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Yano (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Yano (DayZ)

  1. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I had 3 worms in the trap each time ive done it. Try wading out a little above your knees , i didnt have to kneel just looked down and rolled my mouse wheel like i was going to fill a bottle and it gave me a prompt to set the trap. I'll log back in here when i can and run back up there and give it a few more goes, ive got a pocket full of red wigglers still.
  2. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I was standing on the dock in the new fishing village of Berezhki first succesful attempt , and then again just down the beach a bit near the boat house / dry dock building i was nearly waist high by the time it came up. Good Luck ! P.S. you can also search the beach for stones now just in case your confronted by an angry window B)
  3. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Your Welcome mate ! The Wire , combine with a stick of Kindling ( dont need to chop kindling either , just search the ground in the forest ) to make the Rabbit Snare , ive made several but have yet to snare one of the tasty little morsels and i have yet to find out if i can bait one up , rabbits are few and far between and one of the places i know that spawns them on regular is .... LOL between the freakin NWAF and the little military base just south of it , near an island of bushes a little north of a small shack ,, good luck i havent been brave enough to try laying any in there yet :D
  4. Yano (DayZ)

    How much of DayZ have you experienced?

    He sure is. Lost in time , its a pretty but sad lil spot
  5. Yano (DayZ)

    How much of DayZ have you experienced?

    Awesome ive wondered myself while im doing things, how many others have tried or are doing the same thing right now. Done all on the list with the exception of shadenfreude island so far and had a blast, totally Love this game , anyone else been to the little plaque where the grass pyramid used to be ? or the Bronze statue off in the woods lost forever listening to a silent radio among the refuse ? :)
  6. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Fish Traps - They Work !! :thumbsup: Water Bottle + Machete or Kitchen knife will make the Small Fish Trap , it will only work in the ocean. Add a few worms that you can dig up with a shovel or hoe and wade out into the water a few meters , youll get a prompt when you roll your mouse wheel to " set the trap" . I went made a fire , did a lil inventory shuffling and went back to fetch the trap, the worms were gone and when i picked up the trap it appeared empty. I put it back into my inventory then back into my hand and low and behold it was full of Sardines 100% :D Got out the kitchen knife and got option to prepare fish just like on the Carp, that gave me a yield of 4 Fillets @ 68-71% , which i was way more than happy with , all in all a rather cool diversion from hunting or scavenging cans.
  7. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Sledgehammer is indeed beast lol 1 shot to the head or 2 to the chest and its all over but the ride in the wahhmbulance , only pristine sledge ive seen AKA Greta ;) i found just East of Sevorgrad in the , for lack of a better term "car park" or "park and ride" theres a Diner there and 6-9 old vehicles. She was just laying on the ground there in the rain like no one loved her , so sad.
  8. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I cant wait to holler out from some dark hidey spot ,,,, " HEY YOU KIDS , GET OUTTA MUH GARDEN !! " B)
  9. Yano (DayZ)

    Spawning noise?

    I know an injured character makes a rather painful sounding "aarrgh" when it loads into a server , ive had my own as well as friends characters do that when logging in with a broken arm or leg from the night befores escapades.
  10. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Yay for horticulture !! ,, find a good spot to grow some coffee and a lil field for some tobacco , i always said there would be alot less KOS in this game if folks could just sit down and have a cup of coffee and a cigarette to relax :D
  11. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Cool ! i see what ya mean , its alot of fun to see the map develop and talk to others about places and similiar adventures exploring.
  12. Yano (DayZ)

    Axe VS 2 Geared guys + unexpected ending

    nicely done mate lol !
  13. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    Your probably right Tatanko , it just looks real familiar , im horrible at posting pics on this forum , but i can put up a couple links to my screenshots , and youll see why i got it confused , it looks alot like the same spot. before maybe ? lol http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=283268990 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=283330578 and after ? i think http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=323360223 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=323360316 Its so hard to tell some times after they finish the terraforming and adding things if im in the same spot or not lol
  14. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    By the way, Weyland's "Source of the Infection" video was filmed just north of that. There's a nearly identical little beach on the other side of the mountain, which is technically "off" the map (no vegetation). Im pretty sure its the same place , where the veg stopped on the other side of the mountain north of svet where the hole in the ocean floor to nowhere used to be , ive got pics from it before and after the changes , its cool
  15. Yano (DayZ)

    Backpacks: how to make them unique?

