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About basejumper51

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. basejumper51

    Looking for ppl to join me on Origins

    yeah im up for it. haven't played origins much but mainly the standard DayZ mod. Just let me know what server. my in game name is Charlie Dont Surf
  2. Hi, as the title says, I've been playing DayZ mod for a long time (2yrs plus, pretty much since the mod began), and I really enjoy the game. I'm looking for new players, I can teach a lot about the game, and generally just enjoy kitting up with weapons and food etc whilst staying alive, finding a vehicle and end up going on journeys to help people or kill people or whatever. Please post if you're up for hitting some DayZ Mod tonight. I have a bicycle in game right now so I can cycle to meet you wherever you spawn in lol Cheers Basejumper51