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About skyzzo14

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    On the Coast
  1. skyzzo14

    Your weird/odd/funny encounters in DayZ

    I was playing with my friend on a 30 players server and we were fully geared and decided to go to Berezino to help some new spawns (I like to help them with food or even weapons) and we saw a man with a weapon, I pulled my mosin with a PU scope and shot 2 rounds...he was on the ground, we checked his pulse and he was just unconscious so we handcuffed him, bandaged him then he woke up. I wanted to told him that we are not going to kill him but then I saw someone else with a mosin near us and he shot my friend until he died, I got behind cover and returned fire but I didn't hit him and he disappeared, I couldn't find him, I pointed my mosin at the handcuffed guy, he was shouting: " Please don't kill me, please don't kill me" but I thought the guy who killed my friend is his friend so I shot him in the head then I hear shots again that motherfucker was shooting at me again, he hit me in my arm but I got to cover in time, I wanted to return fire but I couldn't see him anywhere so I searched for him for like 20 minutes but couldn't find him so I decided to go to Elektro to meet with my friend and as I was walking on the middle of the street I saw someone behind me, far from me, sneaking behind trees and bushes, then I realised it was the fucker who killed my friend, I pulled out my mosin, attached the long range scope over the PU one and shot 2 times but without success, I couldn't hit him so I pulled my magnum out and go after him, he was behind a bush, he had a magnum pulled out too so we began shooting each other, he managed to broke my leg but I killed him...I had no splint in my invetory, so I decided to cut some firewood but while I was doing that someone behind me with an SKS says: "Surprise, bitch" and shoot me like 5 times or so... That's my funny story, still can't believe that the guy who killed my friend and almost killed me too followed me for so long...at least he died even if i died too
  2. skyzzo14

    Fall damage buggy?

    Once I wanted to suicide to spawn closer to my friend so I climbed an office building and jumped...0 fall damage....WTF then I climbed the crane in Berezino, jumped off...nothing I didn't die..again WTF
  3. skyzzo14

    I feel bad for killing a good guy

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  4. So me and my friend decided to go to the big ship in north-east to loot it, I had a shotgun but no ammo and my friend a sporter with a few ammo...I told him to go on the ship and loot things while I stay outside to look for enemies...guess it was a bad idea...after 2 or 3 minutes I was down, shot by someone with a double rifle, my legs broken and then he came at me with the gun pointed at me...and I said:" It's ok man...I am friendly please don't kill me" and then he said he`ll make me walk again with a splint and he did that so I told him that I have a friend here that is friendly too so don't shoot him, ok ? and he said he won't shoot him...Then after my friend came I asked the man if he has any shotgun bullets, he gave me some and we continued to walk.. I was talking with my friend on Skype and I told him: "We kill him ?" he said no but I loaded my shotgun and continued walking and we walk for a long time until we arrived in Berezino and I told my friend: "Man I will kill him now, I will kill him!" he said: "Why ? He is a good guy, don't kill him man..." While he was eating I quckly pointed my shotgun at him and fired two rounds in him killing him... then I thought: Why did i killed him ? He helped me...oh man i wish i didn't do it... then my friend told me: "Oh man, why did you killed him...he was a good guy" and then he told me that he`ll go to sleep so I was alone now...and I felt so bad for killing that man that tried to kill me but he spared my life...then i quit the game because I had a weird feeling... Anyway how was your first kill ? This was mine...my first kill...I didn't even know if the shotgun was going to work because I don't know much about this game...Did you felt bad for your first kill ?
  5. skyzzo14

    Pistols with magazines ?

    I don't usually go to an military base because I just started playing the game and I am afraid I will die so I go to Gorka (I think this is the name) or other small cities and loot the police cars there I find pistols (FNX45, 1911 etc.) but there are no magazines just the pistols and you can only shoot one time with a bullet chambered into the weapon, that makes the weapon almost useless because someone with an axe can knock you out easily because one bullet can't kill a man only a headshot but as I am beginner I can't aim very good so he kills me. So I suggest making pistols spawn with a mag
  6. skyzzo14

    Pistols with magazines ?

    My first post here and a little suggestion: When you find guns you don't find magazines in it just ammo (I always find guns in police cars) and that's pretty annoying because if you chamber a pistol you only have 1 ammo and if a player runs at you with a baseball bat and you shoot him you must shoot him in the head to kill him but it`s pretty hard because he is probably strafing and if you manage to shoot him in the chest he will not die, just bleed out and then you have no more ammo and you must chamber the pistol again and while you do that he kills you...I remember my first time when I found a pistol and some ammo I was so happy I thought: Great now I can defend myself against other players that might attack me and guess what I see a man running to me with a fire axe I asked "Friendly ?" he didn't said anything and started attacking me I ran for a while I put my pistol in my hands aim at him while he was running to me and I start to spam the left mouse button because I thought the pistol is semi-automatic and I have ammo in it but hell no I just shot him one time and then there were no more bullets and he knocked me out, took my pistol and finished me. So my suggestion is when you find a pistol (not m4 or other guns) there is a big chance that you find a magazine in it now it`s just a small suggestion tell me if you like it or not :)
  7. skyzzo14

    Make hospitals have hospital related loot.

    It seems it depends on server: 1) Played a lot on a high pop. server and what I found in hospitals was: Food, tools like screwdrivers and can openers or knives 2) Changed to a low pop server and when I went in a hospital I found a lot of medical loot like 2 or 3 medic kits, blood bags, IV Start Kit and everything medical related