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Everything posted by WhoTookItGuys

  1. WhoTookItGuys

    Threats and Challenges

    There are alot of servers on the mod with stationary/mobile NPC's. The NPC's act weird/lag out/is stupid in general, so it's no problem clearing out a camp alone if you know how they act/respond. Overall i do not like this idea, and would rather want DayZ to keep going the direction it is going, a big "sandbox" world where every encounter is unique and not scripted.
  2. WhoTookItGuys

    DayZ- Zombie hunt a Cow

    I saw a zombie chase a deer, it couldn't catch it!! I followed them for 10 minutes before i got bored.
  3. WhoTookItGuys

    What to do in the SA

    With 40 slot servers me and my friends tend to stick to Novo/Berezino to be sure we find other players. As mentioned before there's not really end-game content yet, so once we're kitted all we want is action.
  4. WhoTookItGuys

    Gas Stations

    I agree with this guy^. I hope they make it more complicated than simply auto-refueling near a gas-pump. Maybe have various sized jerry-cans spawn in industrial areas, with random amounts of gasoline in them. Ofcourse with various ways to refill these with a hose. If we ever see "living"-fires in the future it would be awesome if you could shoot jerry cans to start a fire, or simply pour it on a house with enemies inside and light it with matches. <That's dreaming, but i guess we'll see molotovs eventually :D
  5. WhoTookItGuys

    Did I kill him?

    Sounds like you got the drop on him, good work! Maybe try to take your time with the shots next time, it's extremely easy to empty the sks quick so don't go panic mode. I actually prefer the mosin w/o scope over the sks nowdays, since i am forced to place my shots better. If the guy you shot lives or not, you will never know as stated before, but he probably had a hard time with zombies if you didn't manage to ruin all his rags ;)
  6. WhoTookItGuys

    Random Ruined item

    Pretty sure i've found ruined items spawn by themselves aswell. I hope it's not intentional, wasting item slots
  7. WhoTookItGuys

    Signs to tell if someone is hostile

    Unfriendly traits: - Circles you or your friends - Keeps sprinting around paranoidly - Seem to be in another voice-chat/Takes forever to reply - Wants you to follow them to X location right after initial contact - Still keeps yelling "friendly friendly!" long after you've both declared friendly intentions - Sound like a salesman in general (D/W: I won't neccesarily shoot you if you trigger one or two of these^) Friendly traits: - Holsters whatever weapon(earlier the better) - Quick responses/Mic on all the time - Alone/Small group - Alerts me of any nearby dangers - Seem relatively new to the game
  8. WhoTookItGuys

    Day Z Videos

    Montage-like DayZ Standalone video. Enjoy ^_^
  9. WhoTookItGuys

    PvP Compilation Norwegian Bandits

    Hello everybody. I've made a montage-like DayZ SA video. Feedback is wanted! 1080p! :)