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Everything posted by DanieeelD

  1. DanieeelD

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    This sounds like a great idea apart from the disconnections that are not your fault. My computer randomly freezes after running smoothly for about 5 minutes in which case I have to either restart the whole machine or go into task manager. Now would I be punished via instant death for my computer being bad? I think that you would have to find some way of overcoming this problem such as ptting a high amount of disconnects as the limit for instant death.
  2. DanieeelD

    Global Chat broken

    I cant seem to interact with any of the other players which has got me killed once or twice because I cant tell people im friendly. Any solution?
  3. DanieeelD

    DayZ Update to 1.7.1 issue

    Do you have to continue to open it that way once you have done it once?