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Everything posted by trimpampano

  1. I was playing around with the settings in this game and found out that how loud you are in game is controlled by your input volume. When you crank it to the max people will hear you as loud as possible. How to increase your input volume: Configure>Audio>Crankthe Slider to the Max
  2. When you talk into the Auto Detect above the slider loudly, it will set your input volume low. When you talk softly into the auto detect it is cranked to the max. I can only assume the higher the slider is the louder you are.
  3. Hmmm... I know it's a castle and looking towards a low land area which most likely means the direction you are facing is towards the south. That road looks like the one I used to get to NWAF from Cherno with. Are you at Zub castle?
  4. I am gonna say it is Zub castle Never mind this is looking more like your are in Rog castle.
  5. You'll probably have better luck HERE.
  6. trimpampano

    The mouse needs to be fixed

    So as you know how ArmA/DayZ works is when you are controlling a mouse in a menu/inventory you can see your curser and when you close that menu your curser then moves to the nearest corner. So if I leave my curser near the bottum left corner of my screen and then close the menu my mouse will move unitl it is touching the bottum left corner. Now I have complained about this and so have others because when you have two/three monitors like I do then the mouse doesn't stay on the primary display. The mouse moves ALL THE WAY to the left or ALL THE WAY to the right whenever I leave a menu. This created accidental minimization issues and in general hurts the DayZ expirience. So devs please make the mouse like how it is in CS:GO or insurgency where when you open a menu the mouse spawns in the middle of the screen and when you close it then re-open it the mouse again spawns in the middle of the screen. This is a great system and allows for muscle memory to grab things quick. Please fix the mouse. TL;DR Read it
  7. trimpampano

    The mouse needs to be fixed

    The times I have accidental minimization is when I am in the inventory and pull my mouse curser from the left monitor to the pirmary and think I ma over the object in the "vecinity box" and click into the desktop. The issue would be resolved if I just didn't have to move my mouse so far.
  8. I while back on reddit a picture was posted called the DayZ Character Dice Game. I took that idea and turned it into a game that will randomize which gun you will use for a life. This game works by you randomly rolling the two dice you can find in the bitly link at the top right corner to select a random gun/setup to use for a characters life. I am still working with it so if you could give me some feedback with it that'd be greatly appreciated.
  9. trimpampano

    I created a game to play with DayZ

    Ahh thank you. Just uploaded another version with some fixes.
  10. Download the photoshop psd file here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/99cz5ybe4bf8j7g/Untitled-1.psd
  11. I have been searching north and south of the map NWAf to Balota and have yet to find a heli crash site on multiple servers. Have you found any chopper crashes yet? It is in the update log that there in I just can't find any.
  12. trimpampano

    Suicide bombing

    Ahh damm this would be fun to do. Down to the last bullets, caught in a pinch, self sacrafice to save your squad mates. It would be cool seig moments like that.
  13. trimpampano

    Consoles... How They Will Ruin DayZ

    Please for the love of God NEVER use Comic San. Porting to consoles won't kill anything. There is an entire team behind the console port that has nothing to do with the PC team. ON top of that the port probably wotn be available for three years.
  14. I am on the official servers and just finished pitching my tent. The server restarts and my buddies and I all hop on. I go through and join the correct server and all of the sudden I am at dolina as a black woman from my white male character. Weird. So I join another server and I have my normal character. I join the server my buddies are on and I still have the female character. So I join another server and now I am on my male character in some random spot. Now I can't get my geared character at all no matter what server I am on. Is anyone else having this issue and if you have fixed it how so?
  15. trimpampano

    Is anyone else having character issues?

    Last time I had three characters. After a hit of testing I now realised my guy is gone forever... but thankfully I got my tent placed.
  16. I found a tent on the stable servers two weeks ago. They still don't spawn o those servers.
  17. trimpampano

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Time to play a game, Can you with a controler think of a way to give it all the functionality of the Keyboard/mouse
  18. trimpampano

    To the AFK player at the NEairfield

    Really... Is your patience that low you couldn't have just knocked him out or walked away.
  19. trimpampano

    What is the rarest item you have ever found in DayZ?

    Well damm thats emberrasing. Didn't see that spelling error. The word I mispelled was "tent".
  20. The server IP is It is on the main runway near the ATC tower at NWAF Here are some pictures, EDIT: It is on the runway, but due to current mecahnics you need to be close to the tent in order to see it. EDIT 2: My buddy and I are full black so we can not keep this tent, so we are giving it away. The only threat you face is other players, not us.
  21. The gun has been claimed! Congragulation to this man! http://imgur.com/a/MocsN
  22. The Gun has now been placed and the IP address posted. Good luck!
  23. Hello, my name is Kyle/TrimPampano Last week I gave away a free tent at NWAF on the stable server. This tent my buddy and I planned on not keeping so we just gave it away and allowed anyone to have it. You can find the post here: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2cjkfu/free_tent_on_the_stable_servers_my_buddy_and_i/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/206308-free-tent-on-the-stable-servers-my-buddy-and-i-found-we-left-it-at-nwaf-for-you/ Well a few days ago my buddy and I after killing some players came across another rarity this being a mosin with a bipod on it. My buddy and I are planning on keeping our AK's so we do not wish to keep packing this heavy rifle around and do not have anyone else to give it too. We are going to be leaving this wonderful rifle at NWAF in roughly Five minutes! We will update the post once we make it to NWAF and drop this rifle about it's location and what stable branch server it is on. So get hiking and get your buddies ready for soon it will be available to the first victor. THE GUN HAS BEEN PLACED AND THE I IS POSTED BELOW! Server Information IP: Stable Branch Servers Location: NWAF on top of the Air Trafic Control Tower. EDIT: Here is some proof! http://imgur.com/a/ADnFU THE GUN HAS BEEN CLAIMED Congragulations to this man! http://imgur.com/a/MocsN
  24. Yep, looks like someone may have DDOS'ed it, damit. My buddy and I are going in all black gear and since we have no black backpacks we had no storage for the tent. We dropped it for fun and it looks like someone crashed the server :/