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Yano (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Yano (DayZ)

  1. Yano (DayZ)

    Hacker or no?

    Its a glitch, grab it , put it on your character , then set it back down , it should all appear normal
  2. Yano (DayZ)

    CZ527 5 shot magazine

    thanks fellas , i had no clue , gotta do more reading n less exploring
  3. Yano (DayZ)

    This is how you Hero!

    Totally Awesome !!
  4. Yano (DayZ)

    Love the New Sway

    Scope sway in .47 is ridiculous , ive hunted all my life and even after running , have NEVER seen a scope sway like it does in this game ,, and its the same for every weapon now , you can sit sitll for 1 minute or 10 , it doesnt matter , and has made the mosin useless
  5. Yano (DayZ)

    Three Major Things .47

    the instant zombie respawn isnt much fun , nor are the invisible ones , or being hit from 10 meters away , as it jumps in the opposite direction from you , zeds are way flawed now ,,, i took out one last night , bent down to bandage my self and literally watched it stand back up like it was in a magic show , scream and attack me again ... how are people supposed to engage in run and gun battles , when zeds spawn out of thin air , or come back to life in 10 seconds ? it might be a placeholder effect , but it needs to be addressed and fixed
  6. The Zombies are more than a little silly now ,, they dont respond to sound but can see you from 1/4 mile away then chase you forever , when it doesnt hit you from 20 meters away or is just flat out invisible ,,, you kill it , walk 10 meters and it stands back up n starts chasing you again. its cool to have the zombies be more of a threat , but there has to be some kind of middle ground to find between passive and ridiculous.
  7. Yano (DayZ)

    Funny aspect of the new ragdoll effect:

    Shot one last night on the steps at the military jail north end of NWAF , and it did that as well , flipping over backwards like it was hit with a car , totally hilarious
  8. zombie respawn is a little out of control with this patch , being chased across hundreds of meters of fields , over mountains , its a little silly , as well as the hit you from 20+ meter bug ,, last night we encountered completely invisible zombies , checking the hangars at NW and thump , thump , screech ,, nothing there ,, thump thump , and we took off running , it wasnt until one of our group just sprayed half a drum from his AK to our 6 , did the zombie become visible when it fell , very odd indeed ,, but its lil things and its alpha , this too shall pass. all in all , this is one of the most amazing games ive ever played
  9. Yano (DayZ)

    anyone found the new smg or mak?

    I found a new AK101 yesterday , managed to scour around and found a handrail , scope , bi-pod and 2 clips for it ,, only took about 7 hours , 1 death , and a rather long run back to my corpse, luckily i had friends to salvage most of my gear The new AK fires quick , its accurate , with short bursts the recoil isnt too bad ... all in all its not a bad addition at all to the game. I found mine in the small military base just south of the NWAF and the gear for it scattered around the airport and tents. Good Luck and Happy Humting :D
  10. Yano (DayZ)

    Sorry i startled ya mate :)

    To the fellow i met at the Military Garages above Novo today , Sorry for the startle mate , i had heard feet , ducked into the buildings and when you ran past, i saw you were a new spawn and might need some assistance i stepped out of the lower room as you went past , asked if you needed food or drinks or any help , but all i heard was a muffled " no " and you took off like a shot lol so i went about my way and back to the relative saftey of my woods , if your ever in need and lost up that way again , just ask and ill gladly walk you out and down into a decent loot area of town , those garages have some things but not much. Enjoy your adventures Yano
  11. Yano (DayZ)

    does anyone really fish?

    Ashwood Trees grow all over mate , In and around Berezino , near the lumber mill , up near the start of the factory complex in Novo by the little pond and several other spots , but i do seem to find less and less of them as i travel west
  12. Yano (DayZ)

    does anyone really fish?

    I fish sometimes , its fun once in a while to waste some time , its easy food , like hunting or picking apples ,,, once a few more kinds of fish are introduced and they add saltwater fish im sure you'll see more people at least trying it out
  13. Yano (DayZ)

    [Discovery] Schadenfreude Island

    That video is fantastic man , nice work
  14. Yano (DayZ)

    [Discovery] Schadenfreude Island

    Yes indeed it is ! ive got 2 screenshots of it , but i have no clue how to post them
  15. Yano (DayZ)

    Sorry i startled ya mate :)

    I was a little more than suprised myself that he didnt try to take a swing at me , im fairly well geared and had put my weapon away before stepping out to talk to him. Thats the risk you take trying to help folks i guess. Hope it makes an impression and if he ever meets some one in need , offers to help and not just shoots the poor sod
  16. Yano (DayZ)

    [Discovery] Schadenfreude Island

    Exploring is alot of fun , i have found one place in the far northeast , if you follow the coast off the known map , youll come to a large unfinished bay , with the ocean sliced off like it was cut with a knife , just the waves around the shore and what looks like a large hole through the bottom of the map ,,, really cool to find stuff still being dev'd :) If computers werent slightly above a "magic box" to me , id post a screen shot i took , but alas i have no idea how to put up a url up or link a photo to one lol
  17. Yano (DayZ)


    Awesome !
  18. Yano (DayZ)

    DayZ is peaceful

    Well my name in game is Yano , my approach to the game might be different than most , im the survivalist , stick to mountains , streams , far off forgotten fields ,, i hunt , fish , fill my canteen at remote lakes and only go into town for the supplies i need. I realize this might not fall into hero or bandit ,,, i just stick to my mountains enjoy my peace and quiet and live the quiet post zombie apocolypse lifestyle , but dont mistake that for being passive , i can part your hair at 800+ with the trusty mosin if and when its needed :) nice to meet everyone