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Everything posted by d0wnside

  1. d0wnside

    Player spawn is the cause of all evil

    The players and their tendency to exploit any weakness in programming is the cause of all evil. Until we have an enforceable age limit that allows only adults to play, or a complete re-working of human nature, this will always be a problem. Even a certain percentage of adults are full-fledged pieces of shit, so the latter is the only real solution. I want to be able to spawn near the west, but it will be exploited to the fullest if it is allowed. As for now, we're meant to spawn on the east for testing purposes.
  2. d0wnside

    Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?

    I'm one of the people that enjoys SA for exactly what it is now, and that it is very different from the mod. The mod cannot possibly capture the terrifying feeling of loneliness in an unforgiving environment that SA does. There is nothing equal in all of gaming, at least that I have come across. I've never had a game make me feel like I shouldn't be playing because my heart physically might not be strong enough. Have I lost faith in DayZ? If there were no more updates, I would be perfectly content with exactly what Dayz SA is right now, with no hopes for any changes in the future. I love what it is now. I'm glad there are going to be vehicles and base building and all of the things that go along with that, but there is a huge part of me that does NOT want that. That part of me wants it to stay this way forever, with all of the bugs and glitches and lack of content. The simplicity and difficulty are what drives every feeling and emotion that I get from SA. I play alone because I have no friends. I am afraid when I play SA. When I play the mod it's just Wasteland with zombies to me. It could not ever live up to everything I have felt in the four months that I have been playing this game. I will embrace change, but in no way will I ever forget what this game is and what feelings it has inspired in me. I laugh when I see threads like this and hope that the negative users and their cancerous attitudes uninstall and quit for a long time to come, or permanently for all I care. In my estimation and observation, for every user that is dissatisfied with what this game is and is becoming, there are 10 more users who enjoy this game for what it is and are enjoying most every phase of the development process. That includes the patches that introduce new bugs or experimental features that will be tweaked/improved/deleted before it reaches beta. Please kindly uninstall, the user base will not miss you.