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Everything posted by AlexLawson

  1. Easy way to find our servers in DayZ launcher is to search for VG in closed brackets like this [VG] Server IPS Cherno Epoch: Cherno OverPoch: Panthera Militerized: Taviana OverPochIns:​
  2. ArmageddonGaming.co.uk Chernarus Epoch: Panthera OverPoch: Teamspeak Server: TS.ArmageddonGaming.co.uk AI missions (WAI + DZMS): This is a another big feature of the server. There are many different missions that can appear on the map there is also at least two missions on the map at once since every time a mission starts another one begins.Snap Building Pro: This allows you to snap all the building objects in epoch together making it very easy and simple to get a straight base that isn't uneven or looks silly.Plot4Life: When you die you do not have to replant the plot pole it will stay connected to your player.Vector Building: With this you can pivot and spin all objects in epoch making base building a much more enjoyable and creative experience.Custom Loot: More loot in buildings and more loot in non military buildings making looting more fun.Tow and lift: Lift vehicles with helicopters and tow vehicles with other suitable vehicles.Refuel, Repair and Rearm: This allows a player to refuel for free at service stations and pay using coins to repair and rearm there vehicle.Deploy Bike: Using a toolbox a player can craft a bike to get around faster and you spawn with a toolbox.Self Blood bag: If you are playing alone and are not in combat you can use a blood bag to refill your blood.
  3. AlexLawson

    [AG] Epoch Chernarus & Panthera OverPoch

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