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Everything posted by JANI (DayZ)

  1. JANI (DayZ)

    Problem updating to

    Same problem when trying to update the game
  2. JANI (DayZ)

    Chernogorsk Town Hall

    Hello, I wonder where can I locate this Town hall in cherno? Can some1 post a picture or mark it on map or something. Picture would maybe be the best. Everybody tells you get so good loot from there, but I cant find any town hall! And I cant find any pictures or video of the town hall, is this just a fucking myth or what is wrong with people telling theres a town hall with awesome military loot etc.
  3. JANI (DayZ)

    DE 1168

    Full of cheaters. Just teleported me and every1 in air and theres alot more what he does.
  4. Hello, I cant reinstall my BattlEye through steam it gives me this error "!!! MISSING STRING". Do any1 have this same problem or is it just me? (Reason why im reinstalling is becouse I have the later version of battlEye and I think it wont update itself? or will it?) Thanks for reading
  5. JANI (DayZ)

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Im waiting for you..
  6. JANI (DayZ)

    What is the 3 best loots you got???

    1. MK 48 mod 0 2. NVG 3. M107, AS50, ATV, V3S, Bus, UAZ, GPS, Coyote, FN FAL AN/PVS-4, Fishing Boat, M249 Saw, M4A1 CCO SD, SVD Camo, Rangefinder(never got it I just shot a guy who had it and I got shot my self but maybe I can count it in), Mountain Dew
  7. JANI (DayZ)

    Cannot reinstall my battlEye

    Nevermind I solved the problem. Or actually there was no problem :P
  8. JANI (DayZ)

    Role, Side arm & Primary

    Primary : m107 secondary primary : m4a1 cco sd + nvg role : Sniper and secondary : the trustworthy makarov pm
  9. JANI (DayZ)


    Hello everyone! I have an idea of achievements that players would receive from killing zombies, surviving for a certain time, killing bandits such as that. You could see your own achievements from your inventory by pressing a button "Achievements" (just an example). You would get points for achieving achievements which would show up on the score board. If you kill another survivor or bandit and start looting him it gives a option "Achievements" (in Inventory) which would grant you acces to his achieved achievements and you could compare them etc. This would give players something to achieve other than just surviving as many days and eat as many bean cans you can, You could get achievements for eating like 25 cans of beans which would reward you a title like "Bean Collector", it could be anything else than titles too, but I dont think getting weapon for eating beans is a right reward. Leave replies of your thoughts (positive and negative every feedback is welcome) or what you would've possible added to my suggestion. Thank you for reading (Beans are welcome!)
  10. JANI (DayZ)


    Do you know how to remove this thread?
  11. JANI (DayZ)


    Well I have no Idea how to delete this post so I guess it will stay here?
  12. JANI (DayZ)

    zombies (alive/total)

    When you enter a town the zombies spawn there and when you get away for a little while they despawn, so there wont be so much fps lag.
  13. Hello there! I have a little suggestion here for the new crowbar item, It would be awesome if there was houses with doors that are locked/stucked/blocked and you have to use crowbar to open them(and there would be chance of the crowbar splitting in half, meaning you have to find another one to break into the house) Thanks for reading.
  14. That is also very good idea! Maybe it could be used in many different ways Crowbar also could be used to open some gates or break pieces of tall fences etc. Last title was maybe abit misleading, fixed now
  15. JANI (DayZ)

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Hope rocket will tell us :o
  16. JANI (DayZ)

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Can any1 simple explain, how will the melee fighting system work? Can you equip the hatchet or crowbar like a normal weapon, or do you have to go to gear and right click, or what? Thanks
  17. JANI (DayZ)

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I might sound stupid, but do I have to download something inorder to "activate" these fixes? Im way too lazy to read the whole thread. Thanks!
  18. JANI (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Looting heli crash doesnt work. Can you help me or do a tutorial video how to loot them if you even can?