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Yano (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Yano (DayZ)

  1. Yano (DayZ)

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    *** Happy DL dance has begun , ,,,, please stand-by*** :D
  2. In my travels ive found maybe 50 Heli's across the map all transports , which is what i expected , but what i found was a lil different
  3. Yano (DayZ)

    Found a Heli this morning , but it wasnt the one i expected

    Couldnt fire the gun , believe me i tried lol , there was no loot at all around it , not sure if i was just late to the party or if it was a barren spawn.
  4. Yano (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Anyone have a character "born" with the shakes ? ,,, ive got a bloke on 1st person , its like hes got the st vitus dance or something he's always shaking its very odd.
  5. Yano (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Thanks mate , your the bees knees
  6. Yano (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    ok ive tried and tried and for the life of me i can not get a fire going to cook with ,,, there simply is no , Ignite , option like there used to be ,,, am i missing something , did the process change ? ive cooked hundreds of steaks and fish and cant seem to figure it out ,, thanks
  7. Its Started , its gonna be like War of the Worlds !! ;)
  8. Yano (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Not too shabby without mirrors ,, 2nd try :D
  9. Yano (DayZ)

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Sing along with me .......... Red Skies at night !! Flares are looking mighty awesome now. Gamma was up a bit high on that too so its a lil washed out , ill send up another when i log back in totally dark.
  10. Yano (DayZ)

    Is it just me? Weird direction loops?

    Use your terrain markers, ie hills , valleys , mountains , rocks , buildings , the ocean can only be on your south and east, and stars seem to hold a fairly consistent pattern for night guidance when you can see them ,,, humans naturally walk in circles , happens all the time to hikers and campers that think they know a piece of woods. Nothings morphing lol
  11. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Heyyy Whata ya mean ???? groupie ?? i can quit anytime i want to , it's not like experimental is an addiction or anything .... wait ... uh , what ? :blush:
  12. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    An while ive got nothing better to do but multipost and wait for a hot fix. Heres my take on vehicles ..... I would of rather seen horses. :P
  13. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Well heck ,,, lemme reload my client and see wassup, here i was thinking it was server issues , good thing i popped on.
  14. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    none of the exp servers show as online for me , nothing ..... sadness and woe :(
  15. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNgcYGgtf8M WOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  16. I generally distrust anyone i havent dealt with already or in situations where i dont have a clear tactical advantage over who ever it is im talking to. On the other hand and to play my own devils advocate i'm known to do a fair bit of trading when i can or just giving things away to folks in need and end up putying my self in akward situations far too frequently. Peoples dietary habits arent really a concern to me as long as the , "101 Reciepes for Yano" book isnt on the table when i arrive :D
  17. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Ok i took this pic a while back , must of lost it in the shuffle I know there are no vehicles in game yet but i'll be dog'gone if that doesn't look like 3 Atv's have made there way acoss a wet field on a chilly morning.
  18. Yano (DayZ)

    Found beast in DayZ! New kind zombie! :O Scary

    I ran into Opa in Vybor , in the daytime hes really creepy looking , its a really well done mesh job , excellent model
  19. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    One of the bunkers at the run down military base.
  20. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Boar , Deer , Rabbits , Chickens and a Goat ,, some rather tasty fresh caught sardines ,,, but no people. Most people upset my stomach just listening to them , i cant imagine the indigestion from actually eating one :D
  21. Yano (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Good place for scopes as odd as it sounds is the country homes with the gambrel style roof , they have the small entrance way into the kitchen/living area, its the houses with the wrap around couch in one corner under all the windows , on the bookshelf there , you can find PU scopes fairly often, as well as garages , and behind the "bed and breakfasts" theres a small workshop area , sometimes youll find them in there.
  22. Yano (DayZ)

    i need plese a doctor

    I'll keep my eye out for that as well , i come across alot of books at the bus stops , if i find a copy of Alice ill save it for you ,,, I only keep a bible in my pack generally.