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About Mr.Octave

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Mr.Octave

    Need food asap

    Where are you? Do you know your location? What stage of hunger are you at? Red/Flashingred/Bloodloss?
  2. Mr.Octave

    Most depressing moment of DayZ so far

    First time i really felt the need to stop playing for a bit was my first loot glitch. I had a G17 with 3 mags, then found a double barrel for all the shells i had been collecting. Swapped out the hatchet only to have the hatchet despawn "oh well, back to being sneaky then" Moments later pushed my luck a ltitle too far and got the attention of a zombie, fired a shot from the duble barrel and bam. every zombie aggro'd All Double barrel ammo, all G17 ammo later. and still zeds around. Died dropping a wealth of ammo for various guns. Another one today. Exploring around Zelen when i hear gunshots, drop to the floor broken bones and bleeding. Crawl out of the house i was in start bleeding again. Crawling around my friend sees the gunman shooting zeds in the supermarket. Crawl over to another building when a zombie see's me through 3 walls and begins its mad run to me, scroll wheel to get the axe i had but the first hit knocks me out. Died shortly after.
  3. If side-chat is returned, i will go maximum over troll in a simple display of how much i think side chat was and is retarded. Not only did we have people voice chatting over side chat, we had endless people talking about the most inane bullshit like this was facebook 2.0. I think the lack of sidechat has caused the game to become alot quieter as it was supposed to be. and personally i think with no sidechat means there will be less opportunity for griefing, meaning more friendly players.
  4. Mr.Octave

    Petition to make Zombies harder.

    if you read the "posts by rocket" it may give you some insight into his current idea with zombies. I for one, would like to see more zombies per pack/group ect. Though rocket has said numerous times we're rapidly approaching the limit of Zombies on map before the system backfires. Perhaps we will have to wait till Arma 3.
  5. Mr.Octave

    Flashlight on Guns

    +1. Id be willing to produce a few "Modified" models. However Rocket always brings up the matter of current server load to do with scripts, with storing MORE information on a sever regarding ones own customized equipment this may not be possible. Other than that, yeah i whole heatredly support a flashlight on weapon mod. Other than that more alternative lightsources could be a viable thing. Trashcan fires, lighting wood on fire.