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jaytmuk (DayZ)

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Everything posted by jaytmuk (DayZ)

  1. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Please help me

    Firewall? i know a silly question but ya never know, could be a small thing thats the prob. Or alot servers are themed now, not many chernarus vanilla dayz servers left. Or you have pacthed Arma 2 beta patch on Dayz commander? Try a server search in Dayz Commander for "Dont trust anyone" I use it alot, its vanilla. Does your Battleeye update when you join the server?
  2. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Please help me

    Did you run Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA before you started Dayz for the 1st time?
  3. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Am gonna play "singing in the rain" on me radio whilst axeing someone to death in cherno supermarket (aka clockwork orange) :)
  4. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Would be cool to keep one frequency on the radio free and have a radio transmitter at say green mountain so anyone there can transmit anything they like(with a mic) to that free frequency :) (maybe sos messages or trolling)
  5. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Im gonna open up an Electrical shop in Electro and sell Radios :P
  6. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Why do you chose Dayz over Origins

    Some of the points you make about Origins are exactly the reason Rocket shouldnt add player made bases into Dayz Standalone, Especially "If all you have to do is respawn and "endgame" gear up at your safe-haven, just seems to take away from that raw feeling you get with DayZ vanilla." Even in Dayz vanilla once i have set up tents of uber items the game gets boring cos once i die i just run back to me tents and re arm up to endgame gear. Base building is a bad idea rocket, pls dont add it :)
  7. Goblin class https://www.dropbox....m49g/goblin.jpg
  8. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Official Standalone News *Classes*

    As he said "classes" (for want of a better word lol) It will take a few fails before you fix things on a cars and probably some time too so anyone who has got that far will be an asset to any clan or other individual who hasnt achieved that, so this will help thwart the kos mentality i think :P i loved the idea of a cholera vaccine thats very rare too, anyone who comes by one of these will be able to trade it for alot of items lol
  9. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Official Standalone News *Classes*

    He has mentioned this could be the way, Runescape (which i played for 3 years) has a similar system but they show the xp and level Altho it does sound mmo like i think it would be quite cool, if it didnt show any stats, just fail or success anims
  10. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    I feel this would be one the best ideas that he could put into the game
  11. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    I put my valuables in a condom whilst navigating the lady next door :P
  12. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    lol love that one :D, i so do that too :P
  13. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Maybe have something like Minecraft where you can create your own face in a pixel editor lol
  14. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    From past interviews ive seen dean give, he has said he wants zombies that eat alot (kill players) will get faster and stronger, and zombies that dont eat alot will slow down to walking pace, So in the high populated areas (the airfields, stary, cherno, electro. etc) the zombies will be tough Will make for some interesting gameplay :D
  15. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    AM hoping Dayz sa goes back to the hardcore game it was at the start when rocket took out spawning with a gun, am hoping he doesnt listen to much to the carebear type players too much, they seem to destroy many of the games i have loved over the years :(
  16. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    ..dat fat guy lolz
  17. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    So build a house, get loads stuff then when you die you just run back to your little oasis you built on your last character? So where would be the fear of dying there? (is why i hope base building doesnt get put in, i used to have many tents of gear set up in chern and everytime i died i would just run back to my tents and gear up) It made dayz boring very quickly
  18. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Tbh even dayzmod has been alot more fun and i have had more great gaming times from it than many full priced ($60 bioshock infinite) games, And Dayz SA looks even better (and it wont cost $60) so im happy :D
  19. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Message to all them people who troll dayz and rocket.. IF YOU DONT LIKE THE LOOK OF DAYZ SA ALPHA THEN DONT FUCKING BUY IT...yet :P
  20. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    ..but without depth the game will get boring, If you dont wanna cook then get take aways :P
  21. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Maybe limited yes, with the skins yes, But....There can be many zombies now instead of the limited amount Dayzmod had. What people prefer. well skinned zombies but only a few of them, or not very nice skinned zeds but 1000s of em lol
  22. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    I like the zombie skins, i felt seeing the same zed skins twice in dayzmod killed immersion (yes i know the SA has only a few type skins but cos they are dark and burnt looking it kinda helps) :P
  23. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Rocket has stated many times the zeds arent finished yet, theres much to do, sounds, anims etc etc
  24. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    Loving them radios ...And the way loot spawns is gonna dramatically change the way the game is played too :D
  25. jaytmuk (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    I love the diet idea, There could be a mcdonalds in cherno, and if you eat too many burgers and drink too much coke you get fatter and slower :D, and are a bigger target :D Strap a radio to a fat guy with "never gonna give you up" playing and we hunt the fucker :D Bring on the fatguy hunts :D