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About crazycat

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. crazycat

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I've been brown nosing quite a bit today, but the fact that you've sorted a hot fix so quick is outstanding. Looking forward to trying it!
  2. crazycat

    No Sound 1.7.1 (Easy fix)

    I had the same issue, but only on one server. Try another server, if you haven't already.
  3. crazycat

    1.7.1 in 20 words or less

    Love it. Brings the 'fear' factor back to dayz. Team up and live, or die alone. It just needs polishing.
  4. crazycat

    1.7.1 Great So far.

    As for the FPS issue....it seems fine on some servers and not others. I logged onto one where everyone was moaning, I took it with a pinch of salt, but when I got into the game I was getting less than 10 fps. Then I went onto another server and it was running better than ever before.
  5. crazycat

    1.7.1 Great So far.

    I agree. I've actually had to team up with people for the first time since I started playing this game....if for nothing more than to feel a little comfort knowing I'm not alone.
  6. crazycat

    UnOfficial I Love 1.7.1 Patch Thread!

    Even though there are some bugs with this patch, it's an improvement in my eyes. I've played dayz for a few weeks (noob), but this is the first time I've actually managed to team up with people without being shot on sight. Every patch is moving this game forward, keep up the good work!
  7. crazycat

    Welcome to DayZ (A trailer for DayZ)

    Been looking through a lot of the vids on here. I think this is my favourite of the bunch. Good job!
  8. crazycat

    Thanks to the Devs

    I agree. One of the most challenging and enjoyable games I've played. Keep up the good work!