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Everything posted by daedrick

  1. daedrick

    Nerf bleeding, buff zombie damage.

    It's quite useless to have 2 bandages when you spend lots of time bleeding and trying to find a proper house/place not to be vunerable to the zombies to chew on you. Exactly my point. Anyway, I always carry two bandages in my pistol slots. That being said, Im all for bleeding, I like the bleeding feature. Problem is ,as already stated above, that I feel damage value are backward. Instead of fearing zombies, you fear bleeding. Zombies as of now never dropped me more than 2000 blood in a single encounter. Bleeding though, we bleed so quickly its insane and it very rarely stop on its own. I mean, what kind of hit can a zombie acutally do that would make you bleed that much? They are no super human, they are enraged. I say, bite sound clue + increased zombie damage + lower chance of bleeding and slower bleeding = better gameplay. We will actually fear zombies with these changes. As of now, they are more like muskitos.
  2. :heart: bleeding :heart: The only reason why it is so hard to start without a gun is because players bleed so easily. One single hit from a zombie is enough to make you bleed LITERS of blood. So while you are running around buildings and fences trying to shake off the 3-4 zombies after you, you are constantly bleeding an enormus amount of blood. Some player, especialy those without knownledge of the map layout or the game itself will most likely die from bleeding or get very low before they can even figure out whats happenning. Now, you will say that bandages are all over the place, and you are right. But the thing is, even if you have over 9000 bandages in your inventory, you will hardly be able to patch yourself up before your health reach 8000 blood, or worse, under 5000. Especialy if your freshly new player have tried to escape the city and there are no place in sight to hide and potentialy slow the zombie down in a building. Now the fix-------------------------------------- Personnaly, I really wouldn't mind the zombies to hit twice as much if the frequency of bleeding was drasticaly lowered. Also, while we are at it, zombies breaking your legs is a little bit much as well, especialy since we dont start with morphine anymore. Hell, they could even hit for 500 to 1000 a hit if bleeding wasn't so frequent and it would still be easier for new players than it is right now. Right now, you get hit, run around, shake off the zombies and lose around 4000 blood if you do it right, Or if you are VERY lucky and find a hidding spot very quickly, 2000. Anyway, from a roleplaying stand point, it doesn't make any sense that you start bleeding as much as that especialy since the zombie ''attack sound'' is more like punching than biting. Now, if we actually heard them, bite us, it would make sense to lose that much blood, especialy if they actually aim for the neck/shoulders/head. Conclusion--------------------------------------- Zombies that bite, with a sound clue, should cause bleeding. Other than that, you should never start bleeding unless shot at. Zombies, to balance the nerf to bleeding, should twice as hard. Zombies should not be able to break your legs. Only reason why your legs should be wounded enough that you can't run anymore was if you got bite there, fell from too high or got shot. Thanks for reading.
  3. daedrick

    Nerf bleeding, buff zombie damage.

    Did you actually read their replies? They(large sense, not everybody) totally deserved it.
  4. Guys, just stop saying I can play on a veterant server, thats what I am already doing, thank you very much, and its not the point. Its directly related to point number two. Also, once again, you can turn off head bobbing completly in option, so its a non-issue.
  5. daedrick

    Nerf bleeding, buff zombie damage.

    Bandages are not the issue, and actually have nothing to do with bleeding versus zombie damage.
  6. For those who dislike first person view because of the little special effect, you can easily get rid of all of them after one or two clics. Simply press escape Then clic on option Then either game option or controls Slide the slider all the way down for head bob and motion blur and woila. First person view is now 100% better. The only thing I dislike and agree with you guys is the narrowness of the field of view. Yes it is too narrow, and it should get looked at.
  7. daedrick

    Nerf bleeding, buff zombie damage.

    [Admin Edit: Right, enough of that] edit: Also, zombies dont kill people, bleeding kill people. Zombies hit like wet paper bags while players lose blood like if all their main artery were cut in half. The main source of damage need to be switched.
  8. daedrick

    Massive Game Breaking Problem.

    Justice indeed... well deserved.
  9. daedrick

    Nerf bleeding, buff zombie damage.

