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Everything posted by way455

  1. way455


  2. way455

    Log in, die

    *throws up in mouth* You have to do what you have to do.... that's Dayz luck for ya. :emptycan:
  3. way455

    Log in, die

    Well that's Dayz luck for you, four 75 round mags and no AKM. LOL! Kinda like when I found an MP5 at the police station as a fresh spawn in Krasno. I thought I was lucky until it was gone at my next log in because of inventory reshuffle. To date I have only found one MP5 and two drums. When I found my first drum I wanted to go hide deep in the woods and rub it and call it my precious.
  4. way455

    Log in, die

    If he killed four players with 75rd mags, hats off. You deserve it. I have been playing for hours and hours and hours since the patch and found two. I have only found 30rders on the corpses I have come across. If he found four... Go play the lottery, your luck is amazing. :)
  5. way455

    Log in, die

    Four 75rd magazines? Server hop much? :-/
  6. way455

    I'm a hero in dayz SA! Ask me anything!

    Children running from you.... or having Adriana Lima curled up next to you only wearing heels... I will take being loved.
  7. way455

    Map balance

    Go north young man, go north. Berenzino is the new Electro and Balota is for loot farmers. No one like the +1 hour travel to get there when 90% of the spawns are in the NE. It's easier to raid NWA and the few military spots in the NE.
  8. way455


    A nice addition to the flies you hear buzzing around would be an occasional rotting corpse. And some random loot on said corpses would be good too. Especially on the crashed heli sites, I mean those choppers didn't fly themselves. Where's the bodies of the pilots? Did zombies drag them away? Ok, leave a trail of blood disappearing into the grass. Or maybe a swarm or couple of zombies feasting on a dead body that if you are quiet enough, can sneak by without interrupting their meal. That would finalize the immersion factor for me,
  9. way455

    What items would you kill someone for? An MP5K?

    No, they were probably recently killed bandits. LOL!
  10. way455

    Does carrying a sporter 22 make you a more 'friendly" player

    When I see someone with a sporter I think, they are either new and don't realize they are carrying a garbage weapon or they just spawned and haven't found a real weapon yet. Hell, I recently discarded an AK101 I was using as a second primary because the damaged plastic stock and handrail made you do giant figure eights when aiming it. Not to mention that other than finding full AK101 clips, it's too much of a pain in the ass to find ammo for it. The FNX pistol is a better weapon than the sporter and you can hide it in a shirt as a fresh spawn. The sporter just screams, please kill me... It will be easy.
  11. way455

    What items would you kill someone for? An MP5K?

    True, but you also could meet someone who could end being an ally or someone who can give you info about others in the area. Some of the best interactions I have had in this game were randoms and not firefights. I respect whatever reasons you have for being a KOS player but doesn't it get old killing everyone all the time? And if everyone had that mentality you wouldn't last long either so it's good that some don't shoot first. This game is a free for all, it's a survival game. Play it how you want, your $30 was your own but I don't think your getting the best experience out it. I started as a hero, went bandit and now I'm a weary warrior. I like the feeling of helping noobs and freshies but will still scout out a situation fully before engaging with anyone.
  12. way455

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    I appreciate the game and understand it's an alpha but you can't fault people for being upset when they spend so many hours in the game and something crappy happens. When you reach for a cookie and always get your hand slapped, there's only so many times you want to keep reaching for that cookie. I hate when die or get killed but half the fun is gearing your character up from nothing so I take it with a grain of salt when I spawn on a roof or see a zombie launching at me as a spawn in with the old "you are dead" coming up again. It's always an adventure to see what you find and where. My favorite death (sic) was one of my first deaths when I spawned in, got insta whacked by a zed wrecking my first aid kit. No biggie, I'm in the middle of Krasno. I disposed of the zombie and wandered all of the town bleeding without a single piece of fabric to be found for a rag. That was my first and only bleed out death. I was able to find my body after a respawn but could not access any of my inventory. I just stared at my pristine M4 and gear, unable to loot any of it. :(
  13. way455

    100-round magazine for MP5K

    Why not a belt feed right to your ammo boxes? *sarcasm*
  14. way455

    Would you want working streetlights at night in cities?

    I think the glow of a town in the distance would be very cool. Only for the cities and maybe the gas stations. The deserted tiny little towns and hovels are fine.
  15. way455

    How many ammo do you carry?

