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Everything posted by HuggableSkunk

  1. HuggableSkunk

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

    Hi, I'm TheHuggableSkunk From Emerge Gaming I've been advertising this server for a while now and no one but our community plays on it so I'm posting here To maybe get some new players I've had one member of our community post here but get banned from this fourm. So For new player starting out on the server Get A Starter Kit, each Item posted below. also our Overwatch server is very good never has gone under 25-30 players. Thanks and hope to see you guys in game! We allow some Tracked Vehicles/ APC's That the overwatch rocket launcher's can take out! Starter Kit 1x SUV w/ key 1x Builders Kit 1x Backpack Overpoch IP TeamSpeak IP emerge.ts3.nfoservers.com
  2. HuggableSkunk

    OP DayZ Overwatch/Epoch servers?

    Our Community has Overpoch. If you are interested connect to our TS:
  3. HuggableSkunk

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

    Bump :)
  4. HuggableSkunk

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

    bump :)
  5. HuggableSkunk

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

    Bump :)
  6. HuggableSkunk

    server hunt

    We have a good server! and if you use TS you can come in ours and get your own channel. Server IP: TS:
  7. HuggableSkunk

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

    Our server was just finished. We have all of our scripts installed and ready for more suggestions. If you would like to become a member just hop into the TS listed Below! We also have starter Kits For new Players! To connect to our server you will need Dayz Launcher: http://dayzlauncher.com/ Starter Kit 1x SUV w/key 1x backpack 1x Builders Pack Scripts: AI Missions Roaming AI Self BB Action menu: Build Bike, Things like that Custom Overpoch Trader Safe Traders Custom Spawn loadout + Select Spawn Repair + Refuel Snap Build Pro + More to come Teamspeak: Server IP:
  8. HuggableSkunk

    AirStalker™ Looking for new members

    Were getting new members everyday!
  9. HuggableSkunk

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

    New Load out Script. Pick what Load Out you want Ex: Soldier= Uniform w/ Machine gun
  10. HuggableSkunk

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

  11. HuggableSkunk

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

    Hello all. Our community has just made a new server! everyone is welcome into our servers and TeamSpeak all links below! Starter kit for all new players Game Server IP: TeamSpeak: Starter Kit 1x SUV w/ Key 1x backpack of your choosing 1x builders package
  12. HuggableSkunk

    AirStalker™ Looking for new members

    New Dayz Server coming soon!
  13. HuggableSkunk

    AirStalker™ Looking for new members

    Our New Forums! http://www.airstalker.net/forums/index.php
  14. HuggableSkunk

    AirStalker™ Looking for new members

    Thanks For all the support guys! we have 43 New Members!
  15. HuggableSkunk

    DayZ standalone clans

    Our clan plays really as anyone. so you are welcome to come join us in our TeamSpeak! TS:
  16. HuggableSkunk

    AirStalker™ Looking for new members

    Thanks man we are glad to have you!
  17. HuggableSkunk

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

  18. HuggableSkunk

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

    Bump. Just got new update 125548
  19. HuggableSkunk

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

  20. HuggableSkunk

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

    We now have 25 regular players as of today! :) keep joing guys :)
  21. HuggableSkunk

    Survival Servers

    I Dont know what your doing but mine is working fine! you dont need there support the server is so easy to Fix. If you need help Fixing your server Im here to help Mine works fine! My Server: TeamSpeak: emerge.ts3.nfoservers.com
  22. HuggableSkunk

    Emerge Gaming Overpoch

    UPDATE: we have new scripts installed! Come new players and get your starter kits missions. self blood bag. custom loot. towing. No weight limit