    Huh, reading comprehension is once again failing here? It almost seems you didn't even read the original post. So yeah, let me make it simple then; Spawning without a gun is alright. Zombie aggro range could use some fixes but thats not the problem. It is tedious, if you start bleeding when you dont have any weapons for all the reason stated above. I want a fix to bleeding, not to spawning without a gun. Simple as that. Lol, new player discussion.... hmmm k? Thats actually a suggestion/discussion about the issue concerning bleeding. Wow, was my post so poorly written that nobody understand that Im talking about bleeding, and nothing else.
  10. If you guys read my original post, Im actually for the third person view, as stated in my post. What Im against is using it in combat, to gain an unfair advantage. Its a completly artificial way of looking around corners and over walls. Even if the guy on the other side can do it too, doesn't make it any less ''alright''. Also, keep in mind that dayz is trying to be as reaslitic as possible. Now, can any of you actually look over corners and walls while not raising your heads? Thats right, you can't and thus shouldn't be able to ingame either. Unless you are some kind of spychic that already knowns whats around the corner... but I doubt it. You guys got confortable with the third person view, and thats why you dont want it gone. I also like it it to look at my character and to travel, but if you guys actually like it because you want to have that advantage in combat, then you may want to think about your attitude. Also, I bring solutions to both nametags and third persons views, but none of you talked about that. What if you only lose third person view when you enter combat? How isn't that partialy balanced while still letting you travel and enjoy your character to its fullest without being able to abuse it? Also, about nametags, I want to see who Im dealing with, but I dont want to see them from 1500 meters away, and vice versa. Also, suggested a solution. To whoever said that he want server names to be streamlined, I completly agree. The format should be exactly the same for every servers. Also, there is some cleaning to be done, there are still servers running 1.6.0 versions or illegal single player versions.
  11. daedrick

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    After you are done bug fixing, tough its never really over, and ready to try new features, would you mind trying the feature of linking tents to characters? Meaning, when a character change server, the tent follow him. Its mostly to help lone wolf in their endeavor because servers are not really reliable and server hopping is unfortunatly a necessary evil. That being said, I really REALLY can't wait to leave the hospital so I can finaly spend some time on dayz.
  12. ...and thus continuing the endless cycle of stupidity. Afraid of being afraid, thats what you are and every morons who shoot unarmed players. I really noticed that when I have got an encounter on top of a mountain with another player. As I was attempting to repair an ATV, he shot at me, and missed. I turned around and started running in circle trying to figure out where he was. When I saw him I move toward him while lowering my weapon and yelling Im friendly, he shot again, and missed. I said; WOOOH WOOH IM FRIENDLY DAMNIT as I was reaching him. His accent was strong so his english was definatly not his first language. I was in a ghillie suit and had an assault rifle while he was in civilian cloth and also had an assault rifle. But he was a poor shot, and definatly too quick on the trigger for his own sake. He didn't take time to aim. So, Im near him, running in circle around him and yelling ''lower your weapon''. He lowered it, then raised it again. So I started going in circle again and yelled again ''LOWER YOUR WEAPON''. Then the guy went running stance, fell to the group, and disapeared in 5 seconds. Because I realise what happenned, he had already logged off. He was so scared to lose his loosy rifle and the rest of his gear that instead of trying to talk, or even kill me, logged off. How pathetic is that? Well, that whole story was to point out the current attitude of a majority of players, especialy the unexperienced ones, like you. You are so afraid of losing your useless gear that take 1 hour to get back when you know where to look and are careful that instead of trying to figure out way to cooperate and survive, you shoot at each other blindlessly because MAYBE that guy when he find a gun, MAYBE, he will turn on you and steal your shity bag and winchester. The game is headed in the right direction, by all means. The problem is you, and your spoiled child behavior. Afraid of everything. In this game, if you want to pug, you have to make a leap of faith, and thats what make it so great. Also, buying a game for a mod without making any research, another failed spoiled kid behavior.
  13. daedrick

    Luckiest Spawn EVER!

    Logging as usual, I died recently, I find myself near cherno, after finding all the equipement I need in town, I loot the army tent there, and I find a m16 with 5 mags. I run my usual looting path and go to village to fill my water bottle at a well. I find a ghillie suit. Then I head up to berezino and come across two tents, one of wich have 7X5.56 mags for my rifle, I already had 6, so now Im stocked on main rifle ammo. I finaly reach berezino and find what I was looking for, a tent. I head to my usual camping spot, and find 2 broken down atv. While looking for parts, I come across another ghillie suit, that I keep for my friend. I manage to fully repair on ATV, and head out to further down the south on it. I go over the railway a little bit too fast, my atv roll on the side, and explode almost instantly before I release what happenned. Lost everything. :P New life begin! :D PS: All on a full server, hardcore mode, of course. Whole run was probably around 3-4 hours.
  14. daedrick

    Seriously what happened Rocket?

