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    On the Coast
  1. Whats up people! You want someone to play this game with? All your friends play XBox and you want to be that special butterfly who own a PC? Come shoot things with us!!!!!!!!!! We have been playing for almost a month and know the map and mechanics of the game well! If you are new that's cool just figure out how navigate the southern coast first! Sick of being shot by assholes just as you leave the hospital in Cherno? Come get your bandit on with us!! Not a bandit? That's cool you can scout building for us while we cover for you! Then we could take painkillers have a lovely campfire BBQ with our ill gotten gains!!! It'll be GREAT!!!!!! We mostly stick to the west: Balota, Zelen, Stary, and the NW Airfield then back again. We do this because people die and running halfway across the map is boring. Also, the east is boring! If you have good pings on American servers you should come hang out! Oh yeah: OVER 18 ONLY!!!!! NO EXCEPTIONS I DON'T CARE!!!!! Add me on Steam: IRUNSAMOK

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Yeah Elektro was getting nuked repeatedly on Chicago 16 early this morning. The firestation was completely blown up.
  3. Hey all that sounds cool I'm down to roll. I'm a pretty relaxed guy I'm not gonna cry or anything because virtual me caught aids or whatever. I don't usually shoot other survivors, but when I do its pretty great. I'll be the 'shoot shifty strangers' guy! SteamId: IRUNSAMOK