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Everything posted by Anthonyzz

  1. I Have a GPS and Antibiotics if needed, if you have any AS50/M107 Ammo or the L85A2 please get to me asap i would do this in the next 30 minutes :P Steam - Anthonyzz7
  2. Anthonyzz

    Looking for a Ghillie, Lots to trade.

    Add me on Steam and we can work something out! Steam - Anthonyzz7
  3. I've been wondering why people on YouTube and on streams cover their in game names. Say my name is Bob and I was playing on US 1, is there a way to find out which server I am on by searching my name?
  4. I was watching Sacriel42 streaming and someone got their positions and took a few of them out and I was pretty confused to how someone could find out. So, the only way to find their name is by going down the list of all DayZ servers until they find their IGN? Or is there some kind of filter where they put the name in? Edit: Ahh that makes more sense Tuggo, thanks for clearing that up!
  5. Anthonyzz

    US327 TAG Clan

    3 people on the US327 with the same clan name kicking everyone that joins, rules say , "Kill anyone a TAG member, we'll kick you". Not cool that they go and get all the good loot then open the server later to kill everyone..
  6. I'm very curious to know what it is, can anyone PM it to me?
  7. Anthonyzz

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    FFS. Me again. One crawling zombie hit me and he got me sick again... If anyone near NE Airfield had Antibiotics, please save me. Just send me an add and im most likely to be on around 11 AM to 1 PM EST! I'll switch to your server if needed! I have a few blood packs or Morphine that i can give you as a thanks! IGN: Anthonyzz Steam: Anthonyzz7 Skype: Anthonyzz7
  8. Anthonyzz

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If you are in need of help, Lynx is an amazing person you can trust! I was in need of some help, dying of thirst and in need Antibiotics. First off, Antibiotics are rare as hell so for him to spare one and give it to me, that's just a super nice thing to do. Second, when he finally got to a place where he could help me out, he told me that a crashed chopper was nearby. We went and checked it out, i ended up leaving with a L85A2 AWS with a night vision scope. So to sum everything up, Lynx saved me from dying and helped me get a sweet weapon. If anyone is in need of a medic, PM Lynx. http://dayzmod.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=5704
  9. Anthonyzz

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    please do and i dont remember switching it off so ill check that out!
  10. I just found a car yesterday and put everything i could find into it! I just want to know whether the update for the server will delete the car along with everything i have put into it. If so, please let me know so i can take the important stuff and put it on my character during the patch! Also, i wasn't sure where this would go on the forums so sorry if it is in the wrong spot! Thanks, Anthony. :)
  11. Anthonyzz

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If anyone has Antibiotics please let me know, i'm in serious need and would give you anything i have for it! My location is NW of Gorka and W of Dubrovka, I will meet up with you if needed. Thanks! IGN: Anthonyzz Steam: Anthonyzz7 Skype: Anthonyzz7
  12. Anthonyzz

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Would anyone be able to save me at NW Airfield? i have a broken bone and really don't want to start over! I will reward you with cooked meat or something else in my supplies! IGN: Anthonyzz Steam: Anthonyzz7 Skype: Anthonyzz7
  13. I'm on the roof of the Airfield's tower holding off zombies, i'm in need of someone who can help me out, i have a blood pack but i need someone to use it on me! I will give the person who saves me: My M1014 Shotty with 2 clips OR My Winchester with 4 clips Just reply if you can help me! I will switch servers if necessary and please don't say you can help me then shoot me in the face.
  14. Anthonyzz

    North East Airfield Rescue!!!

    Thanks guys! I ended up getting out of there by running and gunning shortly after i posted. The reason why i didn't respawn is because i had an AKM with some ammo and i really wanted to keep that. I'm currently north of Gvozdno with some food if anyone is interested in teaming up! Just add me on Skype and let me know! IGN:Anthonyzz Skype:Anthonyzz7
  15. So i was up north east by the airfield and i was on patch, I come back the next day and update to and now im stuck in the Debug plains... I have an AKS 74 and a magnum. I really don't want to have to restart and im wondering if someone could help me out by resetting my location! I'm trying my best to wait until i get a response so i don't die from hunger or thurst but it's really a shame that i worked to get these items and i got sent to debug plains. If anyone could help or give me some input on how to get out i would really be thankful. Thanks!
  16. Anthonyzz

    Looking for some people to play with!

    I'm new as well, im pretty into PC gaming but i've never played arma before, just bought it last night and got this mod, any allies would be pretty cool. Add me at: anthonyzz7 on steam!