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Everything posted by Flexserve

  1. Flexserve

    Make zombies Randomly Kill in 1 Hit

    So why have a blood count then? What's the point? I mean if 1 hit kills are acceptable? Following the same idea, every other FPS would be a lot less fun. Every strategy game, let's face it..every game would suck; especially one that takes about 20-30 minutes of play to reach an objective when you spawn. 1-2 hours play, you got great gear and are doing well- zombie hits you through a wall 1 hit and you pass out...game over? This is why games usually have a healing system or unrealistic way of guaging health. Because you are NOT there in person so you cannot possible feel out your location and position to a realistic precision level.
  2. Flexserve

    What's with these private hyves?

    Hurray..so disregard that line. Excellent news!
  3. Flexserve

    What's with these private hyves?

    Other added benefits of private hives is: They can support different maps (Lingor Island for example) Some have additional anti-cheat engines including an Alt-F4 punisher They can allow for custom load-outs and other mods to expand an already great game They help DayZ developers by supporting the mod and sharing new ideas They prevent the dreaded server hoppers They can be passworded to allow only members to play Most servers can be run on minimal specifications Some servers can actually fix known bugs in the DayZ mod before an official patch is released Ultilities and custom scripting can be added to a private DayZ servers web site to enhance community interactions and information Tools are developed to help a server administrator well beyond what Battleye with RCON can accomplish Unique weapon spawns / unbanned weapons for those heavy PvP servers No external DB for the game to report to; reducing item pickup lag and desync issues ...tons more Cons: Administrators can take advatage of databases (Admin abuse) Admins can kick, ban, load out any player they see fit with whatever they see fit (Admin abuse) Character info is NOT transferrable to other servers Hardware and LEGIT software is entirely up to and at cost of the host (Generated Keys using Keygen programs... buy a damn key people!!! Yes, for your server too; you need a legit key for that!!) Hacking can be easier on exposed servers and / or Battleye disabled servers Some ISPs may not like the bandwidth increase Admins that are new to concepts in MySQL, Apache, Bliss serving may have issues past the simple setup programs available Admins /owners may not realize the minimum hardware specifications or their upload / download speeds causing lag and broken chains for all players Admins may not know how to backup player information regularly in case of catastrophic failure Admins may not have reduntant drives in their server or their server box is actually just another gaming machine or left over old PC Admins may be using the same machines to run the server as they play on or run torrents or other bandwidth dependant programs Most of the Cons are Admin / Owner related.
  4. Wow, you got to try the others out before condemning them. You can use your own Xampp, Lamp, build outs with DayZcc. If you do not know the basics of running or setting up a server, I suggest NOT running a server yourself, it'll be over your head.
  5. ^ Has no idea how to use forum or what OP was about. Hilarious all this time and still can't read and retain? Rocket: Anti-Rockets build is getting old..check into this project, they have an awesome interface too for server admins!: http://www.dayzcc.com/
  6. DayZ goes community approach? and I'm back as a fan again! Welcome news all around!
  7. Flexserve

    I don't believe this shit...

    and the community continues its downward spiral...
  8. We saw it was coming, then hotfix, then an update they are going stand alone. Now silence....
  9. Flexserve

    Buy NOW or LATER?

    I will probably buy later and its depending upon what WarZ brings to the table.
  10. Did you check my link? The line you quoted me saying IS the point! Wow, how obtuse can you get? Let me help, when you pay for something as a standalone and find bugs that are not being addressed in a timely manner that inhibit normal gameplay you in turn have the right to bitch about it. However, if it's free you have little room to complain especially seeing it has identified itself as "Alpha." Hope this helps you out. Please read the entire message before rushing to quote and respond.
  11. All this Alpha talk and Rocket says this and that. Here's an example of another Alpha project with far greater scope: http://www.trinitycore.org/ Organization is key...and maybe also the know how to take something further than Alpha dabbling and script kiddie style work. Also, yes... the engine has limitations, but last I checked the Unreal Development Kit was free and can support more players and requires less for system specs.. not to mention looks 1000X better. So, let's all complain and QQ about some disappointed players and show our true ignorance by posting "not reading" all over the forums. I wanna hear from the server hosts paying each month for servers that think the project is moving along nicely. Not the freeloaders. I wanna hear how they feel about supporting something out of pocket and what they are expecting in return besides the thrill of hosting. I bought ARMA II to play DayZ, not afriad to admit it; as did most of the people here. I laugh when I read some of the comments about how you shouldn't complain that a new patch should be exactly that.. a new patch (a fix, not another experimental move in the world of a game editor toolset). I think most of us are actually worried about Rocket running off to stand alone land and leaving all of us stranded with an ignored highly glitchy version. I don't blame the guy (Rocket) the whole idea was the money. Just reminds me of the Minecraft guys.. running to events getting publicity while the game itself suffered from glitches. But hey! In the end, everyone got the joy of playing a version of Minecraft that had far less glitches once it was finished! They paid for it and NOW they can bitch about bad coding.
  12. Flexserve