    Ive used the same large Northface pack for 15 years ,, its sturdy , water proof and holds an apartment worth of gear ,, yeah real life hunter and camper. Nothing in your pack should be damaged from a rain shower the concept is silly , whats next having to find parafin to waterproof your matches ? gotta find talcum powder cus you dont wanna chaffe from running too much? a little realism is good , too much makes the game ridiculous to play and takes the fun out of it. only thing that bugs me about backpacks ,, you cant paint them ,, which is just plain dumb its the endo of the world , you can bet if i needed to id paint what ever i could find camo and get into the woods.
  16. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    It was hard at first , lost the first 3 new spawns to zed infestation, but once i made it from Berezino up into Olsha (good water, good orchards and decent basic items ) and then turovo ( little jail house is gone by the way *grumpy faces and general angst) and into Novo , i started finding enough to stay alive like i said earlier, trick for me was finding ammo and a decent kitchen knife and matches, once i had that the object was to head west a bit n get to deer and hog hunting. Worked out so far , hes almost 3 days old and going strong. You do seem to dehydrate awful fast though , im not a sprinter really , but i do jog most of the time in game and he tends to need liquid more often then a person should. The "Wetness" is bugging me a bit , having to stop and wring out each item of clothing , and your backpack , and even whats in your pack 5-8 times each to get dry again is a little much maybe just limit it to 3-4 ? On the upside the main road west from Novo is awesome !! the new town , the castle ruins, even the way they finished off the big gravel pit/ stone quarry site looks really cool all the way out to severograd , and thats coming from some one that never wanted to see anything built north of the Northern RR lol The new Fishing village north of svet is really cool too, stark and sparse only a few buildings , its eerie and sort of pretty at the same time , its the same little cove Weyland Yutani filmed his "source of the infection" piece thats on you tube. Take a little to get used to but all in all , its another step forward and only half a step sideways Yay !
  17. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I too had trouble with starvation and dehydration at first, got out of town finally , made a camp by a lake n drank til i was stuffed , went deer hunting , cooked supper and ate myself stupid now I finally have my vision back and some color ,, YAY !! On the upside i did find the new coastal fishing village ! and if i wasnt so dang computer illiterate i could post the pics i took, its north of svet in a small cove. Its a very stark place but sort of pretty in its own way. The very same place Weyland Yutani shot the video footage for that awesome "Source of the Infection" piece.
  18. Yano (DayZ)

    Map Changes in 0.49.124971 and 124972

    explored that entire area last night , its really amazing what its become. i love the wilderness areas and was nervous about northern cities , but its well layed out , pleasing to the eye and deffinitely worth an adventure to check out ... also zeds north of the Northern Railroad was a pleasant surpise , made Novo alot more interesting
  19. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    tried playing on experimental 3 times since the latest update to the update yesterday, and it still crashes the game out in less than 5 minutes
  20. Yano (DayZ)

    No one want to play because of the reset...

    Reset shmeset , play and have fun. Heck we died 3 times in Novo last night on a fully packed 40 pop server and im lookin forward to dying 3 more times tonight. :D got to meet some folks , help a few out that were worse off than we were and had a grand old time. ps , to the dude in the yellow raincoat that sniped me from the top of the "empire state building" in novo last night , dude , nice shot !
  21. Yano (DayZ)

    Helicopter crash loot respawning

    We havent seen any "lootgasm's" at helicopter crashes on experimental , lootgasm being a term we use to describe the areas where the loot spawning is so out of control it literally stacks up to the ceilings , but they sure seem to happen just about anywhere else.
  22. Yano (DayZ)

    Do you ever feel sorry?

    no i try to get my gear legit not by robbing and killing , i would of just let him log out and been on my way
  23. Yano (DayZ)

    The West is Wild again

    45LC or 45-70 perhaps lol and i agree , love my Marlin guide model 45-70 is an awesome caliber
  24. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    If your the gents on Exp 0-8 that left the pelican cases on the floor of the electro firestation and an improvised backpack ,, Thank You !! lol man did i need those , it was like christmas walking in there and finding that . :D
  25. Yano (DayZ)

    Did the bible save me?

    One of my missions every character is to find a bible and carry it in my backpack , if your gonna save one book at the end of it all ya might as well make it the right one. :D