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About mickjohnathan

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    On the Coast

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  1. mickjohnathan

    DayZ Mod 1.8.3

    so you think zombies have 3.6 meter hands to attack players? why don't you make 4 or 5 meters then&?!
  2. mickjohnathan

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    wow, this is the really awesome news, I'm excited. thank you for detailed explanation :)
  3. mickjohnathan

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    oh, nice. is it ready to play or you are still working on it? if so then when would we be able to enjoy it approximately though.
  4. mickjohnathan

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    okay, it seems I get the point with canned fluids as there is no reason to drink them. but what is with the food? why cooked meat cant make a character full? just curious, why don't you have some kinds of manuals or related topics marked as important to prevent the noobs fro questioning like I do
  5. mickjohnathan

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    sorry by the way, didn't know that wells are "clear"
  6. mickjohnathan

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    this is the problem, I'm afraid of drinking directly from water sources any more, after got sick plenty of times and had to go to cherno for cures in dispair. couple of words about the loot. it's also looks like some kind of script that giving you a huge amount of multiplied similar stuff you already own and do not feel need in it. that looks like some kind of joke. anyway this works contrary to player in both cases: before you get desirable things and after you get them.
  7. mickjohnathan

    DayZ Mod 1.8.1

    can someone explain me what am I doing wrong? my character always need to eat 5-8 cans of food to feed up fully. cooked meat of wild boar (4 pcs) gives 1/3 of hunger. so I really need to eat 12 of them or what? again with the thirsty... 7-8 sodas and colas can cover the needs. at the same time the only 1 water battle is enough. also I can't get the thing about the loot. knives, maps, water bottles, matches are pretty rare. but then you get it.. bam... you will find that stuff everywhere in insane amounts. for example, I found a map and then found four, FOUR maps in one building. I found a hatchet and after that, yeah, I found 3 hatchets in one place, 3 boxes of matches and 3 rifles at one places add to this, this list going to infinite. I know this could be good with the water, but carrying even 10 sodas doesn't guarantee you won't die from thirsty in searching for water bottle and matches to boil it. personally I can drink 4 water cans per day, but who drinks 7 of them at once? 7x0.33 l = 2.31 l - thats pretty suspicious.. I can't even find words about the food.