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Everything posted by StingingRumble

  1. StingingRumble

    Of of the most satisfying things that can ever happen in Dayz!

    glad you liked it xD
  2. StingingRumble

    Carrot Meets Kony! Funny Moments Compilation #2

    glad you enjoyed it man :D
  3. StingingRumble

    Carrot Meets Kony! Funny Moments Compilation #2

    yea yup pretty much xD
  4. StingingRumble

    Landmine Fail - Don't play with explosives, kids. (01:48)

    LOL, was the mine pristine?
  5. If you guys wanna subscribe, click on the carrot spaceship thing at the bottom right :) Also leave a like if you enjoyed it :D Helps me make better videos!
  6. StingingRumble

    Land Mine Kills and Other Funny Moments Compilation

    thanks man, glad you liked it :)
  7. StingingRumble

    HOW TO: CHAINSAW (DayZ 0.55)

    -This is what happens when you betray a psycho with a chainsaw... Here's the Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pxw-8KZrEZo
  8. StingingRumble

    THE TRUST GAME! (Dayz Video)

    THE TRUST GAME! Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPnLwZCSjAQ I wish there were more people like this who played this game.... Added some cool thunder sound effects, and also my first Intro let me know what you think <3
  9. StingingRumble

    How to Survive in Dayz 0.55

    Here's the Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic7JRU3faxA This video got me over 36 likes, 30 subscribers and 700 Views! Thanks so much to anyone who has already subscribed because of it <3!!!
  10. StingingRumble

    How to Survive in Dayz 0.55

    haha yea thought that was pretty funny ;)
  11. Hey guys, just started up my new youtube channel, I put alot of work into my videos, and im looking for some feedback :D In this video, some Guy snuck up on me with a hammer while i was sniping, and I did not expect this to happen the way it did, was pretty hilarious :thumbsup: Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByO0gYYP4Gc
  12. StingingRumble

    Hilarious and unexpected Execution in Kamyshovo

    oops, hold on ill delete the other on e
  13. StingingRumble

    Hilarious and unexpected Execution in Kamyshovo
