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About YukonMan

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. YukonMan

    -=Vg=- Victory Gamerz Recruiting

    I am interested in joining but my style of DayZ is laidback and easygoing, like to gear up with friends. tour around and have small skirmishes, not crazy about big ops but will do them... small ops are fun too but again I like to take it easy... if this style is OK for you guys and gals then I may sign up. Still shopping around for some fun player groups though so will check back later.
  2. ...as for the Admin thing I may be interested, not sure yet. Would like to meet the group first. I am very computer literate for an old guy. Been running my own Web Server for 17 years now without a glitch. Host and build websites. Run a Mail Server. Even ran an IRC Chat Server years ago for Shadowbane and played that a lot...
  3. Are you still looking for members? Steam Name: YukonMan Age: Old Location: British Columbia interior Chat programs: (List programs you've D/L) I have IRC Chat but not Team Speak. Usually I just use a USB mic Equipment on hand: (Optional) How long have you played DayZ: Not a long time but many years as a gamer... about three weeks in DayZ Other info: My computer runs at almost 4 Ghz with lots of RAM, 15 MB Internet connection so not much lag from my end... How do I join if you want me and what Server? Thanks YukonMan
  4. YukonMan

    [CDS] Canadian Dayz Squad NOW Recruiting

    Hey there, I'm in British Columbia, fairly new to DayZ although have some stuff figured out pretty good... starting to survive more now. I wouldn't mind giving your group a try however I don't have TeamSpeak although I do have a Server of my own that I can run ircchat on. Mostly though I just use a USB Mic on my computer here... if that's OK let me know and I'll give your group a try... in game I'm YukonMan