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Posts posted by schtaben

  1. I started out fresh on the beach found an empty soda bottle and did not have to wait long before I see someone running in the distance, no at a closer look it was two. One Zed and one survivor. I lay down, trying not to get any attention but the survivor runs directly towards me and I get up and run for it! Laughing like maniac cause this seems so silly. Just a day or two ago this would not happen. Two survivors running along together scared shitless from just a single zed.

    We see I lighthouse ahead and I shout "lets go over there and hide" and he just turns completely. Then I noticed, the zed was now targeting me! I follow through with my plan and climb up the lighthouse and throw an empty soda bottle to distract the zed. So here I am, up a lighthouse with no gun, no food, nothing and a lonely zed waiting to eat my brains if I climb down.

    I see the guy I were running together with of in the distance and salute. But wait! I see another guy with a rifle and it quickly becomes obvious that they are friends. They stand and watch me salute above the lonely zed. The guy with the gun come up and kill the zed and I have never felt such relief.

    Then I go up to them and say "hello and thanks a bunch mr. guys!". 5 seconds later they shoot me in the head. I stare in disbelief at my screen. So I sort of saved one of them, then they save me and last they kill me who has no loot. Not even beans.

  2. Off topic: Please stop all the hate, the apocalypse needs more love! But seriously stop... stay on topic.

    On topic: About the update, I think it's fine once they fix the food and drink spawns. I've actually began using tin cans and empty whiskey bottles to lure the Zeds out of buildings and get their heads to look the other way (which is huge now!) so that I can sneak inside. It's alot of fun and I really recommend it!

    Another thing I value about this start is the awesome encounters with other people when only one of you have a gun, usually both of you live when you go your different ways.

  3. I've been meaning to report this since I discovered it a couple a days ago.

    To do this you need to have your pistol (or your secondary of choice) equipped, if a rifle is selected and then the binoculars it wont work. The speed is about the regular running speed when standing up. I have only tried this on 1.7.0 and with a couple of different beta versions and it seems to bug always.
