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About daedrick

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    Behind you, breathing on your neck.
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    Girls, video games, cars, wilderness... more video games!

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    Im currently the leader of DAYZ Froggers, an organised group that roam Chern looking for loot and action. Im also a land surveyor, father of one little girl and boyfriend of an awesome girl in reality.

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  1. daedrick

    My Hand Shakes

    Hey oh, stop right there. There is nothing abnormal with shaking when you are scared or stressed. Its completly normal. You think it is not normal because it never happenned before in a video game, and I understand your feeling. You will get that shaking in very few games. EVE online will give you that feeling and DAYZ... those are the only two games that I know of that can really make someone nervous. :)
  2. Half? Maybe there would be even more people, who knows, if the game was well executed, it could be twice as good as DAYZ is currently. Anyway, I highly doubt Rocket ever made that mod for popularity. Yes it would work, only differently.
  3. I know, but I didn't want to bring that up because facing the truth sometimes is annoying. It is certainly the real reason behind zombies. Best post so far, take my beans.
  4. @Hetstaine, I see where you are going with that, and you completly right... but for a movie format. That would never work in a multiplayer video game since its not your family you are facing, but nobodies without names nor stories. Canon foder. Meat shields. I dont feel pity when I destroy an entire town populated by infected people. I feel nothing. I do feel something when I kill an underserving player tough. But even if player turned to zombies, they would still be empty shells, since you know they will respawn uninfected and fresh.
  5. Thinking out of the box always have that kind of feedback. Their reading comprehension is indeed seriously lacking, I mean, they answer NO... NO to what? I didn't ask for anything other than answers to my questions, questions that can't be answered with a YES or NO. It just doesn't make any sense.
  6. Very good post OP, indeed. You should check out my latest thread, Im would love an intelligent answer to my questions.
  7. daedrick

    Make every server its own hive?

    Idea with good intention but I think but right now we have the best of both worlds. I personnaly never play on private hive, but those that do can, and those that dont want to, also can.
  8. The only reason we kill each other so much is because zombies are just an annoyance and nothing else. Now, take the monsters I described in my second post, Im pretty sure people would team up a lot more while bandits and murderers would still be there. But yeah, I see where you are going with that, and I agree, but still, my point remain, does it have to be zombies?
  9. Ahahha, no, these guys are hopeless, they truly dont understand the essence of video games. I will be very surprised if suddently they make something that doesn't smell like garbage.
  10. Wow, if rocket ever read that post, he will certainly grind his teeth because I am positively doing it right now. I hope you are player and not a developer and dont ever want to be one with that mind frame. Now, because something is challenging and new we shouldn't go for it. If thats the case, then DAYZ would never have existed, because, before now it was exactly that. Before; Developers loved games and made money. Now: Developers love money and make games.
  11. Rocket said he wont go for the slow unrealistic undead and I totally agree with him on that part. You are asking for slow zombies and expecting to fear them more than fast zombies? Even if your character have stamina, slow zombies are a joke. I could scavenge a whole town alone without firing a shot if I went agains't slow zombies, no matter how many there are. Humanity would NEVER fall to slow zombies, undead or not. It would be a one sided war. Dont believe the shit max brooks write, we are not as dumb as he make us seems to be especialy at what we do best, destroy and kill.
  12. Cmon, tell me why zombies are that great? Tell me why its such a good idea to do just like the rest. Sto being sheeps and see beyond your nose. DAYZ have been original about the gameplay, ultra realistic simulation in a zombie apocalypse setting, now what about it is a little more original about the rest?
  13. Why? What do zombies have that make them so great? In this case they are infected inspired from my favorite zombie movie 28 days later(suck it old folks). They barely pose any threat, they are running morons without weapons. What if we were surviving in Stephen king's ''the mist'' world instead? Hellish creatures completly unknown from the human kind with terrifying abilities in a thick fog. Creatures that are so big that only military grade vehicules could kill. Creatures that can smell you from a mile while you can't barely see where you are going. Horrific tentacules tearing up your squad, spliting them in half. Poisonus flies that swarm light sources. Giant spiders that fill corpses with their eggs and throw acid webs. Now, wouldn't that make surviving more interresting? Wouldn't that kind of monster be more interresting than simple zombies? I think yes.
  14. Hello everybody, and I know I will get flamed for saying that, but does it really have to be zombies? Now, you may be wondering why Im saying that, or why Im here at all. Hell, I love zombies, I have almost every zombies games there is on the market right now, well all the decent ones at least. I love zombies movies and I love DAYZ, it isn't that big of a deal that its zombies we are fighting in dayz but hear me out. For older gamers out there, you remember when every video games developers made world war ll shooters and games in general? Do you remember how we all got completly burned off world war ll video games... I know I did, and I know developers noticed the drop in popularity as well because now they are barely any recent world war ll video games. Red orchestra and company of heroes, are the only two really noticable games... Well, the exact same thing is happenning with zombies! We didn't get any zombie games since forever and now we are drowning in zombies games. Every body and their mothers are making zombie games... Desura? zombies... kickstarter? Zombie games! Steam green light? ZOMBIE GAMES! In development? MOAR ZOMBIES! Sequels? Dead island 2, dead rising 3, resident evil 15?!?!?! Freaking zombies everywhere while all the other kind of monsters are left in their coffins. Im not asking rocket here to throw vampires instead of zombies, of course not. Even tough we haven't got a single vampire game in forever... hell we only got ONE single decent vampire video game and it was Vampire the masquerade(Get it now on steam, really). But anyway, can we get anything else other than zombies? The point of DAYZ is not the zombies, its surviving in a post apocalyptic world populated with bloody monster out there to get you, in this case, zombies. But why zombies? Isn't there any other options? Would it possible for something entirely different but still plausible and realistic? Im hoping as hell. Im begging you Rocket, Im sure you can come up with something better than that. Something with more potential than zombies while still retaining the essence of the game. Anyway, that being said, I dont have any hope for change. Im realistic. But still, I would LOVE to know what you guys think about that, and more specificaly, what rocket thinks about that. I also want to hear from the developers and moderators if you guys care. Thanks for reading... LET THE FIRE OF HELL DESCEND UPON ME! Flame on.