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About ColdAvoral

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. ColdAvoral

    Average Lone Wolf Wouldnt Survive

    I think the point the OP was making. Was that "It'll hurt lone wolves, Lone wolves should not be at a disadvantage to groups" type of thing should not be a reason to not include things like the features he mentioned. The features can be implemented, lone wolves will be a viable play style, but groups can and potentially will have an easier time. Being able to take advantage of more features to become more effective as a whole. Which I totally agree with.
  2. ColdAvoral

    Gasoline Can on the V3S

    I am not sure if you can refill the Jerrycan from a service station, but you can top it up to 100% from other cans found lying around.
  3. Am I missing something? I've always been able to raise-lower my pistol when using the space bar....
  4. ColdAvoral


    I'm all for adding a second clothing layer for things like Down Jackets and other bulky clothing. Fitting over regular shirts and closer fitting clothing.
  5. In terms of dispersion. Plastic is better than Wood, Wood is better than Folding. I'm not sure how well the handguard rail performs. But you can then mount a bipod, so when prone. You then have the advantage of the bipod's assistance That goes for AK's. As for M4's, I understand that the Magpul Handguard an buttstock are the best. But again, you can get the RIS handguard with rails that lets you mount the bipod. I'm not sure how big the difference there is between the high end furniature and using a bipod whilst prone. I would assume that the bipod whilst prone would win out. But only whilst prone. I'm just miffed that the MP5K no longer spawns with it's buttstock anymore. EDIT: Also, I believe that the condition and presence of scopes also makes a difference in your weapon's dispersion. Which I think is utter BS. But then again, I'd like attachments to only affect sway(ie, more sway when not prone whilst using a bipod deployed or even attached.)/recoil (in the case of better condition stocks or such) and keep dispersion constant for the weapon. Making folding stocks or the absence of a stock allowing you to stow the AK in your bag, but, I can only hope.
  6. ColdAvoral

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    I have only found them at Blackhawk crash sites. Thus far. M4 attachments, 300 round box, M4A1 and FNX45's also seem exclusive to them. Though not the mags, I found FNX45 Mags in civilian magazine spawn locations. (Police Station, Office Buildings (the ones with a foyer and a small room with shelving and boxes on the roof.) Schools and Fire Stations.)
  7. ColdAvoral

    Opened doors are not random!

    You'll notice that the doors inside the barracks inside are varied. Sometimes all of them are shut, sometimes some of them are open, sometimes even all shut. And I hate to burst your bubble, but I have been to Zelenogorsk military base and found one barracks door open and flashbangs and high capacity vests inside. Which I'm certain would not have been left behind. They are very much random in my experience.
  8. ColdAvoral

    My DayZ Wishlist

    Most of this has been suggested before. I really like the idea of the glass/sound traps though. I'd even be fore just having regular broken glass that we find all over the map make the same noise too. And pliers will obviously get some use as a means to disarm traps like that. (since they pliers have side cutters on them too.)
  9. ColdAvoral

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    It has been noted already that this only happens if you click faster than you actually attack. If you only click to attack, you will find that this will not happen. So wait for your attack animation to finish before you click attack again.
  10. ColdAvoral


    100% behind this. Even if it, like the down jacket can not have a vest on over it.
  11. ColdAvoral

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Hacksaws are easy enough to find in storage units and garden sheds. Just not as common as before. Thankfully they usually also get left where they are as people normally just find one so that they can cut down their shotgun or mosin.
  12. ColdAvoral

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    They specifically listed 'Hunting Knife' as a new item in the patch notes. Its a separate item I think. And I saw a badly damaged M9A1 at a heli crash. Blackhawk type naturally.
  13. ColdAvoral

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    I've noticed, and not that I am complaining. I've actually been finding heaps of sporter mags and Makarov mags. Its basically like the two 'entry level' weapons are becoming easier to keep stocked. I am finding that ammo is also incredibly rare, though 5.56 seems to be popping up in military places allot now. I find myself hoarding multiple ammo types till I get a weapon I that can use it. And a couple of times where I have seen a gunfight and considered joining in or thought about holding up another player, my lack of ammo has made me think twice a couple of times. That said, pistol mags of all kinds seem to spawn in police stations allot. So pistols are definitely going to see more use by people who don't like to rush straight for the nearest military base.
  14. ColdAvoral

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Great, so they are definitely spawning as events like the Mi-8's now... does anyone know if they are tracked independently of heli crashes? or if they are part of the same 3 events per reset?
  15. ColdAvoral

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Just curious if anyone has been finding any mp5k stocks or mags? I found the gun itself in a police station on a shelf. Also no sign of the police cars that used to spawn around police stations before they tried to implement random police car spawning in 0.48... or was it 7? I forget. Though I have heard that police cars are functioning as part of the random events system. Do they simply spawn in one of the many positions they used to spawn now? Just curious. I keep checking Svetlo incase a random police car spawn pops up.