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Everything posted by daedrick

  1. When I see a radio tower in the distance, I want to go check it for loot. When I go somewhere with my car, I hide it under some trees instead of parking it in the parking lot. When I see other people tent, I go loot them. When I pack my bag, I make sure I have firewood in it. When I go to the hospital, I shoot the windows off to enter the building instead of using the door. Everytime I see a ladder, I think to myself that could it could be a nice sniping spot. When there is a crowd somewhere, I suddently drop to the ground and crawl in between people. When there is a lone car parked, I try to enter it, since it never work I tell to myself it must be a wreck.
  2. daedrick


    Hard to find and glitched, but they are already ingame.
  3. daedrick

    See my youtube video

    I love how some people reply to thread while they only read the title. He only meant to create this thread so he could promote his video. The only logical thing there is to do knowing that is to lower his reputation and let his thread sink.
  4. daedrick

    See my youtube video

    I dont speak spanish... so yeah, GL with that.
  5. daedrick

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    Gratz MR DELICIOUS on your promotion. Couldn't have been a better choice. That being said, may I suggest that you add dots on a picture of chernarus indicating vehicules spawns for a more comprehensive list?
  6. daedrick

    Trouble joining server.

    What about you relax 2 seconds, take the time to write something other people can actually read and understand and then see if we can solve your poorly explained problem. Great? Alright do that. I will also add that there is a support section in the forums, and your title is completly meaningless. Good day.
  7. daedrick


    You are begging to get murdered unless you are a bait. Either way, good luck with that.
  8. ALPHA and all... but what Krisko said make perfect sense. He probably was on the edge to turn when you killed him. But yeah, anyther reason why the humanity is flawed, you should turn bandit when -0 not above it... otherwise it take humanity off your stats while the guy is a bandit anyway.
  9. Been waiting for a game such as this one for a looooooooong time. The industry need to wake the %?&$ up and deliver us WORLDS and not CORRIDORS.
  10. Yeah age question should be something like under 18 18 to 25 25 to 30 30 to 40 over 40 That being said, nothing really surprised me in the survey exept perhaps the 3 guys admiting being hackers.
  11. daedrick

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    DAYZ logo is awesome, its simple and effective. Please use a good quality of cloth for the t-shirt, also something fit, not the big slack one that doesn't fall well on the shoulders. Also, need a female one, I want to buy another one for my GF.
  12. Yeah the amount of time played is wierdly asked because I mesure mine in days. I log in an see chernarus island day 9... so yeah. Anyway good idea and bumping.
  13. daedrick

    More Complex Medical System

    The way I see it, is that we already have most of the medical tools usable in the field. The thing is, I believe we should be a little bit more reliant from other players to get medical threatment. What Im trying to say is I believe eventually player will get some starting professions/skills that will motivate people to group together and work together while lone wolves are still effective. There are people out there that want to play the role of the ''healer'' and a doctor profession would certainly make that possible. But thats another suggestion all together.
  14. daedrick

    Remove obstacles to cooperation

    Skins are coming soon, probably after he have tweaked the weather system which is a complete mess right now. Other than that, the only obstacle I see is communication, and we have to wait for BIS to release the official patch so everybody have it and direct chat works again. You said a lot about the problem, but you didn't suggest many fixes. I dont personnaly like your dot system and the lootable cloth/skins will fix that to an extent... so thats that.
  15. Bump for visibility, thanks for the feedback.
  16. daedrick

    Under the wrong impression (Temp)

    Indeed, temperature shouldn't decrease during a sunny day at all. This whole temperature thing Im very not fond of. I dont mind minimal debuff such as shacky aim and coughing, but losing health or becoming sick? Nope. Im a land surveyor. One day I had to work on top of a mountain (over 1 kilometers above sea level) it was rainning ice and yet I survived my 10 hours shift outside without the proper gear and no vehicule to warm me. I even ate under the icy rain. Yet, I did not catch a cold nor died, I simply took a warm hot bath with my girlfriend when I got home.
  17. Great idea, simple and effective. +1
  18. I agree with the OP. A reflex sight is a must and bigger stack of bolts as well. Especialy since they are so easily lost either by missing or the zombie fall on it. :S
  19. Im always for more zombies, everywhere... MOAR! But as the rest of the hoard, I hate the respawn rate.
  20. Very useful topic and questions. Im very curious about this myself.
  21. daedrick


    Pretty good indeed!
  22. daedrick

    How do people group and communicate?

    When someone spot me he ask me through the general channel, after some talk, we add each other to steam and talk using the chat windows and MIC. When I spot someone, for exemple, I enter a building and there is a guy standing there looking at me scared, I quickly exit the building, hide in a bush then start asking them questions through gereral channel. If he wants to group, we add each other to steam and use our MIC there.
  23. daedrick

    Findable Skins?

    Not yet added since bandit skins is still ingame, also look at the patch notes in the announcement forum.
  24. Lol, what kind of moron would keep two of those? Plus you farmed all these on empty server obviously because of the sheer amount of mags you have. I have the very same rifle, Ive got it on FULL servers and all my mags for it too. Either way you are a small person for stroking your epeen like that on a forum. Pathetic.
  25. ...and that guy is an admin if we believe his signature. No wonder servers are that shity.