    Pending Update: Build

    Not sure if avatar ripped off ...or just that common (pietjan12) XD
  13. Flexserve

    Game needs Standalone

    YUP, sure does.
  14. Flexserve

    Globally banned after flying a huey

    and Mel Gibson said the Passion happened that way..so it MUST be true!
  15. Flexserve

    Seattle 35 Removed

    Did he lose money on this? Was the agreement for hosting with Dayz or a hosting company with no affiliation with Dayz? Just curious...
  16. Flexserve

    [DayZMod] Do you have an API?

    "central database where DayZ character data is stored" - Tonic This is why performance is poor. When can the hosts get their own DB's that batch out to the main evry 15 minutes or so?? It'll stop disco and reconnect cheats. Make life more valuable than, "Oh well, I'll just server hop!" And a reconnect at the same server would be instant! You would only need to have a possible wait every 15 minutes IF you wanted to hop servers! Central DB seems like a very crude way to do this considering I do not think your infastructure is anything like most MMO's out there. (Not saying Dayz is an MMO, however the player volume reporting to the Central DB is growing substantially!) Pardon my spelling but I am scratching my head over this one and yelling out "Herp Derp"
  17. Flexserve

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Take your time Rocket. Better to wait for a less buggy game than have to go back with little hotfixes everywhere.
  18. Flexserve

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Make fog affect your aim. Worse aim. For sound...silent except for your heartbeat and breathing.
  19. PROS: There are areas where the loot is good and the military is there waiting with choppers to transport players to other "safe zones" on the map. You have now given the players an optional mode of transport and another adventure with risk and rewards. CONS: However, random spawns of attack waves of zombies can overrun the LZ at random times. (This does not always occur) Bandits may be present. The chopper takes off after a 10 minute warm-up on the ground and may not be piloted by a player. The chopper transports randomly appear at different times in 4-5 locations far across from each other on the map.
  20. Instead of relying on a "Hive" to feed info to and from; have the option for servers to have their own databases internally. This would help the lagging issues, but would disable cross server saves. Most find a server and stick with it anyways unless cheating the system and running to other time zones to get a perpetual 24 hour daylight world. I dubbed these players "Alaskan Players" ;) Not quite cheating, but not exactly the "realistic" intent of the game world anyway. By housing the DB all transactions to that DB would be 100X faster than sending and receiving the information and stats externally. Loot spawns and item info along with game stats could still be sent in a batch job every 15-30 minutes to a central server if collecting statistics is still the reason behind keeping the DB away from the hosts and would still lighten the load across the entire network of servers.(?) And if player wants to travel to other servers a 15 minute waiting period for the batch job to go out makes the players game life that much more precious! Server hopping: Instead of spawn..disconnect...spawn..disconnect...spawn.. (Just saying these players KNOW they can instantly pull the data saved to the Hive DB causing LAG for everyone else). The adjustment should slow these attempts at instant re-connects. Some dump out of servers at the first sign of trouble only to reconnect at different server locations seconds later. However, internally they would be able to join the same server instantly regardless of whether the batch job report to the hive has completed or not. Having a central "hive" is not helping with hacking attempts. Hosts would be responsible to run updates on their own databases as they are already responsible for code updates anyways. If the Database is MySQL it's even easier to do and free! I understand having a central DB is easy to test. However, I have been in many other game server communities that allow the database to be housed internally. The result of which was several database improvements and submitted corrections that freed developer time to concentrate on the engine (or in this case the mod) itself. Loot table corrections and NPC spawning was mastered in a very short while. I like the game, just suggesting as the category implies. I don't see any reason to exclude portions of the game for those hosts paying a price in both time and money to support it. In the end it's your game mod, and in the beginning it's here FOR the players. Keep up the great work and let the community help. :heart:
  21. Flexserve

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    How many "Hive" servers are there? Isn't there a way to have Multi-DB's linked to help the load. i.e. dedicated Database boxes?