    Whine whine whine. Thats all your post is made of; more useless unconstructive tears. Instead of saying why such and such feature is a bad feature, you whine that because of said new feature you lost your gears. Your whole wall of text is just an excuse to cry because you lost your gear anyway. ''Oh no I lost my precious gears to stair bugs. Waaah waah waaah.'' and ''oh no rocket added a new feature that bugged my character and I lost my precious gears. Waaah waah waah'' is a perfect resume of the OP post. Lets all go back to 1.6.0 and never build on that... Lets not add any new and never tried before features because it seems too hardcore. Lets not add features that have been requested like melee because it will bug your game and you will lose your OH SO PRECIOUS gear. Right... He introduce bug, so what? Loose your shit and find it again, it barely take an hour or two to be fully stock on equipement with a military rifle if you know where to look.
  15. Hello, here are two suggestion that I would like to see instead of what we currently have. First off; Spawn and respawn mechanic. I personnaly like some aspect of spawning on the coast but I believe the system is flawed and should be changed. This suggestion is not mine, as someone else made it in another topic, but I decided to make a topic about it anyway. I believe when you spawn/respawn you should be spawning skydiving with a parachute that deploy automaticaly when it reach a certain point. I have not decided if we should be able to control the parachute. Personnaly, I think we shouldn't be able to control the parachute to force player into adventure and discovery instead of giving them the possibility to almost always spawn in the same place or reaching their corpse/group too fast by controling their fall. The point is to entirely stop spawn killing. Also, the fact that you are falling for a minute or so will help new players figure out where they can potentialy acquire loot by having a top down view of their surrounding. No need anymore to follow the predicatable coast. When you fall down and see a city nearby, you know where to go aproximatly. Its visual and instinctive. It will also help spreading out the population and human encounter will be more frequent in the north. There is also the fun fact that you if you see someone falling in the distance, to head that way to either cooperate with the new comer or simply hunt him for his loot. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The second idea is about the starting kit. A lot of people have complaining that they dont start with a compass or with antibiotic for exemple. The only way I found to please everybody is to let them choose. But how do we let them choose without people abusing the mechanic and spawning with a lot of a very useful stuff you ask? Well, I though about something. What if, each player started with ''ressources''. Before respawns/spawns you are promped with the inventory window. On the left you have some items to choose from while on the right you have your empty pocket and the equipement you choosed. On the top right, perhaps in the debug window or perhaps on the inventory window you have something called RESSOURCES: 100. Each items is worth a certain amount of ressources for a maximum of 100. For exemple you normally spawn with; Makarov = 20 ressources 5 makarov mags = 25 ressources (5 ressources each) 2 morphine = 30 ressources (15 each) 1 box of painkillers = 10 ressources 1 coyote backpack = 15 ressources For a total of 100 ressources. Meaning you dont have any ressources left to spend. Now, some poeple would like a compast and a map over a makarov, they can now choose that instead of 2 morphines while still having the almost same kit from the exemple above. You could choose to skip all the other items and start with a rifle with some ammo for it or start with some tools while leaving everything else unpicked. Obviously, some items wouldn't be in the list such as nightvisions. Even if nightvision were 100 ressources people would pick them over anything else and the map would be infested with an item that is suposed to be rare and an acheivement. Also, players need something to strive for. But I believe the choices to start with different loadout would also stop bandits farming new players on fixed location because they wouldn't always spawn with morphine or painkillers. -------------------------------------------------------------------- So, combine the first idea with the second one and you have way more unpredictable and organic sandbox to play with while also taking care off some abuses and griefing. :sleepy: I await your comments. Thanks for reading. :) TLDR: There wont be any TLDR :P If you guys agree can you please give a +1 or something, so it doesnt sink. Otherwise, please tell me why my idea is crap. Thanks!
  16. daedrick

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Thanks rocket for fixing the tents, Im gonna name my soon to be newly born child rocket in your honor. <3
  17. daedrick

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I know Im annoying, but tents are still unplacable. Might want to check this out.
  18. daedrick

    Vehicle parts in backpack?

    it takes more than one slot, so make sure you have plenty of free space.
  19. Good read, thanks for sharing. :)
  20. daedrick

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Also, since Im not free, you can always ask Matt lightfoot, he may say yes. Hahahaha! *sorry matt, I know yeah, it was an easy one.
  21. daedrick

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooh yeah... well, I guess I will leave my pregnant GF and turn gay... ...or play DAYZ, yeah thats better! :D
  22. daedrick

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    @Rocket, pretty beef update and all, but I will ask again, would you mind squeezing a little something concerning tents? Anything really, they are very hard to place right now, they duplicate and etc... So yeah, no pressure, but still, anytime you want. As a lone wolf, not being able to use a tent really diminish the replayability for me. That being said, still a great update, can't wait for it and I agree with whoever said that you should sleep first before releasing it, or else if something go wrong, you wont sleep at all. :P
  23. daedrick

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    I know this update is pretty BEEF already, but would you mind shoving some tents fixes in there somwhere, pretty please? :heart:
  24. daedrick

    Helicopters only on certain servers?

    organised groups find them, repair them, and hide them off the map, thus never making them respawn.
  25. how the hell do you use the flashlight on the ma4a3 cco? Never figured it out.