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Everything posted by Daricles

  1. That's a cool way to play. Unfortunately, as things stand now, when and if you ever decide to go to an objective to gather supplies the tactics you employ in doing so are rendered meaningless by ghosting and server hopping. At best, it comes down to dumb luck whether or not someone spawns right on top of you and kills you without warning. At worst, someone will actively exploit the spawn mechanic to ghost into a room you just cleared and kill you without warning. In my opinion, because of these abused game mechanics there just isn't enough risk involved in getting into a gunfight. Where there should be tense player interaction there is instead "poof (an enemy appears) and you're dead". All in all, I just want to feel like my actions and tactics matter and aren't rendered almost completely meaningless by the spawning mechanics.
  2. I understand that KOS is a valid game tactic and I'm not suggesting bandits be eliminated or removed from the game. What I would like to see is for being a bandit to require some measure of risk vs. reward. As it stands now, being a bandit is the only viable choice for long term survival due to the high occurrence of ghosting and server hopping.
  3. No, I'm not kidding at all. You are the one deluded by Hollywood into thinking that bullets are magic "insta-kill" weapons that send people flying and knock them to the ground. What you fail to understand that is that you may very well be killed by a single bullet strike. However, in most cases involving calibers up to and including common rifle calibers, you won't die instantly. It might take a couple to several minutes for you to actually die even though the wound you have received is lethal and the outcome is already determined. Some people lay down and wait to die when they suffer that kind of wound while others continue to fight until they lose consciousness. How many times do you think you can fire a gun in a couple of minutes? Do a little research in places other than role playing games and you may be surprised to see how many times people suffer multiple lethal gunshot wound, continue to fight and kill several other people before finally succumbing to their mortal wounds.
  4. Thanks for the clarification. That's even more devious and broken than I realized. It was bad enough when I thought it was just dumb luck that someone just happened to randomly spawn into the game behind me. I wasn't so much concerned about being killed shortly after *I* respawn as I was about getting ganked by someone who magically appears in a deadend room I just cleared.