Howdy chief, (edit: what a douche I am sorry I didnt look at the tracker I see this has been tried sorry m8 :( Not sure if you have tried this yet but I had an issue connecting to servers and found a post about battlenet. (Make sure logged out of steam) Basically go in to your steam folder I think from top of my head is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\ then I think its common or steam apps, basically locate the game install where it says Day Z. In here find the battleye folder and delete it. Now start up steam (don't start anything else) and go to the game properties of Day z and then to the local files tab and let it check file integrity. After that try connecting back to a server. Failing that like crimson above has said maybe double check that your router if you have one is allowing the port connections through ok. This worked for me when I was getting disconnected from servers or being kicked out before successfully joining them, I can only hope it works for this too a week without it is just wrong! I can't remember where I saw it on the net I think it was on the steam forums. Regards, Choop