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Everything posted by Airfield

  1. Airfield

    Did the bible save me?

    You where NOT saved by the bible. The bible in the game provides no boosts of health, speed, or chance of survival in any way. If anything, it takes up space which makes it a negative effect on survival. But if for some reason it makes you feel safe/courageous, then by all means, carry it
  2. Airfield

    Where the hell am i ?

    He should focus on learning to detect and follow a downwards slope and know how to reach the shore by senses. That is a much more reliable way of reaching the shore then following the sun IN MY EXPERIENCE.
  3. Airfield

    Sabotage other players loot.

    Along with using a knife, you could maybe select an action to trample their clothing, which takes longer and can bring it down to Badly Damaged. I usually just take the players gun and ammo and major valuables and throw them into an unreachable location xD
  4. Airfield

    Idea for baseball caps

    Thanks for the sources. I should really use the search function more often, shouldn't I? I guess the last official suggestion was in Feb. so the suggestion is SORT of old but doesn't need to be repeating I guess. Sorry for being so snappy about you needing to cite your sources, I was just sort of grumpy :P
  5. Airfield

    Cruel Joke or What?

    But why would you acquaintance yourself with such measly guns when high powered rifles such as the AK variants are readily available, even more so then acquired the tools and guns to create a Sawed off Mosin. An AKM is 5x more deadly then a Mosin, with a 75-round drum, high damage at close range, and rapid fire. The Mosin is clip less, requiring manual loading, IS deadly and accurate but is hard to use at close range, and is easily outdone by a more high-capacity rifle. You also have to take in consideration that there is no possibility to spray and pray if your screen is shaky from a common battle injury such as loss of health or a broken leg. You OBVIOUSLY haven't tried to hit a target with a close range Mosin, not to mention its sawed off, under such circumstances. If guns become hard to acquire like you rambled about, then I will easily acquaint myself to using harder to manage rifles such as a long rifle at close range, which is not its purpose. But until that time comes, Ill use the Mosin for its REAL purpose and stick to my original purpose and suggestions.
  6. Airfield


    I agree, my idea is not very bright. But I think as of right now simplicity is ideal. There are quite a few things that are not very realistic, am I correct. Maybe you would have to use the wrench and screwdriver or something to make the bomb. Not sure how it all works but I was just kind of making a suggestion that might work. :P
  7. Airfield

    How to stop server hopping.

    Normal DayZ and a tad bit of Overwatch. Boy, you must have a really bad reputation by constantly contradicting and arguing over others viewpoints. Nothing wrong with that, just a tad bitty annoying.
  8. Airfield

    Idea for baseball caps

    Show me a link where this has been suggested. That's common curtsy when you disclaim someone of an idea.
  9. Airfield

    Server hunt

    Wrong section.
  10. Airfield

    Where the hell am i ?

    If you are in the god damned middle of nowhere, try and look for a slight downwards slope in the terrain. If you follow this with the mountains or any hills away from you, you should eventually hit the coast. When you do, put your left hand side to the shore and travel that way. This will eventually mean you will come across a town, and if you continue to walk, the two big cities of Elektro and Cherno. Once you past Cherno, you are 2 minutes away from the Bolota Airstrip. Hope this helps, keep us updated!
  11. Yah, I sense that DayZ is going to take a hit when GOOD games like h1z1 hit the market.
  12. Airfield

    what's your favorite backpack to use?

    The improvised backpack looks fucking incredible with the Mosin wrap, full TTSKO, and the Olive High Capacity. Really, I sort of go in sperts by collecting enough to eat, engaging in activities for a couple hours, and relooting. I just hate going through the whole process of hoarding a mountain backpack of food to get shot before you actually use it.
  13. Airfield

    First Kill in DayZ (Not being a bandit)

    I find that hard to believe :P I feel like killing isn't something to be ashamed of. If I spawn and smother someones skull with a hammer for his gear, that's a purposeful reason to kill. I needed his gear. But when KOS is involved when there is REALLY no reason to kill other then fun and target practice, that's when I disagree. But ey, if you choose to skip the best part of the game, social interacting, then that's you!
  14. Airfield

    How to stop server hopping.