    I have been stacking my 9mm rounds and my .45 rounds in the larger 40 round pile stacks. Technically that's more than 300 rounds per box, I wonder if I will get pinched and lose all my ammo like I did my 60 round stacks of 5.56. Grumble, rabble, grumble....
  16. way455

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Yeah the common thread seems to be too many zombies or overpowered zombies. I can deal with a lot of strong zombies, I won't complain about that. What sucks are the invisible and silent zombies. I don't mind stronger zombies but it would be nice if they died when you first shot them. In a recent trip to NWA, I came from the east and before I hit the 4th hangar I counted 11 zombie attacks. 5 of which were the silent ones that only make no noise when you are in your inventory until they hit you. The crawlers still hit you even after they are shot dead, that's fun. And I experienced my first invisible one at the ATC tower who ruined half my gear and almost fractured my leg through the floor before he made a sound. I thought I was being sniped. I rarely go to the NWA but when I do I am usually able to gear up pretty good. This trip cost me all my 5.56 ammo, a morphine and I left with a ruined high capacity vest. I lost my one drum mag on a panic reload fighting off three zeds at once near the tents. It's not even worth the trip. It's easier to evade the zombies in the towns. They are certainly changing the way we have to play this game and I don't know if I like all of it. I don't mind figuring stuff out but after 100+ hours I shouldn't still feel like a noob.
  17. way455

    Inventory size description

    I recently had an issue where I lost an item because I didn't have the required space available when I switched it. Basically I lost my 75rd drum mag when I reloaded because I didn't have a 2x2 space available. This also happened when I stored an MP5 in the bottom part of my backpack. I know I lost the MP because of reshuffling but the drum mag deleted itself instead of just dropping to the ground. In the case of the drum if there was a note the description like: "2x2 space required in inventory to reload," it would have saved my massive disappointment at losing such a rare item. I never loaded it into my inventory when I got it, I just put right on my rifle so I didn't know. I imagine it's easier to add some text than to fix that bug. On a go forward basis, descriptions would certainly be helpful in working around this. Thanks.
  18. way455

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    With the AK101 taking 5.56 ammo, it would be nice to see that ammo spawning around the map again.
  19. way455

    Starting weapon

    If I spawned with my multi tool... I could take the NWA alone.
  20. way455

    Temporary rebalance

    I think the addition of sickness and effects from weather will change our need and consumption of food. I like it the way it is as far as food spawn amounts. If you play on empty servers, yeah there is food everywhere but if you play on a busy server and you are only near a small town, supplies can be scarce if you need to replenish blood. Food should be something you can maintain and constantly look for when your geared, not something you desperately need all the time. Is it just me or are can openers more rare? I don't mind that, it makes finding one that much more rewarding knowing you can duke you machete.
  21. way455

    Food Aspect - Surviving with Energy

    Cannibalism?!? Whoa! Slow your roll... you might be a zed.
  22. way455

    Food Aspect - Surviving with Energy

    The day this game forces me to play every day without risk of penalty will be the last day I play it. That will turn this game into an annoying iPad/phone game. I go on vacation and my character suffers? Nope. Who needs that kind of stress? Keep continuing to make the game better and better as you have and I will keep coming back.
  23. way455

    ability to filter salt water

    Slow down in your run from airfield to airfield. There are these things along the way called TOWNS. If you can't spare an inventory slot over all the hoarded weapons and ammo, drink one of the 1000 cans of soda that are in almost every building or just drink from a well. It is impossible to die of thirst in this game currently unless you actively try.
  24. way455

    Hit indicator (kinda)

    I see where you're coming from. Everyone is right about the damage real bullets do and how extensive. It would be nice to some how get a sense of where the shot came from, especially if you get hit. I play with a set of Astro A40's with optical HD audio and the sound couldn't be clearer yet you can't always tell where shots come from. If you get hit, it would be nice to see an impact hole or blood spot on your character when you go to the inventory screen. At least you could see damage on your front or back side and determine from what direction you were standing where the shots came from. I do like the realism of shots whizzing overhead while trying to scramble for cover and not knowing where they came from, that's cool.
  25. way455

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    I'm one of the noobs who didn't realize emptying my 60 round M4 mags into my ammo box was somehow cheating and basically lost all my ammo. Good job catching this haxor. With all the bugs we put up with, the little "<3" is kind of poor and almost a slap in the face. How about not allowing duping of characters and endless ammo clips? Punish the real people who ruin the game. All the 5.56 ammo I had was acquired legitimately in travels all over the map. Thanks.