/s. AUR A1 722.5m/s this 5.56 weapon has a 20-inch barrel, why did the devs give it AKM speed? Should be ~940 m/s. KA 74 704m/s should be 900 m/s. SK 5966 704m/s should be more like 750 m/s. LAR 693m/s extremely slow! should be more like 840 m/s. BK 18 672m/s extremely slow! should be more like 760 m/s. Longhorn 616m/s extremely slow! should be more like 780 m/s. KAM 576m/s crazy slow. Some air rifles are faster. Should be 715 m/s. Repeater 550m/s this one is actually correct for 158 gr ammo. KAS 74U 501.6m/s should be 735 m/s. Deagle 440m/s this is not bad. Sporter 22 425.5m/s not outlandish, but pretty spicy, I would put about 375. Magnum 396m/s again not bad. Derringer 352m/s and again! it's not bad! Sawed Off Magnum 352m/s should be NONE. The existence of this weapon is moronic. CR 75 350m/s not too bad. Mlock 91 350m/s not too bad. CR 61 Skorpion 345m/s too fast compared to IJ 70, barrel is not that much longer. Maybe +15-20 m/s. VSS AP 320m/s not a big deal, should be more like 290. P1 Pistol 315m/s it's way too slow, longer barrel than "Mlock 91" or "CR 75" but it's 45 m/s slower... MK II 314.5m/s way too fast, this pistol actually has a very short ported barrel under that silencer... it should be around 260-270 m/s, IIRC. IJ 70 300m/s not bad. VSS 280m/s not bad, would put 290 again. USG 45 273m/s not bad. Kolt 1911 260m/s not bad. But then if you sort that out you can examine "authenticity" problems with the health damage, SHOCK damage, armor damage, air friction (ballistic coefficient)... oof."
  7. Mjones (DayZ)

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    the Legacy game tried to be as realistic as possible, i think before the 6.2 or was it 6.0. When the old lead, and devs were around.
  8. Mjones (DayZ)

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    Lot of older members and myself include, were drawn to this game because of it's Arma 2 roots, with semi authentic ballistics. This game used to strive to differentiate itself from the other bullet sponge shooters. Its very silly to have to pick up a semi auto, or bolt action in the same chambering, because it does more damage and have a faster bullet speed. When realistically, the automatic is superior in every way, except accuracy in full bursts. Even as a game sake, weapon progression should not be slow and long range = more damage. Fast and long range = low damage. This is a very arcade game style of gun balance. The game as is, is losing it's appeal to the original fans. you know, the ones who bought into a 5 year early access game.
  9. Mjones (DayZ)

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    Recent changes to gun damages and ballistics are so unrealistic. How is a LAR firing the same cartridge as the DMR and about the same barrel length, do so little damage and travel slower. The .45 doing less damage than the 9mm. "The chambering of a firearm should determine its ballistics, not arbitrary game balance concerns. Any difference between the M14 and similar firearms in 7.62/.308 should be minute differences in velocity due to differing barrel lengths."
  10. Mjones (DayZ)

    Experimental Update 1.04.151959

    The Cr527 with a hunting scope attachment shoots a foot to the left at 400+ meters. Is this intended?
  11. Mjones (DayZ)

    DayZ ballistics have been ruined!

    What is your issue with him wanting more authentic ballistic numbers; why is this rustling your jimmies? I appreciate what Gews is doing. striving for more realism is a good thing.
  12. Mjones (DayZ)

    DayZ ballistics have been ruined!

    I hope they fix this. any words from the devs?
  13. Mjones (DayZ)

    0.63 exp review after 1650 hours in dayz

    im not a fan of the new controls. hope they change it back
  14. Mjones (DayZ)

    Status Report - May 8, 2018

    I agree with this. Game played good with that. Please revert back to this.
  15. Mjones (DayZ)

    Status Report - May 8, 2018

    Are those really the values in arma? 1.5 moa is pretty bad for a scoped bolt gun lol