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jaytmuk (DayZ)

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Everything posted by jaytmuk (DayZ)

  1. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    How are helicopters realistic?

    Nothing on any game is realistic, Unless the control things in real life with a mouse and have a screen to look at lol
  2. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  3. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    (Re)creating humanity points

    Hate the hero/Bandit skin system as it is, hope they take it out for standalone
  4. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  5. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  6. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  7. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  8. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  9. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  10. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  11. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  12. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  13. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  14. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  15. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  16. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Just saw Rocket again.

  17. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Knifing freshies

    The commentators post was "Pleaaase no "COD" Melees, you have a gun, use it -_- " I dont see a reference to Movement in that post tbh, and i do see a comment "you have a gun, use it" So i assumed the reference to a gun meant she/he was meaning the weapon used, so that entails a Weapon :) And tbh in Dayz if someone can sneak up and stab you in the back (unless a friend who is close) you have to be pretty dumb or have your sound turned down maybe lol So Dayz mellees aka cod ftw imo :P, cos i dont think it would play the same way, cos Dayz has many more sounds and way better realistic gameplay than cod
  18. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Too hard since

    Sort the (hiding in a tree to lose aggro glitch) and please please (make zombies run indoors) then ill be happy :) You cod style players have had their fun and games for toolong on Dayz, Making it a fps shooter. Its us zombie survival players time now :), either step up and learn to play that way or gtfo back to..... http://youtu.be/QFWZIMv1_qw
  19. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Too hard since

    Imo this mod is still too easy, make it harder please :) In a real zombie apocalyspe most people would be terrified to even go into a town filled with zombies let alone shoot a gun there. Zombies that fucking terrifying would inprove the game even more. is a step in the right direction :)
  20. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Too hard since

    You know the glitch exists so why do you still get caught out by it? and then cry. (Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results) - http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Narcotics_Anonymous
  21. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Knifing freshies

    Be pretty stupid to ignore options just because cod has them, Cod has guns, that mean dayz should take guns out? No, would be stupid too :/ Even bad games have good ideas and implementations
  22. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    New self-use healing method?

    We need a Healing class :D http://youtu.be/YmfxiKbcZLU
  23. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    [SA] Now for something completely different

    Well thats that sorted, Dayz sa new promo vid :) http://youtu.be/P482pdDMkJQ
  24. Use to watch PsiSyndicate on youtube till they started to critisize Dayz and, promoted Warz (for free Warz beta keys to hand out to subbers)
  25. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Console to Pc noob

    Numpad ftw :)