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Everything posted by avalontreman

  1. avalontreman

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

  2. I've been playing a while and I've got two assault rifles, one in my hands, one in my bag. Both with 3 mags. My question is, if I ever wanted to switch weapons, how would I do so without my mags/weapons disappearing in a black hole?
  3. avalontreman

    Inventory with two guns... how?

    My only thing with dropping it on the ground is, if I don't do it in a loot pile, like I find a nice piece of concrete, can I still place it on the ground in front of me and it'll appear there, as if a loot spawn could be there? That's one thing I'm kinda sketchy of.
  4. avalontreman

    Inventory with two guns... how?

    Awesome, thanks guys :D
  5. Im starting my live stream in 10 mins (gotta set up my scenes again). and in this session I should be going through the NW airfield trying to find some of the best gear, and after that, who knows? Come join me :D
  6. Huh. This sounds almost identical to what I said.
  7. Silly idea. 1. It completely cuts out any possibility for group play that may be spontaneous. 2. What about the thousands of people who play on one server at any time? Finding safe places to "sleep" would be tough. 3. How mad would you get if, say, you have an awesome sleeping place, logged out, then went in later, and all your gear is gone & you have to start over? That'd make anyone mad. 4. This doesn't seem quite feasible, technically speaking. Servers would work overtime and double as hard to keep every avatar in the world, along with gear, in the place they were in. With the thousands that do join the server (say its a popular one for the time zone), it'd make the server overload eventually.
  8. I'm gonna start live streaming in 5 mins about me going in Stary Sabor and hopefully NW Airfield, if i make it that far. We'll see. Come join for fun :D
  9. avalontreman

    DayZ start location where am i?

    Welcome to DayZ
  10. Gonna be playin' into the night, so if you wanna join and have some possible fun, just come in and take a seat :3 Link's down below!
  11. avalontreman

    How Do You React?

    I know a lot of people rage when they die with good items, and what not. This is not one of those threads. This is, do you get surprised when you get shot, or start sweating when there's zombies closing in, etc etc. I took this video from my live stream and it nearly scared me to death being shot when I thought the room was clear. So here's my example: Do you react like this sometimes? Or am I just "unique?"
  12. avalontreman

    How Do You React?

    Haha thanks guys :) Nice to know I'm not the only one who reacts like this. Of course, the fact that I've got on a big headset helps with the reaction xD
  13. After a bit of a hiatus, I'm about to do another Live Stream of DayZ, this time cropping out the bits of the desktop you can see and keeping the focus on the game. Come on down! Link's in my siggy.
  14. avalontreman


    Updates are normal. Patience is a virtue.
  15. avalontreman

    Post your STUPID DEATHS

    The description in the video says it all :P happened during a live stream.
  16. avalontreman

    Shameful Death

    The description says it all. I was live streaming and the game lag got to me. The people watching thought it was funny, so here I am to share with you all. :)
  17. avalontreman

    DayZ Live Stream!

    I made a post like this a couple of days ago, but I'm about to start live streaming where I actually have a weapon. So I'll probably play for like an hour or until I die. So come on in and have a drink! And we'll have ourselves a ball :) http://www.twitch.tv/avalontreman
  18. avalontreman

    DayZ Live Stream!

    Hey, I know these are getting annoying, but honestly I don't know how or where else to advertise. I may only get 5 viewers, but it's fun for me, and it's fun interacting with other people as I play. Anyway, I'm gonna start another live stream after I finish with this forum post, and I urge all to come and help me out! This time, I'm in Stary Sabor and I'm gonna be workin' my way towards the NE Airfield. I'll stop either when I die or when I feel I've spent too long on. Please come and enjoy yourself! http://www.twitch.tv/avalontreman Had internet issues for a sec. Live stream is back up again.
  19. I had finally had a good life. I found an AK74 and one mag in a deer stand in an Army med camp. I finally had a decent weapon, albeit no food. And I was gonna look around the rest of the camp and I saw another player. I didn't wanna shoot him, because I know how hard it can be to recover. I've done lots of lives where I didn't get crap, so finding a weapon is like a big deal (to me, anyways). Anyway, long story short, he headshotted me when I hesitated, being the nice guy I am. So, bandits/people who kill, with how hard it is to start over weaponless and having to go into zombie towns, what's the logic in killing another player?
  20. avalontreman

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Out of curiousity, since the flashlight can be moved to the tool slots, can we just press L and it'll take out the flashlight and use it?
  21. avalontreman

    DayZ Live Stream Test

    PLEASE SEE MY LAST POST FOR UPDATED INFORMATION. http://www.twitchtv.com/avalontreman
  22. avalontreman

    DayZ Live Stream Test

    Hey everyone. I'm doing another live stream tonight playing the newest patch. I'd appreciate any viewers to come and have a good time! Live stream will start at 6:45 Mountain Time (UTC-7). http://www.twitch.tv/avalontreman Quite lonely here in the stream. Am I that bad?
  23. avalontreman

    Hatchet Unswingable Bug

    Date/Time: 18 Jun 2012, around 2125. What happened: Picked up a hatchet that couldn't be swung. Also found Crowbar and Hatchet ammo, but that didn't help the issue. Where you were: In a warehouse in Kamyshovo What you were doing: Looting a warehouse, found a hatchet that I could hold as a weapon, but couldn't swing or use it. (Did not try it against trees) *Current installed version: *Timeline of events before/after error: Found a toolbox that, when I picked it up, spawned 4 Crowbar "Ammo" and 3 Hatchet Ammo. Left it there, felt as it was unimportant (made a joke too). Found a hatchet on the floor below. Picked it up, tried to swing it, but couldn't swing or do anything. I thought maybe the ammo I found earlier was the issue. Tried looting the ammo but it only disappeared when I moved it to my bag. Still couldn't swing it or anything. I had used a hatchet earlier to kill a zombie in another server, but the only real difference was physical location in game and the fact that the reticules were on in the first server, and not the second. I'll have video evidence so you can see what really happened. (Rocket, don't hurt me for the "DayZ Logic" joke. I just thought it was funny :P)
  24. avalontreman

    Hatchet Unswingable Bug

    Here's the video. Go to 39:15 and you'll see what the bug is about. **WARNING** Does contain Language.