    I'm of a younger age (younger then my vocabulary and maturity might make me appeal through type), and excelling in schoolwork gives me lots of free-time that homework would take up. Besides for sports, I mainly involve myself in the gaming community. Along the lines of a job, I do lots of server hosting (I have a DayZ server if you want to hit me up :P ) which hauls in big cash from advertising, purchased donation ranks, and sponsoring. But yeah, I have been around since the early dayz (pun intended) of DayZ but have JUST recently started getting active in the forums, which I regret not starting to do earlier.
  15. Bout sums it up. Those clips of the Mod brought me near to tears, I must say. Those where the dayz. (pun intended)
  16. Airfield

    Random Deaths

    Common glitches that I have found to cause death, and correct me if they have been patched, are the following: -About a 20% chance of dying when looting the ATC Tower -A 10% chance you will die when you pick up a Mosin -Occasionally, a zombie WILL one shot you, maybe a 5% chance. -5% chance its a server glitch, whether problems connecting to the data base or restoring your character -5% you will get killed if you log in a spot where a zombie could hit you in your 15 second wait before fully despawning.
  17. Airfield

    DayZ Arma 2 Cinematic Hero Skin

    This is meant for the DayZ Mod Section, not the Standalone section. Most people here wont be able to help, so your better off moving to the Mod area where this belongs. Don't rush to delete it, and admin will move it for yah :P
  18. Airfield

    Cruel Joke or What?

    I know this isn't the answer to your question, but the sawed off Mosin is a joke. Sawing off the Mosin takes away the only GOOD think the rifle has going for it, which is its range and accuracy (within 400 meters). Sawing it off basically turns it into a high-powered, 5-round capacity, incredibly inaccurate fanboy of the Long Horn. But on the topic of hacksaws, I thoroughly agree that along with many other items in the current version of this game, they are like finding a needle in a haystack. If you want to, hit me up on Steam, my username is Baby Blender. If I find a hacksaw or if my friend does, we will give it to you.
  19. Airfield

    Death flys

    Thats a really good idea mate. It would add suspense if the body had the aroma of gun shots, as it hints to possible player population. I think being able to tell the time of death briefly would also help in figuring out how they died and when to make connections to possible threats in the area. Good idea, but for now desync is our go-to warning for hostiles!
  20. Airfield

    How to stop server hopping.

    Meh, I have 4000 combined hours of DayZ Standalone and the Mod. I think I enjoy the game. The current game is nothing more then a death match on a large scale. Running from Svet to Bolota, gearing, going to Berezino and fighting to death. Rinse and repeat all in a couple hours work. If you find anything else besides that appealing, such as buggy fishing or dull hunting that counts as surviving, your pretty fucked. I dont think you should go around going smart ass on peoples honest opinions when you havn't evaluated the communities feelings very closely.
  21. Airfield

    Today Marks My Characters first death

    Meh, when the next update comes they are wiping the regular hives, so at least you went down in a semi-rain of glory rather then against your will. Damn, when people are left with nothing left, airfields are going to be a flipping madhouse. *rubs his hands in excitement*
  22. Airfield

    Do you prefer fast zombies or slower zombies?

    If we are going for realism here, zombies wouldn't be fast. They would be decaying, and there bone density and general build would be more more saggy and lacking the strength and pep of a living human. Buffing damage would be a monstrosity until they fully patch the fact that zombies can slash you from 10m away and glitch through walls.
  23. Airfield

    Possible transportation?

    People have suggested skateboards, roller-blades, bikes, folding bikes, a plethora of Russian cars, even 4-wheelers. It's just a matter of the dev team actually trying to get work done like they did in the mod when it wasn't about all the cash. I'm starting to wish some of the creators of editions like Epoch or DayZ Origins would take over this project. I usually don't bitch about the teams slow development, but something just sparked me to let it out.
  24. Airfield

    Footstep sounds

    I think it should depend on what kind of shoes the player is wearing. Whether they are clunky military boots or soft padded tennis shoes would make a difference. But I do agree that footsteps should sound like pistol shots when no other sound is existent.
  25. Airfield

    Death flys

    It always made me incredibly paranoid when I heard flies, which added an extra dimension to paranoia when in big cities like Berezino or Svet. But I remember camping and the constant sound of flies building around us sort of got into my head.