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Everything posted by Kinogirl

  1. Kinogirl

    Mr Pathetic, Mr Cheating and Mr Weird :) Who is your winner?

    I found Mr Weird cute he just wanted a buddy
  2. Kinogirl

    DayZ Standalone - Day 1

    I haven't been shot on sight but I found pressing f1 when you do see a player very handy for example I was looting a hospital and going upstairs I bumped into a guy who had his gun ready we were both scared I pressed f1 and he replied with the same I then followed his direction telling me to wait until he leaves I go to the roof watch him leave then set off myself. I am going to get a better mic I don't have a good one but some people will just shoot on sight for no reason.
  3. Kinogirl

    My first bandit

    Okay so I arrived in Gorka and I saw a player I asked if he was friendly and he said "yes" then he pointed his gun and said "though I would like your axe" and I was not intent on giving him it I made my biggest mistake...I ran now I had a shotgun on me so what I SHOULD have done is go along with it and shoot him sadly that didn't happen. He shot me in the leg and I was scared for my life having spawned in Vybor and was heading to Berezino to meet some players and I didn't want to die so I gave him my axe (and my backpack) the jerk then he did something that kind of made me happy he gave me a splint and healed me up I then ran off in fear. Thanks robber your a jerk but I like you.
  4. After hours of walking I finally met a player he was fleeing from a zombie so to show I was not a bandit I killed the zombie and asked if he was friendly he quickly fell onto the ground and was dying I was instantly on the case to help this player (who was also new) up onto his feet. I asked "what's wrong" and he replies "I'm hungry" so I force feed him some Tuna and beans yum and checked his pulse it was strong and he was unconscious so since I was still new I guessed he was going to be fine but he said "I had eaten a rotten potato" so I don't know if that killed him or not but he died in the end :(. I took his canteen (WATER AT LAST) and carried on my way I salute you Sean and pray that your next spawn ends up close to me.
  5. Like I said in the other thread I'm up for it I just need to know which server and where (also how to get there) would help. NVM I should read stuff -_- I just want someone to play with T-T
  6. I just got DayZ and now that I have a better understanding of the controls I'm ready to have some fun on a full server...why are the servers all boring? I was expecting bandits and people and I can't find a good server whenever I join one they restart and then I have to find another and that one restarts can anyone help me out?