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Everything posted by *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

  1. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    Why is everyone an A$$hole when playing dayz?

    Well it is just like in RL 90% of the people are just selfish useless cunts. And thats about it.
  2. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    There is something seriously wrong with some of you guys here. This is a fuckin' game and some of you are really writing like the leave of rocket is the end to your life, geez...How many hours have you played the mod, how many hours did you play the SA? Even if the SA will go tits up (which I honstely don't think, because 1 guy is leaving) and you have payed for it, you still have played and enjoyed the mod and the SA to some degree. So stop whining about those 25 EUR/30 $. And stop whing right now nothing fuckin' happend until now. In addition there is someone who is away from home for 3 years and is missing it, so very naturally he wants to go home again. WTF is there to complain about?
  3. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    Dayz supporting 2560x1440?

    It seems that I can't set the resolution WQHD. Is it me and my inabilities or is it the game? Maybe someone can help me out here.
  4. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    Dayz supporting 2560x1440?

    Oh thx, its working now. It was indeed the aspect ratio, silly me.^^
  5. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    60 Hour Gameplay Feedback (Im out)

    I really like the subliminal disagreement to K9Alex's post.^^ And we all know why the OPs dick came to K9Alex mind... :rolleyes:
  6. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    DayZ UI / HUD Photoshoped *UPDATED*

    While Jimieus and the OP put some effort into there UI creations. I don't like any of them. For me DayZ UI/Inventory should be as minimalistic as possible. Especially the approach by Jimieus looks like BF4 or something similar. 3D-effects, specially shaped boxes, etc. - just no.
  7. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    This game will only be a niche .....

    I couldn't agree more!
  8. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    This game will only be a niche .....

    The only thing in your novella of BS I can agree with is in a way the "zombie-situation". The rest isn't so good. 3rd party addons..wtf?! And factions? Geez...you really didn't understand the concept of this game at all. And what is wrong with that dildo? Would be pretty humiliating to be beaten to death by a dildo, so why not.
  9. Well we all know those who came back alive were never the same as before and they would never ever talk about what happened there.
  10. The thing is, there isn't a video because nobody who was there and got caught by "it", didn't came back alive to tell the story. So me personally, I will forgo this place in a huge distance.
  11. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    How easy is it finding your friends in SA?

    At 1st you have to have friends...oh my internet life is just sad^^
  12. I do hope you are alone at home, because seeing you walking around your room like that would be really disturbing to watch for anyone.^^
  13. Thats from rocket2guns twitter: "Apparently we're smashing Steam's auth servers :( working with them to find out why" Rofl, now not only a lot of alpha buyers will be kind of angry. Rocket and his crew now managed to aggravated a whole bunch of players using steam auth for other games. Day 2 - Steam destroyed...well that is a real digital apocalypse. With actual zombies as an outcome - all those confused gamers who don't know what to do now and are headless wondering around. Beautiful.^^
  14. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    Servers not showing and waiting for host

    So, no DayZ today...well that sucks a bit
  15. I do have to agree with the OP to some extend. I personally expected a bit more from this release. Surley still bugged a lot, but with regard to basic game mechanics a bit more "sophisticeted". I mean you do recognise a lot of stuff in the 1st hour of play and I am also wondering what those Testers actually tested. Well they surley weren't that critical where they should have been, as they love the idea of the game so much (my guess) as can been seen all across the threads about the SA. This release is IMO actually a tad worse than the early mod for Arma with the diifference it costs 24 EUR / 30 USD, which is quite much for an early accesses. Well lets hope the Devs are sticking with this game until it is polished, which will probably take another 2 years reagrding the development speed and the state of the game atm. Of course I bought an early accesses, but still I am kind of dissapointed... :( Edit: The tone of some of this posts here...would earn those guys a neat asswhopping in irl, geez...
  16. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa


    Thought exactly that when I saw it on steam today.^^ Was a bit startled about the 24 EUR, but it took me only 10 sec. being back to: OMG OMG OMG :P ^^
  17. Buy it as long as it is that cheap. Even if you can't run it atm, you will when you upgrade and by then it might be already at 100 bucks..^^ j/k or am I
  18. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    Standalone only for USA?

    I am not so sure about this any more...
  19. Edited: Nevermind. (deleted some stupidtiy) Lets just hope that not all Greeks are as dumb as you are.
  20. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    Unable to fully load a server

    Dayz Commander is what you need.
  21. And what exactly is your point? This man is nailing it. BI is one of very few good and caring game developers (while prolly their main focus is VBS, doesn't matter). They provide a vast support for the community since years, so everybody who likes DayZ should be really happy about that. I don't get the fuss people are making here about BI or rocket earning money with this, wtf is wrong with you? They are making a great product, which I enjoy, so of course I am gonna pay for that. Monkeys! A way more interesting question is the time-frame in which the alpha of the standalone goes live.
  22. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    Ammo Box 7.62

    It was there all the time.
  23. From outside it seems that BI/BE don't care that much about the hackers in DayZ or are helpless either way hacking is really heavy atm. So maybe take 3 of your 4 servers down, password the remaining one and whitelist players somehow. Probably the only way to deal with this.
  24. *=LP=*Cpt.Kawa

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP2

    You are just a bunch of idiots monkeys hopping along the coast. Oh boy...
  25. I tried that a couple of times. Most people run as soon as they see that Mk48. I tell over direct that I have stuff for them, but no they keep running or the try to get close and get into my backpack, which is a bad idea. Once I found an unarmed new-spawn in berenzino at night running around like a headless chicken I had kind of compassion for this guy so I asked him to stop, he sounded a little scared^^. I gave him a GPS and NVG I found in a camp (which I had no use for), which made him even more confused, well he then locked off. So all this helping thing doesn't really work out for me, but I did try it.